• Smoothing a data set to extract a smooth trend using ksmooth and loess
  • Add curves to a plot using the lines function, and shaded regions using polygon
  • Add a smooth trend and confidence interval to a scatterplot
  • Estimate a smooth density function of a single variable using the density function.
  • Add smooth densities to histograms, and draw violin plots and ridgeline plots
  • Make a 2-D density estimate, and visualise it using contours and a heat map with the image function.

You will need to install the following packages for today’s workshop:

  • ggplot2 for the violin plot
  • ggridges for the ridgeline plot

1 Smoothing

Smoothing is a very powerful technique used all across data analysis. Other names given to this technique are curve fitting and low pass filtering. It is designed to detect trends in the presence of noisy data where the shape of the trend is unknown. The smoothing name comes from the fact that to accomplish this feat, we assume that the trend is smooth, as in a smooth surface. In contrast, the noise, or deviation from the trend, is unpredictably wobbly. The justification for this is that conditional expectations or probabilities can be thought of as trends of unknown shapes that we need to estimate in the presence of uncertainty.

Download data: UN

The data we’ll use to explore smoothing is the UN data set comprising various measures of national statistics on health, welfare, and education for 213 countries and other areas from 2009-2011, as reported by the UN. Let’s consider the relationship between the wealth of the country (as measured by the GDP per person, in 1000s US dollars) and infant mortality (defined as deaths by age 1 year per 1000 live births).

plot(x=UN$ppgdp, y=UN$infantMortality, xlab="GDP", ylab="Infant Mortality", pch=16)

We quite clearly see a strong relationship here, but it is far from linear. Poorer countries have higher levels of infant mortality, and wealthier countries have lower mortality rates. We also seee that beyond a point, further increases in GDP do not result in further reduction in mortality, and similarly the very poor countries have higher, and much more variable, infant mortality rates. We also notice one possible outlier with a very high infant mortality compared to other countries of similar GDP (this turns out to be Equatorial Guinea).

1.1 Moving average

The general idea of a moving average is to group data points into a local neighbourhood in which the value of the trend is assumed to be constant, which we estimate by the average of these nearby points. Then as we move along the x-axis, our neighbourhood and hence the estimate of the trend will change.

To fit a moving average, we use the ksmooth function using a "box" kernel and a bandwidth to govern the size of the neighbourhood as follows:
fit <- ksmooth(x=UN$ppgdp, y=UN$infantMortality, kernel = "box", bandwidth = 5)
The object we’ve created is a list with components x and y corresponding to our estimates of the smooth trend (y) at the corresponding values of GDP (x). We now just need to add this to our plot.

We can use R’s line drawing functions to add curves to a plot via the lines function, which takes a vector of x and y values and draws straight-line segments connecting then on top of the current plot.

If we want to add simple straight lines to lines to plots, then we can use the simpler abline function. abline can be used in three different ways:

  • Draw a horizontal line: pass a value to the h argument, abline(h=3) draws a horizontal line at \(y=3\)
  • Draw a vertical line: pass a value to the c argument, abline(v=5) draws a vertical line at \(x=5\)
  • Draw a line with given intercept and slope: pass value to the a and b arguments representing the intercept and slope respectively; abline(a=1,b=2) draws the line at \(y=1+2x\)

Let’s add our moving average trend to the scatterplot

plot(x=UN$ppgdp, y=UN$infantMortality, xlab="GDP", ylab="Infant Mortality", pch=16)
lines(x=fit$x, y=fit$y, col="red", lwd=3)

While it mostly follows the shape of the data, there are some obvious issues:

  • The trend is still quite noisy, and not quite the smooth curve we might expect
  • There are gaps in the trend - this is where our data points are so far apart that we have no data points in the neighbourhood to produce an average
  • The moving average is very sensitive to extremes and outliers. Notice how the trend is ‘pulled upwards’ by a few large mortality values at the left of the plot.
  • Repeat the commands above but increase the bandwidth.
  • Add your new smooth trend to the plot using a different colour of line.
  • How does the outlier affect the shape of the smooth?

1.2 Kernels

Kernel smoothers replace a moving average of nearby points with a weighted average of all the data, with nearer points having more contribution than more distant points.

We can fit the kernel smoother using the same ksmooth function, but now we must change the kernel argument. This smoother only supports the normal (Gaussian) or box (Uniform) kernel functions.

fit <- ksmooth(x=UN$ppgdp, y=UN$infantMortality, kernel = "normal", bandwidth = 5)
plot(x=UN$ppgdp, y=UN$infantMortality, xlab="GDP", ylab="Infant Mortality", pch=16)
lines(x=fit$x, y=fit$y, col="red", lwd=3)

We can see a number of notable changes here:

  • The trend is much smoother
  • We still have a gap where our data are sparse - the bandwidth is still too small
  • There is a bump in the trend near the outlier we identified earlier, and a bump around GDP=75 where our data are sparse and influenced by one larger value

Overall, this looks to be doing a better job, but still rather susceptible to extreme values.

1.3 Local regression and Loess

Local regression methods work in a similar way to our kernel smoother above, only instead of estimating the trend by a local mean weighting by nearby data we fit a linear regression using a similar weighting. We typically need to use a much larger bandwidth to have enough points to adequately estimate the regression line, but the results are generally closer to a more stable and smooth trend function.

The technique we have looked at is achieved using the loess function, which takes a span argument to represent the proportion of the entire data set used to estimate the trend. This span plays the same role as the bandwidth parameter does.

It’s a little more work to add the loess smoother to our plots, as we must separately fit the model and then predict the trend at some new locations (the ksmooth did both jobs for us). However,

## fit the model, using 2/3 of the data
lfit <- loess(infantMortality~ppgdp, data=UN, span=0.66) 
## create a sequence of points to cover the x-axis
xs <- seq(min(UN$ppgdp), max(UN$ppgdp), length=200)
## get the predicted trend at the new locations, and the error too
lpred <- predict(lfit, data.frame(ppgdp=xs), se = TRUE) 

## redraw the plot
plot(x=UN$ppgdp, y=UN$infantMortality, xlab="GDP", ylab="Infant Mortality", pch=16) 
## add the loess prediction
lines(x=xs, y=lpred$fit, col='red',lwd=4) 

We see the loess curve is much smoother and better behaved, however it is still influenced by the outliers in the data.

Since the loess curve is built upon ideas of regression, we can use regression theory to extact confidence intervals for our loess trend. The predict function here returns a list with many elements. We have used fit to get the predicted trend lines, but we can use the se.fit component to build an approximate confidence interval.

To do this, we’ll create a vector for the upper and lower limits of the confidence interval as \(\hat{y}\pm 1.96\times \text{SE}(\hat{y})\) and use lines to add these limits to our plot:

upr <- lpred$fit + 1.96*lpred$se.fit ## upper limit of 95% CI
lwr <- lpred$fit - 1.96*lpred$se.fit ## lower limit of 95% CI
plot(x=UN$ppgdp, y=UN$infantMortality, xlab="GDP", ylab="Infant Mortality", pch=16)
lines(x=xs, y=lpred$fit,col='red',lwd=4)
lines(x=xs, y=upr,col='red',lwd=1, lty=2)
lines(x=xs, y=lwr,col='red',lwd=1, lty=2)

A couple of things to note here:

  • These confidence intervals are intervals for the location of the trend, not for the data. We do not expect most of our data to be between these limits.
  • Notice how our uncertainty grows to the right of the plot where we have fewest data.

A nicer way to represent the confidence interval is by using a shaded region. Again, this is possible from the information we have but requires a little more work.

The polygon function can be used to draw shaded regions on an existing plot. The default syntax is:

polygon(x, y, col=NA, border=NULL)

  • The x and y arguments take the \((x,y)\) coordinates of the shape to draw.
  • The default for colour draws no fill, so it is advisable to set a colour here.
  • The default border outlines the region with a black solid line. To disable the border, set this to NA.

We can use our confidence limits to draw the polygon, however we need to combine the points before calling polygon.

plot(x=UN$ppgdp, y=UN$infantMortality, xlab="GDP", ylab="Infant Mortality", pch=16)
lines(x=xs, y=lpred$fit,col='red',lwd=4)
## we need 'scales' to use the alpha function for transparency
        col=alpha('red',0.2), border=NA)

Here we defined y as c(upr,rev(lwr)), i.e. the upper CI followed by the reversed lower CI. This is because polygon joins successive points together, so we must reverse the order of one of the vectors so we can draw around the shape correctly. If you’re unsure why this is needed, repeat the above command and remove the calls to the rev function in x and y.

1.4 Data set 1: Academic salaries

Download data: Salaries

The Salaries data set contains the 2008-09 nine-month academic salary for Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors in a University in the USA. The data were collected as part of the on-going effort of the college’s administration to monitor salary differences between male and female faculty members. Let’s take a look at two variables in particular - salary, and yrs.since.phd - the number of years since they completed their PhD, as a measure of “experience”. Let’s take a look at the data!

  • Take a look at the data with head or View to familiarise yourself with the variables.
  • Draw a scatterplot of the yrs.since.phd and salary, with salary on the vertical axis.
  • What do you conclude about the relationship? Does it agree with what you expected?
  • For each of the three types of smoother (simple moving average, a kernel smoother, and a loess fit), and add them to your plot as a different coloured lines. Experiment with different bandwidth values and spans.
  • How do your different smoothers compare?
  • Redraw the scatterplot, and add your loess curve as a solid line.
  • Follow the steps above to add the confidence interval to your plot - either as parallel lines, or as a shaded area, or both!
  • Use lm to fit a simple linear regression of the form salary~yrs.since.phd, and add this to the plot. Is this consistent with your smoothed trend and its confidence interval?
  • There are a couple of categorical variables in this data set - the sex of the academic, and their rank - one of Prof, AssocProf or AsstProf representing Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor (in descending order of seniority).
  • Use colour to highlight the different sexes - what do you conclude?
  • Use colour to highlight the different ranks - what do you see? What do you think about your trend now?

2 Density Estimation

Kernel density estimation (KDE) is a nonparametric method which uses kernels (as we’ve seen above) to estimate the probability density function of a continuous random variable. In other words, we are trying to produce a smoothed version of a histogram.

A density estimate is relatively easy to construct using the density function in R. It takes a few useful arguments:

  • x - the data
  • bw - the bandwidth parameter. If not specified, R will try and determine a value for itself.
  • kernel - the kernel function to use. Options include gaussian, rectangular, triangular, epanechnikov. Default is gaussian.
It then spits out an object with x and y components that we can plot or add to a plot with lines.
## draw a histogram of GDP on density scale
hist(UN$ppgdp, freq=FALSE,main='',xlab='GDP') 
 ## add a rugplot to see where the points lie
## a density estimate with Gaussian kernel and bandwidth of 5
d1 <- density(UN$ppgdp, bw=5)
lines(x=d1$x, y=d1$y, col='red', lwd=2)
## bandwidth of 10
d2 <- density(UN$ppgdp, bw=10)
lines(x=d2$x, y=d2$y, col='green', lwd=2)
## bandwidth of 2
d3 <- density(UN$ppgdp, bw=2)
lines(x=d3$x, y=d3$y, col='blue', lwd=2)
## let R choose a bandwidth
d4 <- density(UN$ppgdp)
lines(x=d4$x, y=d4$y, col='orange', lwd=2)

R does a reasonable job at guessing a not-too-stupid bandwidth parameter. To estimate the bandwidth, R calls the bw.nrd0 function on the data - read the help file if you want to know more.

Alternatively, we could skip the histogram altogether and just draw the density estimate:

## draw the line
plot(x=d4$x, y=d4$y,xlab='GDP',ylab='Density',ty='l')
## and add some fill to make it prettier
polygon(x=d4$x, y=d4$y, border=NA, col=alpha('red',0.4)) 

This can be a helpful tool for comparing the densities from different groups in a single plot.

2.1 Violin plots

The violin plot is a combination of ideas of a boxplot and the kernel density estimate above. Rather than drawing the crude box-and-whiskers of a boxplot, we instead draw a back-to-back density estimate.

Download data: chickwts

To illustrate, this consider the chickwts data set, which records the weight of 71 chicks fed on a six different feed supplements. Newly-hatched chicks were randomly allocated into six groups, and each group was given a different feed supplement. They were then weighed after six weeks. A separate boxplot can be drawn for each level of a categorical variable using the following code (not again the use of the linear model formula notation)


A violin plot takes the same layout of the boxplot, but draws a (heavily) smoothed density estimate instead of the box and whiskers.

       aes(x = factor(feed), y = weight)) + 
  geom_violin(fill = "lightBlue", color = "#473e2c", adjust=0.5) + 
  labs(x = "Feed Supplement", y = "Chick Weight (g)")

Violin plots can be quite effective at conveying the information of both a histogram and a boxplot in one graphic. As with most density estimates, experimenting with the bandwidth is usually a good idea - in this case the adjust parameter.

Finally, the plotting code for making a violin plot is a lot more involved than usual! ggplot is a powerful, but alternative, method of plotting in R. We’ve generally avoided it as it uses a fundamentally different plotting system to our regular graphics and takes rather more work to understand. However, it is exceptionally flexible and with it you can do many things that would be difficult otherwise, for instance:

       aes(x = factor(feed), y = weight)) + 
  geom_violin(fill = "lightBlue", color = "#473e2c", adjust=0.5) + 
  labs(x = "Feed Supplement", y = "Chick Weight (g)") + 

2.2 Ridgeline plots

Ridgeline plots, also called ridge plots, are another way to show density estimates for a number of groups. Much like the violin plot, we draw a separate density estimate for each group, but in the ridge line plot, the densities are stacked vertically to look like a line of hills or ridges (hence the name).

Again, this uses the gg family of plotting functions, but can easily be adapted. The main control parameter here is the scale which affects the height of the individual densities:

ggplot(chickwts, aes(weight, y=factor(feed), fill=feed)) + 
  geom_density_ridges(scale = 1.5)

2.3 Data set 2: Diamonds & Price

Download data: diamonds

The diamonds data set contains information on the prices and other attributes of 53,940 diamonds. In particular, it gives the weight (carat) and price of each diamond, as well as categorical variables representing the quality of the cut (Fair, Good, Very Good, Premium, Ideal), the diamond color (from D=best, to J=worst), and clarity representing how clear the diamond is (I1 (worst), SI2, SI1, VS2, VS1, VVS2, VVS1, IF (best)).

  • Explore the distribution of the carat of the diamonds. Start with a histogram and experiment with different numbers of bars.
  • Now make some density estimates and experiment with different bandwidths to produce a smoothed version of your histogram. Add these to your plot.
  • What about the distribution of prices?
  • How many diamonds are there of the different cuts?
  • How does the distribution of prices change according to the cut of the diamond?
    • Try drawing boxplots for each level of cut.
    • How do these compare to violin plots? And ridgeline plots?
    • Do you find any evidence of different behaviour amond the groups?
  • Perform a similar investigation of the diamond’s carat.
  • Draw plots to show how price changes according to the color of the diamond.
  • Perform a similar investigation of the diamond’s carat with clarity.
  • What conclusions do you draw?
  • Draw a scatterplot of the diamond’s carats against their price. What features do you see? You may need to modify your plot to deal with overplotting here.
  • Try adding the clarity as colour to your points. Does this expose any patterns?
  • What about color?

3 Extras: 2D Density estimation

The ideas of density estimation can be extended beyond one dimension. If we consider two variables at once, we can estimate their 2-d joint distribution as a smoothed version of a scatterplot. This also provides another alternative method of dealing with overplotting of dense data sets.

Let’s return to the Old Faithful data:

library(MASS) ## this is a standard package, you shouldn't need to install it
plot(x=geyser$duration, y=geyser$waiting,
     xlab='duration', ylab='waiting', pch=16)

A 2-D density estimate would smooth the distribution into a surface, picking out two or three peaks corresponding to the clumps in the data. We can fit the 2-D density using the kde2d function from the MASS package. It has few arguments, just the x and y to be smoothed, and an optional n which controls the amount of detail in the resulting smoothed density.
k1 <- kde2d(geyser$duration, geyser$waiting, n = 100)

The output of kde2d is a bit more complicated than we get from a 1-D density estimation. It’s now a list with x, y, and z components. The x and y components are the values of the specified variables (here, duration and waiting respectively) which are used to create a grid of points. The density value at every combination of x and y is then estimared and returned in the z component.

The value of n here indicates the number of grid points along each axis, effectively acting as an “inverse bandwidth”. Increasing this will give you smoother output due to making more estimates in a bigger z matrix, but will take longer to evaluate.

We can then add the smoothed density to our scatterplot as contours:

plot(x=geyser$duration, y=geyser$waiting,
     xlab='duration', ylab='waiting', pch=16, col=alpha('black',0.6))
contour(k1, add=TRUE, col='blue')

Using add=TRUE we can draw the contours on top of an existing plot. See the help on contour (?contour) for more ways to customise.

Alternatively, we could skip the scatterplot and just draw the contours (useful if we have too many points)

contour(k1, col='blue')

A different presentation of the density estimate is to draw the surface as a heatmap:


Each rectangular region in the plot is now coloured according to the density estimate. The heatmap is a little blocky due to the resolution of our density estimate. Specifying n=100 divides each axis into 100 intervals, giving us 10,000 2-D bins over the range of the data. Like a histogram, we can increase n to see more detail - though it can take a little while to compute.

If we want to overlay the data points, we can use the points function:

image(kde2d(geyser$duration, geyser$waiting, n = 500),
      xlab='duration', ylab='waiting')
points(x=geyser$duration, y=geyser$waiting,pch=16, col=alpha('black',0.6))

4 More practice

4.1 Data set 3: Hertzprung-Russell

Download data: HRstars

The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is famous visualisation of the relationship between the absolute magnitude of stars (i.e. their brightness) and their effective temperatures (indicated by their colour). The Hertzsprung-Russell provides an easy way to distinguish different categories of stars according to their position on the plot.

We’re going to look at the HRStars data which contain 6220 stars from the Yale Trigonometric Parallax Dataset.
  • Let’s start with single variables. Have a look at histograms of V and BV.
  • Do you see any evidence of groups in the data? You’ll need to adjust the number of bars.

Univariate summaries can conceal a lot of information when the data are inherently multivariate. So, let’s consider both variables.

  • Draw a plot of the magnitude V vertically against the observed colour BV.
  • The data contain a lot of points, so reduce your point size by scaling down the symbol size. This can be done by setting the optional argument cex to a value between 0 and 1 - the default size is 1.
  • What features do you see? Can you identify any groups in the data? Are there any outliers?
  • The Sun has an absolute magnitude of 4.8 and B-V colour of 0.66. Use the points function (it works exactly the same way as lines) to add it to your plot - use a different colour and/or plot character to make it stand out.
  • How does your plot differ from the plots you find on the web? How would you adjust your scatterplot to match?

The central ‘wiggle’ in the plot corresponds to main sequence stars. Below that wiggle are the white dwarf stars, and above are the giants and supergiants.

  • Fit a 2-D density estimate to the stars data.
  • Overlay the contours on your scatterplot (use a different colour and/or transparency).
  • The kde2d function takes an argument h which represents the bandwidth. We can supply a single value, or a vector of two values (one for each variable).
  • The contour plot seems to miss out the less dense region of dwarf stars in the bottom left due to the low density of points. The default number of contours drawn is 10, and it is set by the nlevels argument. Increase the number of contours until a contour around the dwarf group is visible.
  • Alternatively, you can pick the levels at which the contour lines are drawn by specifying a vector as input to the levels argument. I found that \(0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15\) work well - try this now.
  • Can you identify the main groups of stars?
This is more tricky and requires more R programming:
  • Create a new categorical variable to that represents the values of the Uncert variable, which represents the parallax error in the observations. Use three levels:
    • Uncert under 50
    • Uncert above 50 but below 100
    • Uncert above 100
  • Use your new variable to colour the points in your scatterplot according to this error.
  • Is this parallax error associated with the properties (and hence types) of observed stars?

4.2 Data set 4: Pearson’s heights

Download data: fatherSon

This is another dataset of father and son heights, this time from Karl Pearson (another prominent early statistician). This time we have 1078 paired heights recorded in inches and were published in 1903. Families were invited to provide their measurements to the nearest quarter of an inch with the note that “the Professor trusts to the bona fides of each recorder to send only correct results.”

  • Draw histograms of the sons’ and fathers’ heights (sheight and fheight). Use a density scale and a bar width of 1 inch.
  • Compute a density estimate for both distributions.
  • Draw the histograms side-by-side and overlay your density curves.
  • Do the data look normally distributed?

We should be careful about jumping to conclusions here, or as Pearson put it in his 1903 paper: “It is almost in vain that one enters a protest against the mere graphical representation of goodness of fit, now that we have an exact measure of it.” For the time, he was justified in his demanding both graphical and analytical approaches. Since those early days, analytic approaches have often been too dominant, both are needed.

  • Draw Normal quantile plots of the two variables side-by-side. Do the data look normal?
Let’s look at the pairwise relationship between the two heights.
  • Draw a scatterplot of sons’ heights (vertically) against fathers’ heights (horizontally).
  • Is there a strong association here? Calculate the correlation.
  • Fit a linear regression (recall in ISDS, you used the lm function). Add the line to your plot.

The height of a son is influenced by the height of the father, but there is a lot of unexplained variability. This scatterplot also illustrates a phenomenon known as regression towards the mean. Small fathers havs sons who are small, but on average not as small as their fathers. Tall fathers have sons who are tall, but on average not as tall as their fathers.

To explore further whether a non-linear model would be warranted, we could plot a smoother andt the best fit regression line together.
  • Fit a smoother to the data.
  • Add it to your plot with a 95% confidence interval.
  • Are the regression and smoother in agreement?