• Extracting subsets of a data set using []
  • Drawing simple barplots using barplot to show the distribution of a categorical variable
  • Using pie to draw pie charts to represent proportions

1 R Methods and Techniques

1.1 Loading data and getting started

For these workshops, we will provide RData files which will be indicated as below:

Download data: Marriage

Files with an extension “Rda” are R DAta files, and can be loaded directly into R. First, download the file and save it somewhere easily accessible (you can always move it later). You may want to save it to the same place as your R code and set that place to be R’s working directory. Once saved, there are various options to load the data file:

  1. In RStudio, open the Session menu and click Load Workspace.... Select the data file to load and click Open.
  2. In RStudio click the File tab in the bottom right panel of the screen. Use the file browser to locate the file, and simply click it to load. If you can’t find your saved file, you may need to move it to a place RStudio can find (usually this excludes external drives, cloud storage, or similar.)
  3. Or, run the following line of code to open a file selection window to navigate to and select the file. Once found, click open and the file will load into R.
  1. Or, if the path to the file is short (such as C:/data/file.Rda), you can simply use the load function and type the file path:

Advanced: To make life easier in the long-term, you can set your computer to automatically open .Rda files using RStudio. This is a more advanced solution, so you’ll have to figure out the details from the appropriate link below. Once set up, you’ll be able to load .Rda files into RStudio just by double-clicking.

1.2 Manipulating data: Extracting a subset

The Marriage dataset contains the marriage records of 98 individuals in Mobile County, Alabama from the late 1990s. Looking at the first few rows of the data, we can see the data contains a lot of variables, some categorical, some numerical, some dates, and some other junk.

bookpageID appdate ceremonydate delay officialTitle person dob age race prevcount prevconc hs college dayOfBirth sign
B230p539 1996-10-29 1996-11-09 11 CIRCUIT JUDGE Groom 2064-04-11 32.60274 White 0 NA 12 7 102 Aries
B230p677 1996-11-12 1996-11-12 0 MARRIAGE OFFICIAL Groom 2064-08-06 32.29041 White 1 Divorce 12 0 219 Leo
B230p766 1996-11-19 1996-11-27 8 MARRIAGE OFFICIAL Groom 2062-02-20 34.79178 Hispanic 1 Divorce 12 3 51 Pisces
B230p892 1996-12-02 1996-12-07 5 MINISTER Groom 2056-05-20 40.57808 Black 1 Divorce 12 4 141 Gemini
B230p994 1996-12-09 1996-12-14 5 MINISTER Groom 2066-12-14 30.02192 White 0 NA 12 0 348 Saggitarius
B230p1209 1996-12-26 1996-12-26 0 MARRIAGE OFFICIAL Groom 1970-02-21 26.86301 White 1 NA 12 0 52 Pisces

While we usually always start looking at all the data in a data set at once, we very often will want to focus on a particular set of data points (such as marriages after a particular date, or only the brides’ records) from a data frame. We can do so using the [ and ] characters.

The data set (in R these objects are called data frames) is effectively a matrix - in the mathematical sense - so it can be treated as a grid of data values, where each row is a data point and each column a variable. We can use this idea to extract parts of the data set by selecting particular rows or columns. For example, to extract the 10th row in the data, we can type

##    bookpageID    appdate ceremonydate delay officialTitle person        dob      age  race prevcount
## 10    B231p48 1997-03-12   1997-03-22    10      MINISTER  Groom 2051-07-02 45.75342 White         3
##    prevconc hs college dayOfBirth   sign
## 10  Divorce 12       6        183 Cancer

The comma here is important - anything after the comma indicates which columns we want to extract. Here we leave it blank, which returns all the columns. Alternatively, we could specify specific columns by name or number. Extending this idea, typing

y = Marriage[c(3,6,9,12),5:10]

will create a new data frame consisting of columns 5 to 10 of the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th rows of the Marriage data frame, all saved to a new variable called y. This can be useful when you want to regularly work with a particular subset of data and want to save typing.

We can also use a logical test to extract only those rows which match a particular condiation. For example, to get only the marriage records of those with more than 1 previous marriage we could type


Or all the marriages officiated by a judge:

Marriage[Marriage$officialTitle=="CIRCUIT JUDGE",]

Note the use of == with two = signs - this indicates a test for equality, rather than an assignment of one variable to another.

We can apply the same techniques to extract elements of a vector, only now we drop the , in the [] as a vector only has a length. So, the 10th recorded value of age could be found by typing:

## [1] 45.75342

1.3 Barcharts and Piecharts

The barplot is useful for summarizing categorical data. Continuing with the Marriage data, let’s look at who officiated at these weddings - as indicated by the officialTitle variable. If we look at the first few values in the officialTitle variable, we find:


We can see that there are a variety of different officials. Notice also that below the data is a line labelled Levels - here R is being helpful and listing all of the possibilities for this particular categorical variable. To visualise the distribution we must find the counts (or proportions) of each in the data set.

Before doing so, which do you think would be most (least) common?

Now we use the xtabs function to do the counting of the different genders before plotting:

xtabs(~officialTitle, data=Marriage) ## this makes the table of counts for the officialTitle variable in the Marriage data set
## officialTitle
##                 2                 2                 2                 2                 2                44 
##          MINISTER            PASTOR          REVEREND 
##                20                22                 2

The syntax is a little odd here, note the use of the ~ (tilde) sign, which you may recognise from fitting linear regressions with lm. The variable name to the right of the ~ is the one we want summarising as counts.

Did this agree with what you expected?

We can then pass this summary table to the barplot function for plotting. Since we’ll be working with this table for a while, we can also save it to a variable to save repetition.

offs <- xtabs(~officialTitle, data=Marriage) ## save the table to `offs`
barplot(offs, col='skyblue')

Unfortunately, not all of our category labels are displayed due to the restricted space. We can make the labels perpendicular to the axis with the optional argument las=2, which improves things enough to be readable:

barplot(offs, las=2, col='skyblue')

Note that some data sets may give you the counts of the categories directly and you can skip the call to xtabs, so it is always important to look at your data before plotting.

Like the other plotting functions we have seen, we can customise this with axis labels and colours to fill the bars. The barplot also supports the following additional arguments to customise the plot:

  • names - use this to pass a vector of labels for each bar
  • horizontal - set to TRUE to show a horizontal barplot. Defaults to FALSE and a vertical presentation
  • width - use this to supply a vector of values to specify the widths of the bars
  • space - use this to supply a vector of values to specify the spacing between bars

1.3.1 Pie charts

The many issues with pie charts notwithstanding, generating a pie chart is relatively easy with the function pie. Note that the pie chart emphasises showing the data as proportions of the whole, rather than separate counts.

pie takes the same data input as the barplot, and can be supplied with labels, and given custom colours for the wedges. We’ll stick with the defaults for now, but feel free to experiment.


If your goal is compare each category with the the whole (e.g., what portion of weddings are officiated by a Bishop compared to all participants), and the number of categories is small, then pie charts may work for you. However, the best alternative to a piechart is the barchart, but if you really want to show proportions of a whole via area, then a treemap is a better choice (see below).

1.4 Combining Plots

R makes it easy to combine multiple plots into one overall graph, using either the par or layout functions.

With the par function, we specify the argument mfrow=c(nr, nc) to split the plot window into a grid of nr x nc plots that are filled in by row. For example, to divide the plot window into a 2x2 grid we call par(mfrow=c(2,2)) as below

Similarly, for 3 plots in a single column we use we par(mfrow=c(3,1))

The plot window will remain divided like this until you reset it, and any new plots draw will fit into your grid. To return to the usual single-plot display, we must call par(mfrow=c(1,1)).

If we don’t want to arrange plots in a simple regular grid and have something more complex in mind, we can use the layout function.

2 Data Analysis

2.1 Data Set 1: Alzheimer’s

Download data: alzheimer

Some simple practice to get started.

Three groups of patients (one with Alzheimer’s, one with other forms of dementia, and a control group with other diagnoses) were studied. Counts are given in the alzheimer data linked above. Create a graphical summary of barplots of each of the three variables, smoking (cigarettes per day), disease, and gender, in a single window.

  • Are the disease groups very different in size? Which group is largest?
  • Are there more men or women in the study?
  • How would you describe the distribution of the smoking variable? Do you think the smoking data are likely to be reliable?
  • Now plot the same data using pie charts - do you find the questions above easier to answer, harder to answer, or about the same?

2.2 Data Set 2: British Election survey data

Download data: beps

In many surveys there is a string of questions to which respondents give answers on integer scales from, say, 1 to 5. This is so commonplace that one such scale even has a name - the Likert scale.

The beps dataset includes seven questions put to 1525 voters in the British Election Panel Study for 1997-2001. One question was on a scale from 1 to 11, one from 0 to 3, and the rest were from 1 to 5.

The leaders of the main political parties at the time were Tony Blair for Labour (the Prime Minister at the time), William Hague for the Conservatives, and Charles Kennedy for the Liberal Democrats. Each surveyed individual assessed each party leader on a scale of 1 to 5 (5=best).

  • Load the beps data set from the file above. Use the head function to get a quick look at the first few rows of the data to see what the variables are and how they are represented.
  • Let’s begin with the party leader data:
    • Split your plot display to show a single row of three plots.
    • Draw a barplot of each of the party leader’s ratings as contained in the three variables Blair, Hague and Kennedy. Don’t forget to call the xtabs function to summarise the data before plotting.
    • Colour your barplots by the corresponding party colours (red, blue, and yellow respectively.).
  • Can you see any similarities in the distributions of the assessments of Blair and Hague? How would you interpret these patterns?
  • What do you find about the assessments of Kennedy?
  • Repeat the plots using pie charts - which plots do you find easier to read and interpret?

In addition to assessing the party leaders, two further variables concerned Europe. The first asked the respondents to quantify their knowledge of the parties’ policies on European integration from low knowledge (0) to high knowledge (3), and the second measures the individuals attitudes to European integration from 1 to 11, where higher values are more Eurosceptic.

  • First, investigate the respondents knowledge of the parties’ policies on Europe as contained in the political.knowledge variable. Reset your plot window to show a single plot, and plot the data - how would you describe and explain what you find?
  • Now investigate the Europe variable representing individual attitudes towards Europe. Do any features stand out?
  • The data set also contains a column representing the voting intentions of the individuals surveyed in the vote variable. Plot the voting intentions - can you explain what you find? (Bear in mind the survey was taken over 1997-2001!)
  • Now, let’s dig a little deeper and think about how attitudes to Europe may differ between the different party voters:
    • Before doing anything - think a little about what you expect to see.
    • Now, split the plot window into three, extract the data corresponding to those individuals who intend to vote for Labour, and plot their attitudes to Europe, using party colours as above. Add a main plot label to indicate the party.
    • Repeat for Conservative and Liberal Democrat voters.
    • What features do you see? Are there any surprises, or does this confirm what you expected?

2.3 Data Set 3: Occupational Mobility

Download data: occupation

The data set above were presented by Yamaguchi (1987), and looks at the categories of occupation of fathers and sons in the USA, UK and Japan. The occupations of the fathers and sons are grouped into categories:

  • UpNM - Upper nonmanuals - are professionals, managers, and officials;
  • LoNM - lower nonmanuals - are proprietors, sales workers, and clerical workers;
  • UpM - upper manuals - are skilled workers;
  • LoM - lower manuals - are semi-skilled and unskilled nonfarm workers;
  • Farm - farmers and farm laborers.

The data already contains the counts for the various categories, so we’ll need to work with the data slightly differently.

  • Look at the first few rows of the data. You’ll see that we already have the data summarised as counts (Freq) of the combinations of the three categorial variables (Son, Father, and Country). The first row of the data set corresponds to 1275 observations of (UpNM,UpNM,US).
  • However, if we’re only interested in one of the variables, such as Country then there’s still some more summarising to be done. To do this, we can still use the xtabs function, but we modify the syntax to reflect that the Freq column already contains count information. So, to obtain the counts per country, we type xtabs(Freq~Country, data=occupation).
  • Draw a plot of the counts by country.
  • Repeat the step above for the other two variables.
  • How do the distributions of occupations of the sons in the three countries compare?
Let’s just focus on the UK data for now.
  • Extract the data corresponding where Country is UK and save to a new variable.
  • How do the distributions of the sons’ and fathers’ occupations in the UK compare?
  • Are you surprised by the results or are they what you expected?

3 Variations on Standard Plots

3.1 Treemap

A treemap can be used as an alternative to a pie chart for displaying relative sizes of groups as a proportion of a larger whole. Unlike the pie chart, which divides a circle into wedges, the treemap divides a rectangle into smaller rectangles.

The setup of a treemap is a bit more involved as we need to explicitly identify the data counts, and the labels, and provide them as a data frame. For example, to show the approval ratings for Tony Blair:

# you'll need to install `treemap` if you don't have it
# install.packages("treemap")
# Create data
data <- data.frame(table(beps$Blair))
# treemap
            index="Var1", ## the name of the variable which contains the labels
            vSize="Freq"  ## the name of the variable which contains the counts

The treemap is most effective at showing data where there are multiple groups, e.g. the five approval ratings split up by Labour, Conservative and Liberal voters. Then each panel will be sub-divided into its subgroups. This requires a fair bit more work, so we’ll skip it for now.