Call for papers

Conference Proceedings

All papers submitted to the 38th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (whether submitted for oral or poster presentation) will be reviewed by at least two referees, usually from the Scientific Committee. The decision on the outcome (oral, poster, or reject) will be communicated in the Notification to Authors on April 9, 2024. Papers accepted for presentation (oral or poster) will be published in a Proceedings volume.

There will be two proceedings volumes.

There will be a traditional-style online PDF proceedings volume. All accepted papers (whether for oral or for poster presentation) will be invited to publish their paper in this volume.

Additionally, there will be a Springer Proceedings volume in the series "Contributions to Statistics". Along with the acceptance letters, the Editors will send invitations to selected contributions to publish in this volume. These will be based on the review scores of the initial short paper submissions, and may include papers only submitted for poster presentations.

Each paper will be published in ONE and ONLY ONE Proceedings volume. At initial paper submission, you will already tentatively indicate whether or not you intend to publish your paper in the Springer volume if you are invited to do so. This information is not yet binding and you can change your mind before you submit the revised paper. Since the submission systems will be different at this stage for the different proceedings volumes, the last moment to make that decision is when you upload the revised paper.

By submitting a short paper, authors agree to grant the organizers of the workshop the right to publish the contribution, if accepted, in the online PDF conference proceedings volume. However, by submitting a short paper, the authors have NOT consented yet to having the paper published in the Springer volume (nor do the conference organizers have any commitment to publish this paper in this Springer volume). The copyright will always remain with the author, irrespective of the Proceedings volume that a given paper will be published in.