Associate Professor
Room MCS3023,
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Durham University,
Upper Mountjoy Campus,
Durham DH1 3LE
+44 (0)191 3343108
About Me
I am an Associate Professor within the Applied Mathematics group in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University. Prior to this I held a three year fellowship from the Royal Astronomical Society at Durham, was a NASA postdoctoral fellow at Goddard Space Flight Center for two years and had a one year postdoc at the University of Dundee. I obtained my PhD from the University of Sheffield in 2013.
My work focusses on better understanding plasma processes occurring in the Sun's atmosphere using theoretical models and numerical simulations. A major aspect of my work is attempting to bridge the gap between the complex 3D physics playing out in my simulations and what can be observed by satellites of the same processes occurring in the Sun's atmosphere. For more details see here.