Conference Talks

  1. Forward models of white light emission from MHD simulations of reconnection outflows and coronal mass ejections, II Metis Science Meeting, Naples, Jan. 2025
  2. Switchback generation from the evolution of torsional Alfvén waves, AGU, Washington DC, Dec. 2024
  3. Bursty three-dimensional reconnection in the context of a new model for pseudostreamer coronal mass ejections , AGU, Washington DC, Dec. 2024
  4. Are Switchbacks the Magnetohydrodynamic Equivalent of Smoke Rings? , European Solar Physics Meeting, Turin, Sept. 2024
  5. Forward Modelling of a High-Resolution Simulation of an Unstructured Coronal Mass Ejection, National Astronomy Meeting, Hull, July 2024
  6. (Invited Review) Numerical Models of Interchange Reconnection: the Direct Injection Problem, ISSI team on Siwtchbacks, Switzerland, Sept. 2023
  7. (Invited) An MHD Simulation of Jet-like Flows, PUNCH flow tracking meeting, online, June 2023
  8. (Invited) MHD Modelling of 3D Intermittent Interchange Reconnection, Slow Wind ISFM team, March 2023
  9. The Imprint of Intermittent Interchange Reconnection on the Solar Wind, Solar Orbiter working group, Feb. 2023
  10. (Invited) What Impact Does the Pathway Through the Solar Corona Make on CMEs?, EGU, Vienna, April 2023
  11. Flare Reconnection in 2D vs 3D: Plasmoid Ejection, RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting, London, January 2023
  12. Does Intermittent Interchange Reconnection Launch Switchbacks into the Solar Wind?, UKMHD, Sheffield, June 2022
  13. A Simulation of a Coupled Pseudostreamer/Helmet Streamer Eruption, European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM16), online, Sept. 2021
  14. A Simulation of a Coupled Pseudostreamer/Helmet Streamer Eruption, National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), Bath (online), July 2021
  15. Relating flare ribbon fine structure to flare current sheet tearing, National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), Bath (online), July 2021
  16. Coupled pseudostreamer/helmet streamer eruptions, AAS SPD, online, June 2021
  17. Relating flare ribbon fine structure to flare current sheet tearing, UKMHD, Newcastle (online), May 2021
  18. Probing the S-Web as a Source for the Slow Solar Wind, RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting, London, Mar. 2020
  19. A Numerical Simulation of an Active Region Periphery Helical Jet, National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), Lancaster, July 2019
  20. A Model for Active Region Periphery Jets, UK Solar Orbiter workshop, UCL, London, June 2019
  21. The Onset Mechanism in Coronal Jet Eruptions, Living with a Star (LWS) Focused Science Team (FST) meeting, Berkeley, Apr. 2019
  22. (Invited) MHD Modelling of Coronal Jets Generated by Small-scale Filament Eruptions, AGU, Washington DC, Dec. 2018
  23. Simulations of Homologous Jets and Outflow Bursts from Moving Magnetic Features, European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS), Liverpool, Apr. 2018
  24. A Model for Coronal Hole Bright Points and Jets Due to Moving Magnetic Features, UKMHD, St. Andrews, Mar. 2018
  25. A Model for Coronal Jets With Filaments, RAS discussion meeting, London, Nov. 2017
  26. A Universal Model for Solar Eruptions from Coronal Mass Ejections to Jets, UKMHD, Durham, Apr. 2017
  27. The Breakout Model for Coronal Jets With Filaments, Solar Physics Division (SPD), Boulder, June 2016
  28. Coronal Jets in Closed Magnetic Regions on the Sun, Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS), Indianapolis, Apr. 2015
  29. Quantifying Reconnection in Fragmented Current Layers, Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS), Indianapolis, Apr. 2015
  30. Non-linear Tearing of 3D null current sheets, Division of Plasma Physics (DPP), New Orleans, Oct. 2014
  31. Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in a Current-Vortex Sheet at a 3D Null, National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), St. Andrews, July 2013
  32. The Effects of Current Sheet Asymmetry on 3D Null Reconnection, UKMHD, Glasgow, May 2013
  33. On the Stability of the Torsional Fan Current Sheet of a 3D Magnetic Null point, International Cambridge Workshop on Magnetic Reconnection, Copenhagen, Aug. 2012
  34. Spine-Fan Reconnection, US-Japan Workshop on Magnetic Reconnection (MR2012), Princeton, May 2012
  35. Localised Fan Tilting and Torsional Reconnection at 3D Null Points, National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), Glasgow, Apr. 2010


  1. How Could Interchange Reconnection be Linked to Switchabcks in the Solar Wind?, MSSL, Oct. 2024
  2. Interchange Reconnection: Slow Wind, Switchbacks and CMEs, Predictive Science Inc., San Diego, June 2023
  3. Parametric Simulations of Coronal Mass Ejections, ARMS user meeting, Paris Observatory, March 2023
  4. Modelling a Confined Eruption in a Double Null Point Magentic Field, ARMS user meeting, Paris Observatory, March 2023
  5. The Imprint of Intermittent Interchange Reconnection on the Solar Wind, University of Dundee, Nov. 2022
  6. The Imprint of Bursty Reconnection on Flare Ribbon Dynamics, University of St. Andrews, Mar. 2022
  7. The Role of Reconnection in Flares and CMEs, Northumbria University, Nov. 2021
  8. Simulations of Eruptions from the Sun's Corona: What can we learn? , RAS fellowship Lecture, RAS General Meeting, Mar. 2020
  9. Reconnection, Topology and Solar Eruptions , University of Sheffield, May 2019
  10. MHD simulations of Coronal Hole Bright Points and Jets, University of Warwick, Oct. 2018
  11. Jets & Pesudostreamer CMEs: the same thing on different scales?, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Oct. 2018
  12. MHD Modelling of Solar Coronal Jets, University of Glasgow, Sept. 2018
  13. The Breakout-Jet Model for Coronal Jets, Imperial College London, June 2018
  14. Are Coronal Jets Miniature Coronal Mass Ejections?, The University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Oct. 2017
  15. Are Coronal Jets Miniature Coronal Mass Ejections?, Dundee University, Dundee, Oct. 2017
  16. The Breakout Model for Solar Coronal Jets with Filaments, National Space Science Technology Center, Huntsville AL, July 2016
  17. The Breakout Model for Coronal Jets with Filaments, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington DC, June 2016
  18. Fragmentation and Intermittency in Coronal Jets, Dundee University, Dundee, Feb. 2016
  19. A Model for Coronal Jets Confined by Coronal Loops, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CFA), Cambridge MA, Oct. 2015
  20. Non-linear Tearing of 3D null current sheets, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington DC, Nov. 2015
  21. Non-linear Tearing of 3D null current sheets, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt MD, June 2014

Miscellaneous talks

  1. Tutorial: Topology Tools for ARMS, ARMS user meeting, Paris Observatory, March 2023
  2. The Sun in a Box, Durham University, Nov. 2019
  3. The Breakout Jet Model for Solar Coronal Jets with Filaments, Durham University, Oct. 2016
  4. Solar Jets: Small But Mighty!, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt MD, June 2016
  5. Bending Bullets - Coronal Jets in Closed Fields, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt MD, Apr. 2015
  6. The Effects of Reconnection on the Open-Closed Flux Boundary, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt MD, Apr. 2015
  7. Spine-Fan Reconnection, Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre (SP2RC), Sheffield, Mar. 2011
  8. Fan Reconnection at (and around) a 3D Magnetic Null Point., Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre (SP2RC), Sheffield, Mar. 2011


  1. The imprint of intermittent interchange reconnection on the solar wind, Solar Orbiter 8, Sept. 2022
  2. Does Intermittent Interchange Reconnection Launch Switchbacks into the Solar Wind?, Parker Probe 2, June 2022
  3. Relating flare ribbon fine structure to flare current sheet tearing, Solfer virtual meeting, May 2021
  4. Observations and MHD Modelling of a Confined Filament Eruption & Helical Jet, Solar Heliospheric & Interplanetary Environment (SHINE), Boulder, Colorado, Aug. 2019
  5. Numerical Simulation of Helical Active Region Jets, Solar Heliospheric & Interplanetary Environment (SHINE), Orlando, Florida, Aug. 2018
  6. A Breakout Model for Solar Coronal Jets With Filaments, 7th Solar Orbiter Workshop, Granada, Apr. 2017
  7. The Breakout Model for Coronal Jets With Filaments, Solar Heliospheric & Interplanetary Environment (SHINE), Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 2016
  8. High Resolution Simulations of Tearing and Flux-Rope Formation in Active Region Jets, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, Nov. 2015
  9. 3D Simulations of Flux Rope formation and Tearing in Active Region Jets, Solar Heliospheric & Interplanetary Environment (SHINE), Stowe, Vermont, July 2015
  10. Non-linear Tearing of 3D Null Current Sheets, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, Nov. 2014
  11. Reconnection at 3D nulls: effects of current sheet asymmetry., National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), St. Andrews, July 2013
  12. Spine-fan reconnection: The influence of temporal and spatial variation in the driver., National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), Manchester, Mar. 2012
  13. Energy Loss Process in the Sun's Atmosphere: Magnetic Reconnection, Project Sunshine poster day, Sheffiled, Apr. 2011