Conference Talks
- Forward models of white light emission from MHD simulations of reconnection outflows and coronal mass ejections, II Metis Science Meeting, Naples, Jan. 2025
- Switchback generation from the evolution of torsional Alfvén waves, AGU, Washington DC, Dec. 2024
- Bursty three-dimensional reconnection in the context of a new model for pseudostreamer coronal mass ejections , AGU, Washington DC, Dec. 2024
- Are Switchbacks the Magnetohydrodynamic Equivalent of Smoke Rings? , European Solar Physics Meeting, Turin, Sept. 2024
- Forward Modelling of a High-Resolution Simulation of an Unstructured Coronal Mass Ejection, National Astronomy Meeting, Hull, July 2024
- (Invited Review) Numerical Models of Interchange Reconnection: the Direct Injection Problem, ISSI team on Siwtchbacks, Switzerland, Sept. 2023
- (Invited) An MHD Simulation of Jet-like Flows, PUNCH flow tracking meeting, online, June 2023
- (Invited) MHD Modelling of 3D Intermittent Interchange Reconnection, Slow Wind ISFM team, March 2023
- The Imprint of Intermittent Interchange Reconnection on the Solar Wind, Solar Orbiter working group, Feb. 2023
- (Invited) What Impact Does the Pathway Through the Solar Corona Make on CMEs?, EGU, Vienna, April 2023
- Flare Reconnection in 2D vs 3D: Plasmoid Ejection, RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting, London, January 2023
- Does Intermittent Interchange Reconnection Launch Switchbacks into the Solar Wind?, UKMHD, Sheffield, June 2022
- A Simulation of a Coupled Pseudostreamer/Helmet Streamer Eruption, European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM16), online, Sept. 2021
- A Simulation of a Coupled Pseudostreamer/Helmet Streamer Eruption, National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), Bath (online), July 2021
- Relating flare ribbon fine structure to flare current sheet tearing, National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), Bath (online), July 2021
- Coupled pseudostreamer/helmet streamer eruptions, AAS SPD, online, June 2021
- Relating flare ribbon fine structure to flare current sheet tearing, UKMHD, Newcastle (online), May 2021
- Probing the S-Web as a Source for the Slow Solar Wind, RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting, London, Mar. 2020
- A Numerical Simulation of an Active Region Periphery Helical Jet, National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), Lancaster, July 2019
- A Model for Active Region Periphery Jets, UK Solar Orbiter workshop, UCL, London, June 2019
- The Onset Mechanism in Coronal Jet Eruptions, Living with a Star (LWS) Focused Science Team (FST) meeting, Berkeley, Apr. 2019
- (Invited) MHD Modelling of Coronal Jets Generated by Small-scale Filament Eruptions, AGU, Washington DC, Dec. 2018
- Simulations of Homologous Jets and Outflow Bursts from Moving Magnetic Features, European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS), Liverpool, Apr. 2018
- A Model for Coronal Hole Bright Points and Jets Due to Moving Magnetic Features, UKMHD, St. Andrews, Mar. 2018
- A Model for Coronal Jets With Filaments, RAS discussion meeting, London, Nov. 2017
- A Universal Model for Solar Eruptions from Coronal Mass Ejections to Jets, UKMHD, Durham, Apr. 2017
- The Breakout Model for Coronal Jets With Filaments, Solar Physics Division (SPD), Boulder, June 2016
- Coronal Jets in Closed Magnetic Regions on the Sun, Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS), Indianapolis, Apr. 2015
- Quantifying Reconnection in Fragmented Current Layers, Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS), Indianapolis, Apr. 2015
- Non-linear Tearing of 3D null current sheets, Division of Plasma Physics (DPP), New Orleans, Oct. 2014
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in a Current-Vortex Sheet at a 3D Null, National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), St. Andrews, July 2013
- The Effects of Current Sheet Asymmetry on 3D Null Reconnection, UKMHD, Glasgow, May 2013
- On the Stability of the Torsional Fan Current Sheet of a 3D Magnetic Null point, International Cambridge Workshop on Magnetic Reconnection, Copenhagen, Aug. 2012
- Spine-Fan Reconnection, US-Japan Workshop on Magnetic Reconnection (MR2012), Princeton, May 2012
- Localised Fan Tilting and Torsional Reconnection at 3D Null Points, National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), Glasgow, Apr. 2010
- How Could Interchange Reconnection be Linked to Switchabcks in the Solar Wind?, MSSL, Oct. 2024
- Interchange Reconnection: Slow Wind, Switchbacks and CMEs, Predictive Science Inc., San Diego, June 2023
- Parametric Simulations of Coronal Mass Ejections, ARMS user meeting, Paris Observatory, March 2023
- Modelling a Confined Eruption in a Double Null Point Magentic Field, ARMS user meeting, Paris Observatory, March 2023
- The Imprint of Intermittent Interchange Reconnection on the Solar Wind, University of Dundee, Nov. 2022
- The Imprint of Bursty Reconnection on Flare Ribbon Dynamics, University of St. Andrews, Mar. 2022
- The Role of Reconnection in Flares and CMEs, Northumbria University, Nov. 2021
- Simulations of Eruptions from the Sun's Corona: What can we learn? , RAS fellowship Lecture, RAS General Meeting, Mar. 2020
- Reconnection, Topology and Solar Eruptions , University of Sheffield, May 2019
- MHD simulations of Coronal Hole Bright Points and Jets, University of Warwick, Oct. 2018
- Jets & Pesudostreamer CMEs: the same thing on different scales?, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Oct. 2018
- MHD Modelling of Solar Coronal Jets, University of Glasgow, Sept. 2018
- The Breakout-Jet Model for Coronal Jets, Imperial College London, June 2018
- Are Coronal Jets Miniature Coronal Mass Ejections?, The University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Oct. 2017
- Are Coronal Jets Miniature Coronal Mass Ejections?, Dundee University, Dundee, Oct. 2017
- The Breakout Model for Solar Coronal Jets with Filaments, National Space Science Technology Center, Huntsville AL, July 2016
- The Breakout Model for Coronal Jets with Filaments, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington DC, June 2016
- Fragmentation and Intermittency in Coronal Jets, Dundee University, Dundee, Feb. 2016
- A Model for Coronal Jets Confined by Coronal Loops, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CFA), Cambridge MA, Oct. 2015
- Non-linear Tearing of 3D null current sheets, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington DC, Nov. 2015
- Non-linear Tearing of 3D null current sheets, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt MD, June 2014
Miscellaneous talks
- Tutorial: Topology Tools for ARMS, ARMS user meeting, Paris Observatory, March 2023
- The Sun in a Box, Durham University, Nov. 2019
- The Breakout Jet Model for Solar Coronal Jets with Filaments, Durham University, Oct. 2016
- Solar Jets: Small But Mighty!, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt MD, June 2016
- Bending Bullets - Coronal Jets in Closed Fields, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt MD, Apr. 2015
- The Effects of Reconnection on the Open-Closed Flux Boundary, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt MD, Apr. 2015
- Spine-Fan Reconnection, Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre (SP2RC), Sheffield, Mar. 2011
- Fan Reconnection at (and around) a 3D Magnetic Null Point., Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre (SP2RC), Sheffield, Mar. 2011
- The imprint of intermittent interchange reconnection on the solar wind, Solar Orbiter 8, Sept. 2022
- Does Intermittent Interchange Reconnection Launch Switchbacks into the Solar Wind?, Parker Probe 2, June 2022
- Relating flare ribbon fine structure to flare current sheet tearing, Solfer virtual meeting, May 2021
- Observations and MHD Modelling of a Confined Filament Eruption & Helical Jet, Solar Heliospheric & Interplanetary Environment (SHINE), Boulder, Colorado, Aug. 2019
- Numerical Simulation of Helical Active Region Jets, Solar Heliospheric & Interplanetary Environment (SHINE), Orlando, Florida, Aug. 2018
- A Breakout Model for Solar Coronal Jets With Filaments, 7th Solar Orbiter Workshop, Granada, Apr. 2017
- The Breakout Model for Coronal Jets With Filaments, Solar Heliospheric & Interplanetary Environment (SHINE), Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 2016
- High Resolution Simulations of Tearing and Flux-Rope Formation in Active Region Jets, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, Nov. 2015
- 3D Simulations of Flux Rope formation and Tearing in Active Region Jets, Solar Heliospheric & Interplanetary Environment (SHINE), Stowe, Vermont, July 2015
- Non-linear Tearing of 3D Null Current Sheets, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, Nov. 2014
- Reconnection at 3D nulls: effects of current sheet asymmetry., National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), St. Andrews, July 2013
- Spine-fan reconnection: The influence of temporal and spatial variation in the driver., National Astronomy Meeting (NAM), Manchester, Mar. 2012
- Energy Loss Process in the Sun's Atmosphere: Magnetic Reconnection, Project Sunshine poster day, Sheffiled, Apr. 2011