Lough Swilly


Academic Calendar:

Term Dates

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Contact Details:

Martin Kerin
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Durham University
Upper Mountjoy Campus
Stockton Road

email: martin.p.kerin AT durham DOT ac DOT uk
office: 3089
phone: +44 191 334 4153

The main focus of my research is the geometry and topology of Riemannian manifolds with either non-negative or positive sectional curvature, often under an additional symmetry assumption. As the Bott Conjecture asserts that such manifolds are rationally elliptic, I am also interested in related questions in rational homotopy theory.

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  1. (with J. DeVito and F. Galaz-García) Manifolds that admit a double disk-bundle decomposition, Indiana Univ. Math. J. (2023), PDF
  2. (with F. Galaz-García and M. Radeschi) Torus actions on rationally elliptic manifolds, Math. Z. (2021), PDF
  3. (with S. Goette and K. Shankar) Highly connected 7-manifolds and non-negative sectional curvature, Ann. of Math. (2020), PDF
  4. (with S. Goette and K. Shankar) Fake lens spaces and non-negative sectional curvature, Proceedings of the Australian-German Workshop on Differential Geometry in the Large, Cambridge Univ. Press (2020), PDF
  5. (with J. Harvey and K. Shankar) Semi-free actions with manifold orbit spaces, Documenta Math. (2020), PDF
  6. (with S. Goette and K. Shankar) Non-negative curvature and the linking form, Oberwolfach Rep. (2018), Geometrie
  7. (with F. Galaz-García, M. Radeschi and M. Wiemeler) Torus orbifolds, slice-maximal torus actions and rational ellipticity, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2018) PDF
  8. (with S. Goette and K. Shankar) Non-negative sectional curvature on exotic 7-spheres, Oberwolfach Rep. (2016), Geometrie
  9. (with F. Galaz-García) Cohomogeneity-two torus actions on non-negatively curved manifolds of low dimension, Math. Z. (2014) PDF
  10. A note on totally geodesic embeddings of Eschenburg spaces into Bazaikin spaces, Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. (2013) PDF
  11. (with K. Shankar) Riemannian submersions from simple, compact Lie groups, Münster J. of Math. (2012) PDF
  12. On the curvature of biquotients, Math. Ann. (2012) PDF
  13. Some new examples with almost positive curvature, Geom. Top. (2011) PDF
  14. (with J.-H. Eschenburg) Almost positive curvature on the Gromoll-Meyer sphere, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (2008) PDF
  15. (with D. Wraith) Homogeneous metrics on spheres, Irish Math. Soc. Bull. (2003) PDF


  1. (with M. Che, F. Galaz-García and J. Santos-Rodríguez) Isometric Rigidity of Metric Constructions with respect to Wasserstein spaces, PDF
  2. (with S. Goette and K. Shankar) Highly connected 7-manifolds, the linking form and non-negative sectional curvature, PDF

In preparation

  1. (with D. Corro and F. Galaz-García) Smooth 2-torus actions on the 5-sphere
  2. (with J. DeVito and F. Galaz-García) Obstructions to double disk-bundle decompositions
  3. (with J. DeVito) Rational spheres and double disk-bundles

Lecture notes

Construction of manifolds with non-negative curvature: Biquotients. Lecture notes of a short course I taught at the summer school Téchnicas modernas en Geometría Riemanniana at UNAM, Mexico in 2014