I am an Associate Professor in Geometry in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University.
From 2019 to 2022, I was a Lecturer in Mathematics in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at NUI Galway. Prior to that, from 2008 to 2019, I was a member of the AG-Differentialgeometrie in Münster, where I completed my Habilitation under the guidance of Burkhard Wilking. In 2016 I spent a semester as a Research Member at MSRI in Berkeley during the Program on Differential Geometry, while in 2017 I spent a semester in Bonn as Professurvertreter. I received my PhD in 2008 from the University of Pennsylvania, under the supervision of Wolfgang Ziller.
My main research interests are
- Positive and non-negative sectional curvature
- Geometry and topology of homogeneous spaces and biquotients
- Isometric Lie group actions and compact transformation groups
- Geometric topology
- Rational homotopy theory
I am an editor of the Glasgow Mathematical Journal, a small, independent journal which accepts high quality submissions in all areas of mathematics and is published by a registered charity. The proceeds are used to support mathematical and other scientific activities.
You can find here my CV (Nov 2024) and list of publications (Nov 2024).
I am the organiser of the Geometry & Topology Seminar in Durham.
I am a local organiser of the Yorkshire-Durham Geometry Days.
I am a founder and member of the steering committee of the UK Metric Geometry and Analysis Network.
I am a founder and organiser of the Irish Geometry Seminar (currently on hiatus).
In 2022, I was an organiser of Groups in Galway meets the Irish Geometry Conference. Going further back, I was an organiser of five iterations of the international Workshop on Curvature and Global Shape in Münster: CGS2019, CGS2017, CGS2015, CGS2013 and CGS2011, as well as the conference Representations of Riemannian Geometry, which took place at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia in August 2017.