We did not go through these proofs in lectures in detail, so I only expect you to know how to apply these results in situations similar to those in lectures or in the problems class.
We record how the various linear algebra constructions we know about interact with the theory of weights. If is a representation of then we consider its weights as a multiset
where and each is written in this list — the multiplicity of — times.
Suppose that is another representation of with multiset of weights
Suppose that are as above. Then:
The weights of are .
The weights of are
The weights of are
The weights of are
Let be a basis of weight vectors of such that has weight , and let be similar for with weights .
The dual basis is a basis of weight vectors in with having weight .
If has weight and has weight , then for all ,
So is a basis of with the given weights.
Similarly to the previous part,
is a basis of with the given weights.
Similar considerations apply to representations of (or ).