7 SL3

7.4 Representations and weights

Firstly, we recall from above that any finite-dimensional representation of 𝔰𝔩3, is completely reducible. This is Theorem 6.30 above, that we proved using the ’unitary trick’.

Theorem 7.13.

Let (ρ,V) be a finite-dimensional representation of 𝔰𝔩3,. Then:

  • There is a basis of V consisting of weight vectors.

  • Every weight of V is in the weight lattice ΛW.

We may combine these two into the single equality


Consider the embedding ι12:𝔰𝔩2,𝔰𝔩3, embedding a 2×2 matrix into the ‘top left’ of a 3×3 matrix:


This is a Lie algebra homomorphism, and ρι12 is a representation of 𝔰𝔩2,. We know from the 𝔰𝔩2, theory that


is diagonalizable with integer eigenvalues. If vV is a weight vector with weight a1L1+a2L2+a3L3, then it is an eigenvector for ρ(ι12(H)) with eigenvalue a1-a2. Thus a1-a2 is an integer.

Now, there is another embedding ι23 putting a 2×2 matrix in the ‘bottom right’ corner. The same argument then shows that ρ(H13) is diagonalisable with integer eigenvalues, which shows that a2-a3 is an integer for every weight.

Thus every weight is in the weight lattice. Moreover, ρ(H12) and ρ(H23) are diagonalizable, and they commute with each other since H12 and H23 commute and ρ is a Lie algebra homomorphism. A theorem from linear algebra states that commuting, diagonalizable matrices are simultaneously diagonalizable. It follows that there is a basis of V consisting of simultaneous eigenvectors for ρ(H12) and ρ(H23). Since H12 and H23 span 𝔥, this is a basis of weight vectors. ∎

Remark 7.14.

There is a third homomorphism


We have ι23(H)=H23.

Note that, for i<j, ιij(X)=Eij and ιij(Y)=Eji, so Eij and Eji will play the role of raising and lowering operators.

Remark 7.15.

We could also prove Theorem 7.13 by exponentiating ρ to a representation of SL3() and considering the action of the subgroup of diagonal matrices with entries in U(1), which is compact (isomorphic to U(1)). Compare the proof of the statement that the weights of representations of 𝔰𝔩2, are integers.