Suppose that is a finite group and that is a representation of over a field of characteristic {not dividing }. Suppose that is a subrepresentation of . Then there is a subrepresentation of such that
First we make a useful definition.
If are vector spaces, then a linear map is a projection if
for all .
If is a projection, then
We will construct a projection that is a -homomorphism (we could call this a -projection). Given such a the proof is easy: let . This is a subrepresentation as is a -homomorphism, and by exercise we have as required.
It remains to construct . Let be any linear map such that (to construct it, choose a basis for and extend it to a basis for . Then define to be the identity on the basis of and whatever you like on the other basis vectors). This might not be a -homomorphism, but we turn it into one using an ‘averaging trick’: define
Then this is a -homomorphism: for any
writing | ||||
whence .
Finally, if then so is a projection. ∎
Maschke’s Theorem and Schur’s Lemma both hold in the situation that and is finite. From now on, we assume that this is the case, and that all representations are finite-dimensional.
The following corollary of Maschke’s theorem says that any (finite-dimensional) representation of a (finite) group can be written as a direct sum of irreducible representations, in an essentially unique way. So irreducible representations are the ’prime numbers’ of representation theory.
Let be a representation of . Then
for some irreducible representations .
Moreover, the number of times each isomorphism class of irreducible representation shows up in the above decomposition is independent of the exact choice of decomposition.
The existence of such a decomposition follows from Maschke’s theorem and induction: let be an irreducible subrepresentation, write by Maschke, repeat starting with .
If is an irreducible representation and then
by Schur’s Lemma (specifically, part (3) of 1.32). This only depends on and not on the choice of decomposition of . ∎
In the previous proof, we used an easy, but important, property of :
If are representations of then
We isolate the following part of the proof of 1.43 for later use.
If is an irreducible representation of and is some other representation of then the number of times appears in the irreducible decomposition of is exactly
We work out the projections constructed in the proof of Maschke’s theorem when is the permutation representation of on . Then has a subspace . The map
is a -equivariant projection. As in the proof of Maschke’s theorem, its kernel is a complement:
The representation is irreducible (under the isomorphism it is ). We can also write down a -equivariant projection :
The kernel of this projection is .
The decomposition of Corollary 1.43 is not unique: if is the trivial group, then can be written as in infinitely many ways, simply by choosing any two distinct lines. However, if we have an irreducible representation of then for any representation the subspace spanned by all the subrepresentations of isomorphic to is uniquely determined: it is called the -isotypic component of . The key example to keep in mind is, if is generated by and is a character with then is just the -eigenspace of acting on .
We didn’t cover this section, but it is recommended reading.
Recall that a (Hermitian) inner product on a complex vector space is a map such that
for all , , and that is positive definite, meaning that for all nonzero . The standard example is
on . A (Hermitian) inner product space is a vector space together with a chosen Hermitian inner product.
If is a Hermitian inner product on and and are written as column vectors, then we can write
where is the complex conjugate of the transpose of . The matrix will satisfy
and be diagonalizable with positive real eigenvalues.
If is a Hermitian inner product on and is a subspace, then the orthogonal complement is
As vector spaces, we have .
A representation of is unitarizable if there is a -invariant inner product on ; that is, a Hermitian inner product such that
for all .
If such an inner product is chosen, then the representation is said to be unitary.
Suppose that is a unitary representation of and that is a subrepresentation. Then is a subrepresentation of .
If is a complex representation of then is unitarizable.
Start with any Hermitian inner product, not necessarily -invariant. Then average it over . ∎