1 Representation theory of finite groups

1.4 Schur’s Lemma

We move on to more theoretical considerations. Let G be a group.

Theorem 1.32.

Let V and W be two irreducible finite-dimensional complex representations of G. Let T:VW be a G-homomorphism. Then

  1. 1.

    Either T is an isomorphism or T=0.

  2. 2.

    If V=W, then


    for some scalar λ.

  3. 3.

    More generally,

    dimHomG(V,W)={1 if VW0 otherwise.

Part (1) follows directly from Lemma 1.24: suppose that T is nonzero. Then ker(T)V and im(T){0}. Since V and W are irreducible, we must have ker(T)=0 and im(T)=V.

For (2), we can find an eigenvalue λ of the endomorphism T — here we are using that V is a finite-dimensional complex vector space. Then T-λidV is also a G-homomorphism with non-zero kernel. Since V is irreducible, by part (1) we must have T-λidV=0. Therefore T=λidV.

For (3), by part (1) we have dimHomG(V,W)=0 if they are not isomorphic. So assume that they are isomorphic, so that there is an isomorphism S:VW. If T:VW is a G-homomorphism, then S-1T:VV is also a G-homomorphism. By (2), S-1T=λidV for some λ, so T=λS. We have shown that HomG(V,W) is one-dimensional, spanned by S. ∎

As a corollary we obtain

Theorem 1.33.

Let G be an abelian group. Then every finite-dimensional irreducible complex representation of G is one-dimensional.


Let (ρ,V) be an irreducible representation. For hG, set Th=ρ(h)GL(V). Then Th is actually a G-homomorphism VV: this is because it commutes with ρ(g) for all gG. Indeed,


Hence by Schur’s Lemma, Th=ρ(h) acts by a scalar χ(h) on V:


for all vV and a non-zero scalar χ(h).

But now, any non-zero vV spans a G-invariant subspace. Since V is irreducible, this implies that V is one-dimensional, and χ=ρ is a homomorphism G×. ∎

Remark 1.34.

It is possible to give an alternative proof of this using the fact from linear algebra that any commuting set of linear maps from a finite dimensional vector space to itself has a simultaneous eigenvector.

In Schur’s Lemma and Theorem 1.33, we didn’t assume G was finite but we did assume the irreducible representation V was finite-dimensional. If, in fact, G is finite, then V is automatically finite-dimensional.

Proposition 1.35.

Any irreducible representation of a finite group is finite-dimensional.


Let V be an irreducible representation of the finite group G, and choose vV nonzero. Then the subspace V spanned by {gv:gG} is finite dimensional, and is preserved by G (why?). As V is irreducible, we have V=V, so V is finite dimensional. ∎

A homomorphism χ:G× is often called a character (though this will later cause an unfortunate clash of notation). If G is abelian, then the group

G^={homomorphisms χ:G×}

is called the character group, or dual group, of G. It is a group under the operation (χ1χ2)(g)=χ1(g)χ2(g).

Example 1.36.

Let G=Cn be a cyclic group of order n. Then G^Cn.

Indeed, pick a generator g of G and let ω=e2πi/n be a primitive nth root of unity. Then a character χ of G is determined uniquely by χ(g), which must be an nth root of unity ωa. If we let χaG^ be the homorphism such that χa(g)=ωa, then the map


determines a group isomorphism /nG^ . This is a homomorphism because


In fact, if G is any finite abelian group, then G^G. You can prove this using the cyclic case and the fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups.

For arbitrary groups G the same method of proof gives:

Proposition 1.37.

Let (ρ,V) be an irreducible finite-dimensional representation of G and let

Z=Z(G)={zG:zg=gz for all gG}

be the center of G. Then Z acts on V as a character: there is a character χ:Z× such that


for all zZ and vV.

We call χ the central character of ρ.


Homework; mimic the proof that irreducible representations of abelian groups are one-dimensional. ∎

Finally, we can use our classification of the irreducible representations of abelian groups to get a bound on the dimension of the irreducible representations of any finite group.

Proposition 1.38.

Let G be a finite group, let A be an abelian subgroup of G and let (ρ,V) be an irreducible representation of G. Then


Restrict the representation to A and find an irreducible A-subrepresentation W of V. By Theorem 1.33, W is one-dimensional, spanned by a vector v. So there is a character χ of A such that


for all hA. Now {ρ(g)v:gG} spans a subrepresentation of V, hence is equal to V by irreducibility. Write g1A,g2A,,grA for the left cosets of A, where r=[G:A]. Then for hA, we have


But this implies that V={ρ(g)v:gG} is already spanned by


so has dimension at most r=[G:A]. ∎

Example 1.39.

The group Dn has an abelian subgroup Cn of index two, and so every irreducible representation of Dn has dimension at most 2.