2 Character theory

2.4 Inner products and homomorphisms

In this and the next section we complete the proof of character orthogonality!

If (ρ,V) and (σ,W) are two complex representations of a finite group G, then we can define a representation Hom(ρ,σ) on the vector space

Hom(V,W)={linear maps T:VW}

with G-action ’by conjugation’:

Lemma 2.27.
  1. 1.

    If ρ and σ have characters χ and ψ, then Hom(ρ,σ) has character χ¯σ.

  2. 2.

    We have


    in other words, the G-homomorphisms are the G-fixed points of Hom(V,W).

  1. 1.

    Let gG and let v1,,vn and w1,,wm be bases of V and W consisting of eigenvectors for ρ(g) and σ(g), with λi the eigenvalue attached to vi and μi that attached to wi. Let TijHom(V,W) send vi to wj and all other basis vectors to zero; in matrix terms, this is the matrix with 1 in column i, row j, and 0 everywhere else. Then the Tij are a basis for Hom(V,W). Moreover, recalling that the λi are roots of unity, we have


    So the trace of Hom(ρ,σ)(g) is


    as required.

  2. 2.

    If THom(V,W), then gT=T means


    for all v. Replacing v by w=ρ(g)v, we get


    for all wW. So THom(V,W)G if and only if this holds for all g and all w, i.e. if and only if T is a G-homomorphism.∎

The key theoretical result is:

Theorem 2.28.

If V and W are two representations of G with characters χ and ψ respectively, then


Step 1: We first consider the case that (ρ,V) is the trivial representation. Then we have to prove that


Note that the operator


maps W to WG and is the identity on WG. This means that π must be a projection onto WG. It follows that, in some basis, its matrix is diagonal with dimWG ‘1’s and the remaining entries ‘0’,11 1 See also problem [[prob-projection]]. so

dimWG =tr(π)

as required.

Step 2: Note that HomG(V,W)=Hom(V,W)G. The character of Hom(V,W) is χ¯ψ. So, by the first part,


which is exactly what we have to show. ∎

Corollary 2.29.

Suppose that V and W are irreducible representations with characters χ and ψ. Then

χ,ψ={1if VW0𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒.

This is immediate from Theorem 2.28 and Schur’s lemma. ∎

We have therefore proved part (1) of Theorem 2.17, as well as Theorem 2.18 and Theorem 2.19. In other words, we know that representations are determined by their characters and that the rows of the character table are orthonormal (with an appropriately weighted inner product). We now only have to show that the character table is square.