2 Character theory

2.3 Example: S4

Example 2.20.

We determine the character table of S4. First, we have the trivial representation 𝟙 and the sign character ϵ:


Next, we consider the permutation representation V of S4 on {1,2,3,4}. This contains a copy of the trivial representation, so we write V=𝟙W for some representation W, whose character χ satisfies

χ(g)=#{fixed points of g}-1.

Notice that we also have an operation on representations known as twisting: if (ρ,V) is an irreducible representation of G with character χ and ψ is a one-dimensional character of G, then we can define a new representation, ρψ, of G on V by the formula (ρψ)(g)=ρ(g)ψ(g). It has character χψ. In this case, we can look at χϵ and see that it will also be the character of an irreducible representation.


Since χ,χ=124(32+6×12+3×(-1)2+8×02+6×(-1)2)=1, χ is irreducible. Note also that χϵ is different to χ, and also irreducible.

There is one more row of the table to find. This can be done using orthonormality with the first column, remembering that the dimension must be a positive integer (in this case, it must be two): we obtain that the full character table is


Notice that we constructed the character of the final representation without constructing the representation itself!

2.3.1 Characters of lifts

Recall that if KG is a normal subgroup then we can lift representations of G/K to representations of G, as in Section 1.2.3.

Lemma 2.21.

If χ is the character of a representation of G/K and χ~ is the character of its lift to G, then


for all gG.


Immediate from the definition. ∎

Example 2.22.

In exercise 1.29, we explained how to lift the irreducible two-dimensional representation of S3 to a representation of S4. Then its character agrees with that called ψ in the character table of S4.

We can recognise the kernel of a representation using its character.

Proposition 2.23.

Let ρ be a representation of G with character χ and dimension d. Then


It is clear that gker(ρ) then χ(g)=trI=d. We leave the converse as an exercise. ∎

2.3.2 Decomposing a representation

Example 2.24.

We apply the method of Theorem 2.19 to decompose a naturally occuring representation of S4. Let


Then S4 acts on X. If we think of S4 as the symmetry group of the tetrahedron with vertices labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, then this is ‘the same as’ the action on the set of edges (each edge being determined by a set of two vertices).

Let (ρ,V) be the permutation representation obtained from X and let χρ be its character. Then


We have:


Then we compute χρ,𝟏=χρ,χ=χρ,ψ=1, χρ,ϵ=χρ,χϵ=0. It follows that




where W0= is the trivial representation, W1 is isomorphic to the 3-D representation of S4 with character χ, and W2 is isomorphic to the unique 2-D representation of S4 (which has character ψ).

Exercise 2.25.

In the previous example, find W0, W1, W2 as subspaces of V.

Remark 2.26.

The problem of finding irreducible representations of G such that V is isomorphic to their direct sum is called “decomposing V into irreducibles representations (or irreps, or irreducibles)”. It can be solved with character theory as in example 2.24.

The problem of finding irreducible subrepresentations of V such that it is their (internal) direct sum is called “decomposing V into irreducible subrepresentations” and can require more understanding of the nature of the representation V. Exercise 2.25 is an example of this.