- FC (1989). Bedrijfszekerheidsanalyse voor warmtewisselaars (Reliability
analysis for heat-exchangers). MSc-thesis (in Dutch), Eindhoven University of Technology, 123 pp.
- FC, M.J. Newby (1991). A note on the use of the product of spacings
in Bayesian inference. Kwantitatieve Methoden 37, 19-32.
- FC, P.R. Mertens, M.J. Newby (1992). A Bayes-competing risk model
for the use of expert judgement in reliability estimation. Reliability Engineering
and System Safety 35, 23-30.
- FC (1993). Imprecise conjugate prior densities for the one-parameter
exponential family of distributions. Statistics & Probability Letters 16, 337-342.
- FC (1993). Bayesian decision theory with imprecise prior probabilities
applied to replacement problems. Proceedings Society of Reliability Engineers
Symposium 1993, 172-183.
- FC, M.J. Newby (1994). Bayesian reliability analysis with imprecise
prior probabilities. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 43, 75-85.
- FC (1994). On Bernoulli experiments with imprecise prior probabilities.
The Statistician 43, 155-167.
- FC (1994). Bounds for expected loss in Bayesian decision theory with
imprecise prior probabilities. The Statistician 43, 371-379.
- FC (1994). A note on Bayesian decision theory with imprecise prior
probabilities. Kwantitatieve Methoden 47, 17-27.
- FC (1994). Decision making with imprecise probabilities. In: Operations
Research Proceedings 1993, eds. H. Dyckhoff, U. Derigs, M. Salomon and H.C. Tijms,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 440-446.
- FC, M.J. Newby (1994). Bayesian estimation of location parameters
in life distributions. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 45, 293-298.
- FC, M.J. Newby (1994). Bayesian reliability analysis with imprecise prior
probabilities (abstract). Proceedings 1994 International Research Conference
on Lifetime Data Models in Reliability and Survival Analysis, Boston Massachusetts (June 1994), p.9.
- FC (1994). Statistical modeling of expert opinions using imprecise
probabilities. ISBN 90-386-0482-3, PhD-thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, 121 pp.
This PhD thesis is available on-line, from TU Eindhoven, as a pdf file of a scanned version:
Scanned PDF
- FC (1994). Extended abstract of PhD-Thesis 'Statistical modeling of expert opinions
using imprecise probabilities'. Statistica Neerlandica 48, 185-186.
- FC, R. Dekker (1995). Analysis of a 2-phase model for optimization
of condition monitoring intervals. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 44, 505-511.
- P. van der Laan, FC (1995). An overview of a generalization in
statistical selection. Cultivar Testing Bulletin, vol. 26-27, 123-129.
- FC, P. van der Laan (1995). Statistical selection: main approaches
and a modification with a preference threshold. Proceedings International Symposium
on Statistics in Agriculture and Environmental Research, 1995, CIAT, Cali,
Colombia, 231-243.
- FC, P. van der Laan (1995). On indifference zone selection with a
preference threshold. Contributed papers 50th Session of the
International Statistical Institute, Beijing, 242-243.
- FC (1996). On Bayesian reliability analysis with informative priors and
censoring. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 53, 91-98.
- FC (1996). Comparing two populations based on low stochastic structure
assumptions. Statistics & Probability Letters 29, 297-305.
- FC, P. van der Laan (1996). On indifference zone selection with a
preference threshold. Biometrical Journal 38, 553-575.
- FC (1996). Invited contribution to discussion of: P. Walley, 'Inferences from multinomial data:
learning about a bag of marbles', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 58, p.43.
- FC, P. van der Laan, J.H.M. Verheijen (1996). Combining two classical approaches for
statistical selection (abstract). 4th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, Vienna (August 1996), p.158.
- FC (1996). Some guidelines for corrective replacement based on low
stochastic structure assumptions (abstract). Proceedings 38th Annual Conference of the Operational
Research Society, Warwick (September 1996), p.39.
- FC (1997). An imprecise Dirichlet model for Bayesian analysis of failure data
including right-censored observations. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 56,
- J.H.M. Verheijen, FC, P. van der Laan (1997). Combining two
classical approaches for statistical selection. Communications in
Statistics - Theory and Methods 26, 1291-1312.
- FC, M.J. Newby (1997). Guidelines for corrective replacement based on
low stochastic structure assumptions. Quality and Reliability Engineering
International 13, 177-182.
- FC (1997). On the stopping boundary for sequential selection of the
normal population with the largest mean. Statistica Neerlandica 51, 356-365.
- FC (1998). Low structure imprecise predictive inference for Bayes' problem.
Statistics & Probability Letters 36, 349-357.
- FC (1998). Imprecise predictive inference based on low stochastic structure assumptions.
Kwantitatieve Methoden 58, 41-56.
- F. Worrall, D.A. Wooff, A.H. Seheult, FC (1998). A Bayesian approach to the analysis
of environmental fate and behaviour data for pesticide registration.
Pesticide Science 54, 99-112.
- FC (1998). Bayes' postulate repostulated (abstract). 6th Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian
Statistics, Alcossebre, Spain (May/June 1998), Abstracts Contributed Papers, p.62.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (1998). Condition monitoring: a new perspective (abstract).
Proceedings 40th Annual Conference of the Operational
Research Society, Lancaster (September 1998), p.136.
- D.A. Wooff, A.H. Seheult, FC, F. Worrall (1999). Bayesian
discrimation with uncertain covariates for pesticide contamination.
In: Statistics for the Environment 4: Pollution Assessment and Control,
(eds V. Barnett, A. Stein and K. Feridun Turkman), pp. 337-354. Wiley, Chichester.
- J. Verheijen, FC, P. van der Laan (1999). Preference threshold
procedure for selection: robustness against deviations from normality.
Cultivar Testing Bulletin, vol. 30, 151-168.
- FC (1999). Contribution to discussion of: Lindsey, 'Some statistical heresies',
The Statistician 48, p.35-36.
- FC (1999). Contribution to discussion of: Walker, Damien, Laud and Smith,
'Bayesian nonparametric inference for random distributions and related functions',
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 61, p.519.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (1999). Low stochastic structure analysis for queues (abstract).
Proceedings 41st Annual Conference of the Operational
Research Society, Edinburgh (September 1999), p.77.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2000). Condition monitoring: a new perspective.
Journal of the Operational Research Society 51, 311-319.
- F. Worrall, D.A. Wooff, A.H. Seheult, FC (2000). New approaches
to assessing the risk of groundwater contamination by pesticides.
Journal of the Geological Society 157, 877-884.
- K. Rees, FC, M. Goldstein, D.A. Wooff (2000). Managing the uncertainties of software
testing: a Bayesian approach. Proceedings 14th ARTS symposium, Manchester, November 2000.
- K. Rees, FC, M. Goldstein, D.A. Wooff (2001). Managing the uncertainties of software
testing: a Bayesian approach. Quality and Reliability Engineering International 17, 191-203.
- FC, P. van der Laan (2001). Imprecise predictive selection based on low structure assumptions.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 98, 259-277.
- FC, M. Goldstein, M. Munro (2001). Generalized partition testing via Bayes linear methods.
Information and Software Technology 43, 783-793.
- D.A. Wooff, M. Goldstein, FC (2002). Bayesian graphical models for software testing.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 28 , 510-525.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner, K.J. Yan (2002). Nonparametric predictive inference in reliability.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 78 , 185-193.
- FC, K.J. Yan (2002). The use of right-censored data in nonparametric predictive inference.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability,
Trondheim (Norway), June 2002, 155-158.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2003). A nonparametric predictive method for queues.
European Journal of Operational Research 145, 425-442.
- FC, K.J. Yan (2003). Nonparametric predictive inference for grouped lifetime data.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80, 243-252.
- FC, M. Goldstein, D.A. Wooff (2003). Project viability assessment for support of software
testing via Bayesian graphical modelling.
In: Safety & Reliability - ESREL 2003,
(eds T. Bedford, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder), pp. 417-422. Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse.
- FC, K.J. Yan (2003). Nonparametric predictive comparison of two groups of lifetime data.
In: ISIPTA'03 - Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities
and Their Applications, (eds J.M. Bernard, T. Seidenfeld and M. Zaffalon), pp. 148-161.
Carlton Scientific, Proceedings in Informatics 18.
- FC (2003). On the use of imprecise probabilities in reliability.
Proceedings 15th ARTS symposium, Loughborough, April 2003, 409-422.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2003). Adaptive age replacement based on nonparametric predictive
inference. Proceedings 15th ARTS symposium, Loughborough, April 2003, 39-54.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner, M. Rahrouh (2004). On Bayesian zero-failure reliability demonstration.
Proceedings of the 5th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability,
(eds W. Wang, P. Scarf, M. Newby), pp. 69-74. The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC, S.C. Shaw (2004). Adaptive (opportunity-based) age replacement strategies.
Proceedings of the 5th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability,
(eds W. Wang, P. Scarf, M. Newby), pp. 75-80. The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.
- FC (2004). Comments on `Statistics of defects in one-dimensional components' by M.T. Todinov.
Computational Materials Science 29, 250-252.
- FC (2004). On the use of imprecise probabilities in reliability.
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 20, 193-202.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2004). Nonparametric predictive inference for age replacement with
a renewal argument.
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 20, 203-215.
- T. Augustin, FC (2004). Nonparametric predictive inference and interval probability.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 124, 251-272.
- FC, K.J. Yan (2004). Nonparametric predictive inference with right-censored data.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 126, 25-54.
- G.R.J. Arts, FC, P. van der Laan (2004). Nonparametric predictive inference in
statistical process control. Quality Technology and Quantitative Management 1, 201-216.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2004). Adaptive age replacement strategies based on nonparametric
predictive inference.
Journal of the Operational Research Society 55, 1281-1297.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner, M. Rahrouh (2005). Bayesian reliability demonstration for failure-free
periods. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 88, 81-91.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2005). Nonparametric predictive reliability demonstration for
failure-free periods.
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 16, 1-11.
- FC, T. Augustin (2005). Learning from multinomial data: a nonparametric predictive alternative
to the Imprecise Dirichlet Model. ISIPTA'05: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities
and Their Applications, F.G. Cozman, R. Nau and T. Seidenfeld (Eds), published by SIPTA, pp. 125-134.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2005). On zero-failure testing for Bayesian high reliability demonstration.
Proceedings 16th ARTS symposium, Loughborough, April 2005, 301-315.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2005). On optimality criteria for age replacement.
Proceedings 16th ARTS symposium, Loughborough, April 2005, 83-96.
- FC, M. Goldstein, D.A. Wooff (2005). Using Bayesian statistics to support testing of software systems.
Proceedings 16th ARTS symposium, Loughborough, April 2005, 109-121.
- M. Rahrouh, FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2005). Bayesian reliability demonstration for systems with redundancy.
Proceedings 16th ARTS symposium, Loughborough, April 2005, 277-288.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC, S.C. Shaw (2006). Nonparametric adaptive opportunity-based age replacement strategies.
Journal of the Operational Research Society 57, 63-81.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner, M. Rahrouh (2006). Bayesian reliability demonstration with multiple
independent tasks. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 17, 131-142.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2006). Nonparametric predictive subset selection for proportions.
Statistics and Probability Letters 76, 1675-1684.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2006). On optimality criteria for age replacement.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 220, (Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part O), 21-28.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2006). On zero-failure testing for Bayesian high reliability demonstration.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 220 (Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part O), 35-44.
- FC (2006). On nonparametric predictive inference and objective Bayesianism. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15, 21-47.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2006). Comparing proportions data with few successes.
In: Soft Methods for Integrated Uncertainty Modelling, editors: J. Lawry, E. Miranda, A. Bugarin, S. Li, M.Angeles Gil, P. Grzegorzewski, O. Hryniewicz. Springer `Advances in Soft Computing' series, pp. 241-248.
- FC (2006). The occurrence of not yet observed failure modes.
In: Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk, editors: C. Guedes Soares, E. Zio (Volume 2). Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 881-888.
- FC (2006). On probabilistic safety assessment in case of zero failures.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 220, (Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part O), 105-114.
- M. Rahrouh, FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2006). Bayesian reliability demonstration for systems with redundancy.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 220, (Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part O), 137-145.
- B. Houlding, FC (2006). On sequential decision making with adaptive utilities.
Proceedings of 4th Edinburgh Conference on Risk, Edinburgh, March 2006.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2007). Nonparametric predictive comparison of proportions.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137, 23-33.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2007). Nonparametric adaptive age replacement with a one-cycle criterion.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 92, 74-84.
- L.V. Utkin, FC (2007). Imprecise reliability: an introductory overview. In: Computational Intelligence in Reliability Engineering, Volume 2: New Metaheuristics, Neural and Fuzzy Techniques in Reliability, Gregory Levitin (Ed.), Springer, ISBN 3-540-37371-3, Chapter 10, pp. 261-306.
- FC, M. Goldstein, D.A. Wooff (2007). Using Bayesian statistics to support testing of software systems.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 221, 85-93.
- FC, L.V. Utkin (2007). Imprecise reliability: A concise overview.
In: Risk, Reliability and Societal Safety, editors: T. Aven and J.E. Vinnem (Volume 2). Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 1959-1966.
- FC, T. Augustin (2007). Multinomial nonparametric predictive inference with sub-categories.
In: Proceedings ISIPTA'07, 77-86, paper also available here.
- FC, B. Houlding, S.G. Parkinson (2007). Jury size and composition - a predictive approach.
In: Proceedings ISIPTA'07, 87-96, paper also available here.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2007). Nonparametric predictive comparison of success-failure data in reliability.
Proceedings 17th ARTS symposium, Loughborough, April 2007, 255-273.
- B. Houlding, FC (2007). Sequential adaptive utility decision making for system failure correction.
Proceedings 17th ARTS symposium, Loughborough, April 2007, 290-306.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, T.A. Maturi, FC (2007). Nonparametric predictive precedence testing for two groups. Proceedings Mathematical Methods in Reliability 2007, Glasgow, July 2007, CD-ROM, paper also available here.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2007). Nonparametric predictive inference for voting systems. Proceedings Mathematical Methods in Reliability 2007, Glasgow, July 2007, CD-ROM, paper also available here.
- M. Troffaes, FC (2007). On the use of the Imprecise Dirichlet Model in fault trees. Proceedings Mathematical Methods in Reliability 2007, Glasgow, July 2007, CD-ROM, paper also available here.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2007). Nonparametric predictive inference for Bernoulli quantities: two examples. Proceedings 56th ISI Conference, Lisbon, August 2007, CD-ROM, paper also available here.
- FC (2007). Nonparametric prediction of unobserved failure modes.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 221, 207-216.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2007). Nonparametric predictive comparison of success-failure data in reliability.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 221, 319-327.
- B. Houlding, FC (2007). Sequential adaptive utility decision making for system failure correction.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 221, 285-295.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2007). Bayesian reliability demonstration.
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, F. Ruggeri, R. Kenett, F.W. Faltin (eds). Wiley, pp. 196-202. Preprint version available here (with permission from Wiley).
- FC, L.V. Utkin (2008). Imprecise reliability.
Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment, E.L. Melnick, B.S. Everitt (eds). Wiley, pp. 875-881. Preprint version available here (with permission from Wiley).
- FC (2008). Parametric probability distributions in reliability.
Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment, E.L. Melnick, B.S. Everitt (eds). Wiley, pp. 1255-1260. Preprint version available here (with permission from Wiley).
- T.A. Maturi, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2008). Early termination of experiments in nonparametric predictive comparisons.
Proceedings International Workshop on Applied Probability 2008, Compiegne, France, July 2008, CD-ROM, paper also available here.
- FC (2008). Discussion on `A discussion of statistical testing on a safety-related application' by Kuball and May. Journal of Risk and Reliability 222, 265-267.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2008). Nonparametric predictive inference for k-out-of-m systems. In: Advances in Mathematical Modeling for Reliability, editors: T. Bedford, J. Quigley, L. Walls, B. Alkali, A. Daneshkhah and G. Hardman. IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 185-192.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC, I.M. MacPhee (2008). Nonparametric predictive inference for systems reliability with redundancy allocation. Journal of Risk and Reliability 222, 463-476.
- FC (2008). On nonparametric predictive inference for Bernoulli quantities with set-valued data.
In: Soft Methods for Handling Variability and Imprecision, editors: D. Dubois, M. Asuncion Lubiano, H. Prade, M.Angeles Gil, P. Grzegorzewski and O. Hryniewicz. Springer `Advances in Soft Computing' series, pp. 85-91.
- T.A. Maturi, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2008). Lifetime comparisons with early termination of experiments. Proceedings International Seminar on Nonparametric Inference, editors: J.C. Pardo-Fernandez and J. de Una-Alvarez. Vigo (Spain), November 2008, pp.127-130.
- FC, T.A. Maturi (2008). On nonparametric predictive inference with incomplete data. Proceedings International Seminar on Nonparametric Inference, editors: J.C. Pardo-Fernandez and J. de Una-Alvarez. Vigo (Spain), November 2008, pp. 80-84.
- G.R.J. Arts, FC (2008). Two nonparametric predictive control charts. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 2, 499-512.
- M. Troffaes, FC (2009). Applying the Imprecise Dirichlet Model in cases with partial observations and dependencies in failure data.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 50, 257-268.
- FC, T. Augustin (2009). A nonparametric predictive alternative to the Imprecise Dirichlet Model: the case of a known number of categories.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 50, 217-230.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC, M.C.M. Troffaes, T. Augustin (editors) (2009). Imprecision in statistical theory and practice.
Special issue of Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 3, issue 1, 305 pages.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC, M.C.M. Troffaes, T. Augustin, S. Gupta (editors) (2009). Imprecision in Statistical Theory and Practice.
Grace Scientific Publishing LLC, Greensboro, North-Carolina, USA. ISBN 978-0-9823998-0-4, 313+xi pages. (book version of JSTP special issue)
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC, M.C.M. Troffaes, T. Augustin (2009). Imprecision in statistical theory and practice.
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 3, 1-9. (Pages 3-11 in book)
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, T.A. Maturi, FC (2009). Nonparametric predictive precedence testing for two groups.
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 3, 273-287. (Pages 91-105 in book)
- R.J. Crossman, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2009). Time-homogeneous birth-death processes with interval probabilities and absorbing state.
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 3, 103-118. (Pages 191-206 in book)
- V. Montgomery, FC, A.D.M. Hart (2009). Bayesian probability boxes in risk assessment.
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 3, 69-83. (Pages 269-283 in book)
- A.M. Aboalkhair, FC, I.M. MacPhee (2009). Nonparametric predictive system reliability with redundancy allocation following component testing.
Proceedings Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium, Loughborough April 2009, 396-407.
- M. Elsaeiti, FC (2009). Nonparametric predictive inference for attribute acceptance sampling with destructive tests.
Proceedings Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium, Loughborough April 2009, 212-220.
- T.A. Maturi, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2009). On nonparametric predictive inference for competing risks.
Proceedings Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium, Loughborough April 2009, 196-211.
- T. Augustin, FC, S. Moral, M.C.M. Troffaes (editors) (2009). ISIPTA'09 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability, Durham University July 2009, published by SIPTA, 464+xii pages.
- T.A. Maturi, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2009). Nonparametric predictive multiple comparisons with censored data and competing risks.
In: Proceedings ISIPTA'09, Durham July 2009, 307-316.
- R.M. Baker, FC (2009). Category selection for multinomial data.
In: Proceedings ISIPTA'09, Durham July 2009, 21-30.
- R.J. Crossman, P. Coolen-Schrijner, D. Skulj, FC (2009). Imprecise Markov chains with an absorbing state.
In: Proceedings ISIPTA'09, Durham July 2009, 119-127.
- L.V. Utkin, S.I. Zatenko, FC (2009). Combining imprecise Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimation for reliability growth models.
In: Proceedings ISIPTA'09, 421-430.
- P. Coolen-Schrijner, S.C. Shaw, FC (2009). Opportunity-based age replacement with a one-cycle criterion.
Journal of the Operational Research Society 60, 1428-1438.
- L.V. Utkin, S.I. Zatenko, FC (2009). New interval Bayesian software reliability models on the basis of the non-homogeneous Poisson process.
Control Science 6, (in Russian) 52-58 (2009). Publisher translated version (English) published in Automation and Remote Control 71,
935-944 (2010).
- I.M. MacPhee, FC, A.M. Aboalkhair (2009). Nonparametric predictive system reliability with redundancy allocation following component testing.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 223, 181-188.
- FC, M.A. Elsaeiti (2009). Nonparametric predictive methods for acceptance sampling.
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 3, 907-921.
- FC, A.M. Aboalkhair, I.M. MacPhee (2009). Nonparametric predictive system reliability with all subsystems consisting of one type of component.
In: Risk and Decision Analysis in Maintenance Optimization and Flood Management, M.J. Kallen, S.P. Kuniewski (Eds), IOS Press (TU Delft), 85-98.
- T.A. Maturi, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2009). Nonparametric predictive pairwise comparison for real-valued data with terminated tails.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 51, 141-150.
- T.A. Maturi, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2010). Nonparametric predictive inference for competing risks.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 224, 11-26.
- D. Venkat, FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner (2010). Extended opportunity-based age replacement with a one-cycle criterion.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 224, 55-62.
- T.A. Maturi, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2010). Nonparametric predictive comparison of lifetime data under progressive censoring.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 140, 515-525.
- A.M. Aboalkhair, FC, I.M. MacPhee (2010). Nonparametric predictive inference for reliability of voting systems with multiple component types.
Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Accelerated Life Testing, Reliability-based Analysis and Design, Clermont-Ferrand (France) May 2010, 175-182.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner, T.A. Maturi (2010). On nonparametric predictive inference for ordinal data.
In: E. Hullermeier et al (eds) Computational Intelligence for Knowledge-Based Systems Design,
Proceedings 13th International Conference on Information
Processing and Management of Uncertainty, Dortmund (Germany), June 2010. Springer, Berlin, 188-197.
- FC, T.A. Maturi (2010). Nonparametric predictive inference for order statistics of future observations.
In: C. Borgelt et al (eds) Combining Soft Computing and Statistical Methods in Data Analysis,
Proceedings 5th International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics, Oviedo (Spain), Sept 2010. Springer, Berlin, 97-104.
- FC, F. Spinato, D. Venkat (2010). On modelling of grouped reliability data for wind turbines.
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 21, 363-372.
- R.M. Baker, FC (2010). Nonparametric predictive category selection for multinomial data. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 4, 509-526.
- T. Augustin, FC, S. Moral, M.C.M. Troffaes (editors) (2010). Imprecise Probability in Statistical Inference and Decision Making - Special issue of International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 51 (Issue 9), related to ISIPTA'09. Includes editorial preface pp 1011-1013.
- FC, M. Oberguggenberger, M.C.M. Troffaes (editors) (2010). Special issue on `Uncertainty in Reliability and Risk' of Journal of Risk and Reliability 224 (Issue 4). Includes introductory article by the editors pp i-vi.)
- FC (2010). Nonparametric predictive inference. In: International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Miodrag Lovric (Ed.), 968-970.
- FC, T. Augustin, M.C.M. Troffaes (2010). Imprecise probability. In: International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Miodrag Lovric (Ed.), 645-648.
- FC, L.V. Utkin (2010). Imprecise reliability. In: International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Miodrag Lovric (Ed.), 649-650.
- FC, A.M. Aboalkhair, I.M. MacPhee (2010). Diversity in system reliability following component testing. The Journal of The Safety and Reliability Society 30, issue 4, 78-93.
- FC, B. Houlding, S.G. Parkinson (2011). Considerations on jury size and composition using lower probabilities. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141, 382-391.
- B. Houlding, FC (2011). Adaptive utility and trial aversion. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141, 734-747.
- R.J. Crossman, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2011). The shape of the hazard rate for finite continuous-time birth-death processes. Statistics & Probability Letters 81, 181-187.
- L.V. Utkin, FC. (2011). On reliability growth models using Kolmogorov-Smirnov bounds. International Journal of Performability Engineering 7, 5-19.
- T. Coolen-Maturi, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2011). Nonparametric predictive selection with early experiment termination. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141, 1403-1421.
- V.J. Roelofs, FC, A.D.M. Hart (2011). Nonparametric predictive inference for exposure assessment. Risk Analysis 31, 218-227.
- J. Abellan, R.M. Baker, FC (2011). Maximising entropy on the nonparametric predictive inference model for multinomial data. European Journal of Operational Research 212, 112-122.
- A.H. Al-Nefaiee, FC (2011). Nonparametric predictive inference for failure times of systems consisting of exchangeable components. Proceedings Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium, Stratford-upon-Avon, April 2011, 226-236.
- A.M. Aboalkhair, FC, I.M. MacPhee (2011). Nonparametric predictive inference for system reliability with subsystems consisting of multiple component types.Proceedings Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium, Stratford-upon-Avon, April 2011, 322-339.
- T. Coolen-Maturi, FC (2011). On unobserved failure modes in competing risks. Proceedings Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium, Stratford-upon-Avon, April 2011, 340-352.
- FC, G. de Cooman, T. Fetz, M. Oberguggenberger (editors) (2011). ISIPTA'11 - Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Imprecise Probability, University of Innsbruck, July 2011, published by SIPTA, 413+ix pages.
- R.M. Baker, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC, T. Augustin (2011). Nonparametric predictive inference with subcategory data. Proceedings ISIPTA'11, Innsbruck July 2011, 41-50.
- R.J. Crossman, J. Abellan, T. Augustin, FC (2011). Building imprecise classification trees with entropy ranges. Proceedings ISIPTA'11, Innsbruck July 2011, 129-138.
- L.V. Utkin, FC (2011). Interval-valued regression and classification models in the framework of machine learning. Proceedings ISIPTA'11, Innsbruck July 2011, 371-380.
- G. Walter, T. Augustin, FC (2011). On prior-data conflict in predictive Bernoulli inferences. Proceedings ISIPTA'11, Innsbruck July 2011, 391-400.
- FC (2011). Nonparametric predictive inference in reliability and risk: recent developments. Journal of the Polish Safety and Reliability Association 1, 39-50.
- T. Coolen-Maturi, FC (2011). Unobserved, re-defined, unknown or removed failure modes in competing risks. Journal of Risk and Reliability 225, 461-474.
- FC (2011). Distribution Theory (Preface to Chapter of `Advances in Quantitative Methods', a book in honour of the late Professor H.C. Gupta, edited by C.R. Rao and Sat Gupta). Grace Scientific Publishing, Greensboro (NC), USA, pp. 71-73.
- A.M. Aboalkhair, FC, I.M. MacPhee (2012). Nonparametric predictive inference for reliability of a series of subsystems with multiple component types. In: Advances in Safety, Reliability and Risk Management, C. Berenguer, A. Gall, C. Guedes Soares (Eds). Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 1069-1077.
- T. Coolen-Maturi, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2012). Nonparametric predictive inference for diagnostic accuracy. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 142, 1141-1150.
- C. Dent, J.W. Bialek, FC, M. Power, A.W. Richards, P.F. Smith, S. Zachary (editors) (2012). Special issue on `Risk and Reliability Modelling of Energy Systems' of Journal of Risk and Reliability 226 (Issue 1). (Includes preface by the editors.)
- B. Houlding, FC (2012). Nonparametric predictive utility inference. European Journal of Operational Research 221, 222–230.
- FC, A.H. Al-nefaiee (2012). Nonparametric predictive inference for failure times of systems with exchangeable components. Journal of Risk and Reliability 226, 262-273.
- FC (2012). On some statistical aspects of software testing and reliability. In: Complex Systems and Dependability, W. Zamojski, J. Mazurkiewicz, J. Sugier, T. Walkowiak, J. Kacprzyk (editors). Springer, Berlin, pp. 103-113 (preprint version).
- FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2012). Generalizing the signature to systems with multiple types of components. In: Complex Systems and Dependability, W. Zamojski, J. Mazurkiewicz, J. Sugier, T. Walkowiak, J. Kacprzyk (editors). Springer, Berlin, pp. 115-130 (preprint version).
- A.H. Al-nefaiee, FC (2012). Nonparametric prediction of system failure time using partially known signatures. Proceedings Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis and Their Validation, V. Couallier, L. Gerville Reache (editors). Bordeaux, July 2012, pp. 18-23.
- M.A. Elsaeiti, FC (2012). A nonparametric predictive approach to sequential acceptance problems. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 6, 383-401.
- FC, T. Fetz, S. Moral, M. Oberguggenberger (editors) (2012). Special issue of International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, related to ISIPTA'11. Volume 53, Issue 89 (November 2012). Includes editorial preface, pp. 1107-1109.
- S. Bin Himd, FC (2012). On bootstrapping using nonparametric predictive inference. Proceedings The 1st ISM International Statistical Conference 2012, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, September 2012, pp. 464-468.
- T. Coolen-Maturi, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2012). Nonparametric predictive multiple comparisons of lifetime data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 41, 4164-4181.
- T. Coolen-Maturi, P. Coolen-Schrijner, FC (2012). Nonparametric predictive inference for binary diagnostic tests. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 6, 665-680.
- F.F. Elkhafifi, FC (2012). Nonparametric predictive inference for accuracy of ordinal diagnostic tests. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 6, 681-697.
- FC (2012). Nonparametric predictive inference in reliability and risk: recent developments. Dependability 43 (2012, issue 4), 115-132 (in Russian) and 133-148 (in English).
- S. Wu, FC (2013). A cost-based importance measure for system components: an extension of the Birnbaum importance. European Journal of Operational Research 225, 189-195.
- A.M. Aboalkhair, FC, I.M. MacPhee (2013). Nonparametric predictive reliability of series of voting systems. European Journal of Operational Research 226, 77-84.
- T. Coolen-Maturi, FC (2013). On combined data under competing risks. Proceedings 20th Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium, Loughborough, May 2013, 145-159.
- FC, T. Coolen-Maturi, A.H. Al-nefaiee, A.M. Aboalkhair (2013). Recent advances in system reliability using the survival signature. Proceedings 20th Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium, Loughborough, May 2013, 205-217.
- FC, P. Coolen-Schrijner, T. Coolen-Maturi, F.F. Elkhafifi (2013). Nonparametric predictive inference for ordinal data. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 42, 3478-3496.
- A.H. Al-nefaiee, FC (2013). Nonparametric predictive inference for system failure time based on bounds for the signature. Journal of Risk and Reliability 227, 513-522.
- FC (2013). Maximum group sizes for simultaneous testing in high potential risk scenarios. Journal of Risk and Reliability 227, 569-575.
- J. Abellan, R.M. Baker, FC, R.J. Crossman, A.R. Masegosa (2014). Classification with decision trees from a nonparametric predictive inference perspective. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 71, 789-802.
- T. Coolen-Maturi, FC (2014). Nonparametric predictive inference for combined competing risks data. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 126, 87-97.
- L.V. Utkin, FC (2014). Classification with support vector machines and Kolmogorov-Smirnov bounds Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 8, 297-318.
- T. Augustin, FC, G. de Cooman, M.C.M. Troffaes (editors) (2014). Introduction to Imprecise Probabilities, Wiley, Chichester, UK.
ISBN 978-0-470-97381-3 (404+xxvii pages).
- T. Augustin, G. Walter, FC (2014). Statistical inference. Chapter 8 of Introduction to Imprecise Probabilities, Augustin, Coolen, de Cooman, Troffaes (editors), Wiley, pp 135-189.
- FC, L.V. Utkin (2014). Reliability and risk. Chapter 14 of Introduction to Imprecise Probabilities, Augustin, Coolen, de Cooman, Troffaes (editors), Wiley, pp 305-317.
- T. Coolen-Maturi, F.F. Elkhafifi, FC (2014). Three-group ROC analysis: A nonparametric predictive approach. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 78, 69-81.
- FC, S. Bin Himd (2014). Nonparametric predictive inference for reproducibility of basic nonparametric tests. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 8, 591-618.
- A.M. Aboalkhair, FC, I.M. MacPhee (2014). Nonparametric predictive inference for reliability of a k-out-of-m:G system with multiple component types. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 131, 298-304.
- FC, T. Coolen-Maturi, A.H. Al-nefaiee (2014). Nonparametric predictive inference for system reliability using the survival signature. Journal of Risk and Reliability 228, 437-448.
- M.C.M. Troffaes, FC, S. Destercke (2014). A note on learning dependence under severe uncertainty. In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, A. Laurent, O. Strauss, B. Bouchon-Meunier, R.R. Yager (Eds). Springer, pp 498-507.
- FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2015). Modelling uncertain aspects of system dependability with survival signatures. In: Dependability Problems of Complex Information Systems, W. Zamojski, J. Sugier (Eds). Springer, Berlin, pp. 19-34 (preprint version).
- FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2015). Predictive inference for system reliability after common-cause component failures. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 135, 27-33.
- B.X. Wang, K. Yu, FC (2015). Interval estimation for proportional reversed hazard family based on lower record values.
Statistics & Probability Letters 98, 115-122.
- L.V. Utkin, FC, S.V. Gurov (2015). Imprecise inference for warranty contract analysis. Reliability Engineering
and System Safety 138, 31-39.
- T. Coolen-Maturi, FC. (2015). Nonparametric predictive inference with combined data under different right-censoring schemes. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 9, 288-304.
- L.V. Utkin, FC (2015). Imprecise individual risk models of insurance. Journal of Uncertain Systems 9, 198-214.
- B. Houlding, FC, D. Bolger (2015). A conjugate class of utility functions for sequential decision problems. Risk Analysis 35, 1611-1622.
- L.J.M. Aslett, FC, S.P. Wilson (2015). Bayesian inference for reliability of systems and networks using the survival signature. Risk Analysis 35, 1640-1651.
- FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2015). The structure function in system reliability. Proceedings 21st Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium, Loughborough, June 2015 (CD-Rom).
- G. Walter, A. Graham, FC (2015). Robust Bayesian estimation of system reliability for scarce and surprising data. Proceedings ESREL 2015 Conference, Zurich, September 2015.
- S. Wu, FC (2015). Coping with model uncertainty in optimisation of maintenance policy. Proceedings ESREL 2015 Conference, Zurich, September 2015.
- N. Muhammad, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2016). Predictive inference for bivariate data with nonparametric copula. Proceedings of Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik KE-23, Johor, Malaysia; AIP Conference Proceedings.
- G. Feng, E. Patelli, M. Beer, FC (2016). Imprecise system reliability and component importance based on survival signature. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 150, 116-125.
- FC, T. Coolen-Maturi, L.J.M. Aslett, G. Walter (2016). Imprecise system reliability using the survival signature. Applied Mathematics in Engineering and Reliability, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering and Reliability (ICAMER 2016), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 4-6 May 2016. Editors: Radim Bris, Vaclav Snasel, Chu Duc Khanh, Phan Dao. CRC Press/Balkema, Taylor & Francis Group, Leiden (The Netherlands). ISBN: 978-1-138-02928-6, pp. 207-214.
- FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2016). The structure function for system reliability as predictive (imprecise) probability. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 154, 180-187.
- G. Walter, FC (2016). Sets of prior distributions for reflecting prior-data conflict and strong prior-data agreement. Proceedings IPMU 2016, part I, CCIS 610, Springer, pp. 153-164. (IPMU 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 2016).
- FC, Y.C. Yin, T. Coolen-Maturi (2016). On imprecise statistical inference for accelerated life testing. Proceedings IPMU 2016, part I, CCIS 610, Springer, pp. 165-176. (IPMU 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 2016).
- T. Coolen-Maturi, FC, N. Muhammad (2016). Predictive inference for bivariate data: Combining nonparametric predictive inference for marginals with an estimated copula.
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 10, 515-538.
- M. Beer, G. Feng, E. Patelli, M. Broggi, FC (2016). Reliability Assessment of Systems with Limited Information. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM2016), S.H. Kim, J.S. Kong (Eds.), Seoul, South-Korea, August 2016, pp. 19-22.
- FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2016). On the structure function and survival signature for system reliability. Safety and Reliability 36, 77-87.
- FC (2016). On software and system reliability growth and testing. Statistical Science 31, 541-544.
- L.V. Utkin, Y.A. Zhuk, FC (2016). Robust modification of the lasso method for genome-wide association study in view of target phenotype values. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics 16, 150-160 (in Russian).
- G. Walter, L.J.M. Aslett, FC. (2017). Bayesian nonparametric system reliability using sets of priors. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 80, 67-88.
- Y.C. Yin, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2017). Combining nonparametric predictive inference and power-law methods for accelerated life testing. Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice, Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2016), L. Walls, M. Revie, T. Bedford (Eds), Glasgow, UK, September 2016, Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 44-51.
- G. Feng, E. Patelli, M. Beer, FC (2017). Component importance measures for complex repairable systems. Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice, Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2016), L. Walls, M. Revie, T. Bedford (Eds), Glasgow, UK, September 2016, Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 1580-1585.
- N.M. Qarmalah, J. Einbeck, FC (2017). Mixture models for prediction from time series, with application to energy use data. Archives of Data Science Series A 2(1), 1-15.
- R.M. Baker, T. Coolen-Maturi, FC (2017). Nonparametric predictive inference for stock returns. Journal of Applied Statistics 44, 1333-1349.
- S. Wu, FC, B. Liu (2017). Optimisation of maintenance policy under parameter uncertainty using portfolio theory. IISE Transactions 49, 711-721.
- Y.C. Yin, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2017). An imprecise statistical method for accelerated life testing using the power-Weibull model. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 167, 158-167.
- E. Patelli, G. Feng, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2017). Simulation methods for system reliability using the survival signature. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 167, 327-337.
- Thach, T.T., Bris, R, FC (2017). Mixture failure rate: a study based on cross-entropy and MCMC method. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies 2017, Zilina, Slovakia, July 2017. IEEE, pp. 388-397. (Note: winner conference best paper award.)
- G. Feng, E. Patelli, M. Beer, FC (2017). Reliability analysis on complex systems with common cause failures. Safety, Reliability, Risk, Resilience and Sustainability of Structures and Infrastructure, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR-2017), Vienna, August 2017. C. Bucher, B.R. Ellingwood, D. Frangopol (Eds), pp. 830-839.
- G. Feng, S. Reed, E. Patelli, M. Beer, FC (2017). Efficient reliability and uncertainty assessment on lifeline networks using the survival signature. Proceedings of the 2nd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2017), M. Papadrakakis, V. Papadopoulos, G. Stefanou (Eds), Rhodes Island, Greece, June 2017.
- N. Muhammad, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2017). Nonparametric predictive inference for combining diagnostic tests with parametric copula. Proceedings ICoAIMS 2017; IOP Conference Series: Journal of Physics; Conference Series 890 pp. 1-6.
- S. Eryilmaz, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2018). Marginal and joint reliability importance based on survival signature. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 172, 118-128.
- FC, T. Coolen-Maturi, H.N. Alqifari (2018). Nonparametric predictive inference for future order statistics. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 47, 2527-2548.
- FC, H.N. Alqifari (2018). Nonparametric predictive inference for reproducibility of two basic tests based on order statistics. REVSTAT - Statistical Journal 16, 167-185.
- N.M. Qarmalah, J. Einbeck, FC (2018). k-Boxplots for mixture data. Statistical Papers 59, 513-528.
- L.V. Utkin, FC (2018). A robust weighted SVR-based software reliability growth model. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 176, 93-101.
- S. Eryilmaz, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2018). Mean residual life of coherent systems consisting of multiple types of dependent components. Naval Research Logistics 65, 86-97.
- A.A.H. Ahmadini, FC. (2018). Imprecise statistical inference for accelerated life testing data: imprecision related to the likelihood ratio test. Proceedings of the 10th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR), Manchester (June 2018), P. Scarf, S. Wu, P. Do (Eds), pp. 1-6.
- A. Najem, FC. (2018). Cost effective component swapping to increase system reliability. Proceedings of the 10th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR), Manchester (June 2018), P. Scarf, S. Wu, P. Do (Eds), pp. 97-102.
- G. Walter, FC (2018). Robust Bayesian reliability for complex systems under prior-data conflict. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering 4(3): 04018025, DOI:10.1061/AJRUA6.0000974.
- D. Wooff, M. Goldstein, FC (2018). Bayesian graphical models for high complexity testing: aspects of implementation.
In: Analytical Methods in Systems and Software Testing, R.S. Kenett, F. Ruggeri, F. Faltin (Eds), Wiley (ISBN: 978-1-119-27150-5), pp. 213-244.
- N. Muhammad, T. Coolen-Maturi, FC (2018). Nonparametric predictive inference with parametric copulas for combining bivariate diagnostic tests. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing 6, 398-408.
- A.A.H. Ahmadini, FC (2018). Imprecise statistical inference for accelerated life testing data: imprecision related to log-rank test. In: Uncertainty Modelling in Data Science (Proceedings SMPS 2018 Conference, Compiegne, Sept 2018), Destercke, S., Denoeux, T., Gil, M.A., Grzegorzewski, P. and Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.).
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) Volume 832. Springer, pp. 1-8
- D. Krpelik, FC, L.J.M. Aslett (2018). Imprecise probability inference on masked multicomponent system.
In: Uncertainty Modelling in Data Science (Proceedings SMPS 2018 Conference, Compiegne, Sept 2018), Destercke, S., Denoeux, T., Gil, M.A., Grzegorzewski, P. and Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.).
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) Volume 832. Springer, pp. 133-140.
- X. Huang, FC (2018). Reliability sensitivity analysis of coherent systems based on survival signature. Journal of Risk and Reliability 232, 627-634.
- L.V. Utkin, FC (2018). Imprecise probabilistic inference for software run reliability growth models. Journal of Uncertain Systems 12, 292-308.
- A.A.H. Ahmadini, FC (2018). On the use of an imprecise statistical method for accelerated life testing data using the power-law link function. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, Barcelona, November 2018, pp 244-249. (DOI: 10.1109/ICSRS.2018.8688865)
- X. Huang, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2019). A heuristic survival signature based approach for reliability-redundancy allocation. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 185, 511-517.
- H.N. Alqifari, FC (2019). Robustness of nonparametric predictive inference for future order statistics. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 13, article 12.
- F.J. Marques, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2019). Introducing nonparametric predictive inference methods for reproducibility of likelihood ratio tests.
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 13, article 15.
- F.J. Marques, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2019). Approximations for the likelihood ratio statistic for hypothesis testing between two Beta distributions.
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 13, article 17.
- M.H. Alabdulhadi, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2019). Nonparametric predictive comparison of two diagnostic tests based on total numbers of correctly diagnosed individuals. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 13, article 38.
- J. Stanley, FC (2019). Applying prospect theory to multi-attribute problems with independence assumptions.
Involve - a Journal of Mathematics 12, 687-711.
- A. Najem, FC (2019). System reliability and component importance when components can be swapped upon failure. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 35, 399-413.
- L.V. Utkin, M.S. Kovalev, FC (2019). Robust regression random forests by small and noisy training data
Proceedings of the XXII International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurement (SCM) 2019, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia,
May 2019, pp 200-204 (published by SPbGETU, St Petersburg, in Russian; English version to appear (IEEE)).
- A.S.M. Al Luhayb, T. Coolen-Maturi, FC (2019). Smoothed bootstrap for survival function inference.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies IDT'2019, Zilina (Slovakia), June 2019, pp 297-304.
- D. Krpelik, FC, L.J.M. Aslett (2019). On robust Markov analysis for reliability assessment of complex systems using imprecise Markov chains.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies IDT'2019, Zilina (Slovakia), June 2019, pp 240-247.
- L.V. Utkin, M.S. Kovalev, A.A. Meldo, FC (2019). Imprecise extensions of random forests and random survival forests.
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA 2019),
Gent (Belgium), July 2019, pp 404-413.
- X. Huang, L.J.M. Aslett, FC (2019).
Reliability analysis of general phased mission systems with a new survival signature.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 189, 416-422.
- H. George-Williams, G. Feng, FC, M. Beer, E. Patelli (2019).
Extending the survival signature paradigm to complex systems with non-repairable dependent failures.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 233, 505-519.
- Y. Li, FC (2019).
Time-dependent reliability analysis of wind turbines considering load-sharing using fault tree analysis and Markov chains.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 233, 1074-1085.
- J. Chen, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2019).
On nonparametric predictive inference for asset and European option trading in the Binomial tree model.
Journal of the Operational Research Society 70, 1678-1691.
- T. He, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi (2019).
Nonparametric predictive inference for European option pricing based on the Binomial tree model.
Journal of the Operational Research Society 70, 1692-1708.
- A.S.M. Al Luhayb, T. Coolen-Maturi, FC (2019). Generalizing Banks’ smoothed bootstrap method for right-censored data.
Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 2019, Hannover (Germany), September 2019, pp. 894-901.
- D. Krpelik, FC, L.J.M. Aslett (2019). A decomposition approach for computation of survival signatures of heterogeneous systems with subsystems with shared components.
Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 2019, Hannover (Germany), September 2019, pp. 2266-2273.
- A.M. Najem, FC (2019). A renewal theory approach to cost effective component swapping to increase system reliability.
Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 2019, Hannover (Germany), September 2019, pp. 2281-2288.
- A.M. Mahnashi, T. Coolen-Maturi, FC (2019). Generalizing nonparametric predictive inference for right-censored data to two future observations.
Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 2019, Hannover (Germany), September 2019, pp. 2671-2678.
- A.A.H. Ahmadini, FC (2019). Nonparametric predictive inference for warranties based on accelerated life test data.
Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 2019, Hannover (Germany), September 2019, pp. 2699-2706.
- T. Coolen-Maturi, FC (2019). Nonparametric predictive inference for the validation of credit rating systems.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A 182, 1189-1204.
- T. Coolen-Maturi, FC, M.H. Alabdulhadi (2020). Nonparametric predictive inference for diagnostic test thresholds.
Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods 49, 697-725.
- Y. Li, FC, C. Zhu, J. Tan (2020). Reliability assessment of the hydraulic system of wind turbines based on load-sharing
using survival signature.
Renewable Energy 153, 766-776.
- A.A.H. Ahmadini, FC (2020). Statistical inference for the Arrhenius-Weibull accelerated life testing model with imprecision
based on the likelihood ratio test.
Journal of Risk and Reliability 234, 275-289.
- X. Huang, FC, T. Coolen-Maturi, Y. Zhang. A new study on reliability importance analysis of phased mission systems.
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, to appear.
- S. Ahmed, J. Shabbir, S. Gupta, FC. Estimation of small area total with randomized data.
REVSTAT - Statistical Journal, to appear.
- L. Utkin, A. Konstantinov, A. Meldo, V. Sokolova, FC. The deep survival forest and elastic-net-Cox cascade models
as extensions of the deep forest.
Proceedings TELECCON-2019, to appear.
- FC, X. Huang, A. Najem. Reliability analysis of phased mission systems when components can be swapped upon failure.
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part B: Mechanical Engineering, to appear.
- M.H. Alabdulhadi, T. Coolen-Maturi, FC. Nonparametric predictive inference for comparison of two diagnostic tests.
Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, to appear.
- L.V. Utkin, FC. A new boosting-based software reliability growth model.
Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, to appear.