Consider the collection ,
and suppose that we take a sample of size
over this collection. Let
be the
observation on
, and collect the
into the vector
Collect all the quantities
together into
the collection
. Suppose that we might observe
. (Actual observations are not essential.) The
following expectations and covariances summarise our requirements for
second-order exchangeability:
Arrange the and
as the entries of the
Such representations follow by explicitly writing the
observation on the
as the sum of a mean component plus a residual component, where the
residual components are uncorrelated with all other
quantities. In principle, we can now specify
Then the variance matrix for the vector of averages
is . This variance matrix is coherent
if both G and U are nonnegative definite.
In the context of the specifications one might actually make, it is
often more natural to specify G and G+U, rather than G and U.
This follows because is the variance of a typical
member of the exchangeable sequence. It is for this reason that
the commands involving exchangeable sequences typically demand that
there are two belief stores, one containing G and the other G+U,
pointed to by the modelvar and infovar controls respectively.
Various operators can be used to generate output related to exchangeable adjustments. See §21.4 for details.