This operator may be used only when an exchangeable adjustment of the
type introduced in §16.2 is available. Thus, we assume that
some adjustment has been performed. The findsize
operator is used to determine sample sizes to guarantee various degrees
of resolution for both the collection as a whole and for its component
elements. This operator may be used to duplicate the output shown when
the FINDSIZE: command is issued.
In the first instance, N should be the name of the collection
adjusted, . The number returned is the sample size n such that
. If the resolution a is unattainable, a value
of is returned.
In the second instance, N should be the name of an element of the collection adjusted, . Then the number returned is the
sample size n such that . If the resolution
a is unattainable, a value of is returned.
An example of the use of the command is as follows, where Patients
is assumed to be the collection currently being adjusted.
BD>print : (findsize (Patients,0.95))
This operator may be used only with when an exchangeable
adjustment of the type introduced in §16.2 is available.
Otherwise the operator can be used with to return the current
resolution. We assume that some adjustment has been
performed. The resd operator is used to calculate the resolution
in N for a sample of size m. It works independently of the current
sample size, n.
In the first instance, N should be the name of the collection
adjusted, . The number returned is the resolution in B given by the
adjustment by , . In the second instance, N
should be the name of an element of the collection
adjusted, . The number returned is the resolution in X given by the
adjustment by , .
This operator may be used only with when an exchangeable
adjustment of the type introduced in §16.2 is available.
Otherwise the operator can be used with to return the current
resolved variance. We assume that some adjustment has been
performed. The rvard operator is used to calculate the resolved variance
in N for a sample of size m.
It works independently of the current
sample size, n.
In the first instance, N should be the name of the collection
adjusted, . The number returned is the resolved variance in B given by the
adjustment by , . In the second instance, N
should be the name of an element of the collection
adjusted, . The number returned is the resolved variance in X given by the
adjustment by , .
This operator may be used only with when an exchangeable
adjustment of the type introduced in §16.2 is available.
Otherwise the operator can be used with to return the current
adjusted variance. We assume that some adjustment has been
performed. The vard operator is used to calculate the adjusted variance
in N for a sample of size m.
It works independently of the current
sample size, n.
In the first instance, N should be the name of the collection
adjusted, . The number returned is the adjusted variance in B given by the
adjustment by , . In the second instance, N
should be the name of an element of the collection
adjusted, . The number returned is the adjusted variance in X given by the
adjustment by , .