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Accessing results available when expoiting exchangeability


Required sample size

tex2html_wrap_inline33790 tex2html_wrap_inline33790 Usage

tex2html_wrap_inline33806 tex2html_wrap_inline33806

This operator may be used only when an exchangeable adjustment of the type introduced in §16.2 is available. Thus, we assume that some adjustment tex2html_wrap_inline43176 has been performed. The findsize  operator is used to determine sample sizes to guarantee various degrees of resolution for both the collection as a whole and for its component elements. This operator may be used to duplicate the output shown when the FINDSIZE:  command is issued.

In the first instance, N should be the name of the collection adjusted, tex2html_wrap_inline34520 . The number returned is the sample size n such that tex2html_wrap_inline43180 . If the resolution a is unattainable, a value of tex2html_wrap_inline43182 is returned.

In the second instance, N should be the name of an element tex2html_wrap_inline40674 of the collection adjusted, tex2html_wrap_inline34520 . Then the number returned is the sample size n such that tex2html_wrap_inline43188 . If the resolution a is unattainable, a value of tex2html_wrap_inline43182 is returned.

An example of the use of the command is as follows, where Patients is assumed to be the collection currently being adjusted.

BD>print : (findsize (Patients,0.95)) tex2html_wrap_inline33712


Resolution for a given sample size

tex2html_wrap_inline33790 tex2html_wrap_inline33790 Usage

  • resd  operator; two operands, N followed by E, in parenthesis and separated by a comma. N is the name of an element or base. E is any valid equation. The result of the equation when rounded should be a positive integer tex2html_wrap_inline43192 .

tex2html_wrap_inline33806 tex2html_wrap_inline33806

This operator may be used only with tex2html_wrap_inline43194 when an exchangeable adjustment of the type introduced in §16.2 is available. Otherwise the operator can be used with tex2html_wrap_inline43196 to return the current resolution. We assume that some adjustment tex2html_wrap_inline43176 has been performed. The resd  operator is used to calculate the resolution in N for a sample of size m. It works independently of the current sample size, n.

In the first instance, N should be the name of the collection adjusted, tex2html_wrap_inline34520 . The number returned is the resolution in B given by the adjustment by tex2html_wrap_inline43202 , tex2html_wrap_inline43204 . In the second instance, N should be the name of an element tex2html_wrap_inline40674 of the collection adjusted, tex2html_wrap_inline34520 . The number returned is the resolution in X given by the adjustment by tex2html_wrap_inline43202 , tex2html_wrap_inline43212 .  

Resolved variance for a given sample size

tex2html_wrap_inline33790 tex2html_wrap_inline33790 Usage

  • rvard  operator; two operands, N followed by E, in parenthesis and separated by a comma. N is the name of an element or base. E is any valid equation. The result of the equation when rounded should be a positive integer tex2html_wrap_inline43192 .

tex2html_wrap_inline33806 tex2html_wrap_inline33806

This operator may be used only with tex2html_wrap_inline43194 when an exchangeable adjustment of the type introduced in §16.2 is available. Otherwise the operator can be used with tex2html_wrap_inline43196 to return the current resolved variance. We assume that some adjustment tex2html_wrap_inline43176 has been performed. The rvard  operator is used to calculate the resolved variance in N for a sample of size m. It works independently of the current sample size, n.

In the first instance, N should be the name of the collection adjusted, tex2html_wrap_inline34520 . The number returned is the resolved variance in B given by the adjustment by tex2html_wrap_inline43202 , tex2html_wrap_inline43226 . In the second instance, N should be the name of an element tex2html_wrap_inline40674 of the collection adjusted, tex2html_wrap_inline34520 . The number returned is the resolved variance in X given by the adjustment by tex2html_wrap_inline43202 , tex2html_wrap_inline43234 .  

Adjusted variance for a given sample size

tex2html_wrap_inline33790 tex2html_wrap_inline33790 Usage

  • vard  operator; two operands, N followed by E, in parenthesis and separated by a comma. N is the name of an element or base. E is any valid equation. The result of the equation when rounded should be a positive integer tex2html_wrap_inline43192 .

tex2html_wrap_inline33806 tex2html_wrap_inline33806

This operator may be used only with tex2html_wrap_inline43194 when an exchangeable adjustment of the type introduced in §16.2 is available. Otherwise the operator can be used with tex2html_wrap_inline43196 to return the current adjusted variance. We assume that some adjustment tex2html_wrap_inline43176 has been performed. The vard  operator is used to calculate the adjusted variance in N for a sample of size m. It works independently of the current sample size, n.

In the first instance, N should be the name of the collection adjusted, tex2html_wrap_inline34520 . The number returned is the adjusted variance in B given by the adjustment by tex2html_wrap_inline43202 , tex2html_wrap_inline43248 . In the second instance, N should be the name of an element tex2html_wrap_inline40674 of the collection adjusted, tex2html_wrap_inline34520 . The number returned is the adjusted variance in X given by the adjustment by tex2html_wrap_inline43202 , tex2html_wrap_inline43256 .  

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David Wooff
Wed Oct 21 15:14:31 BST 1998