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Exploiting exchangeability


The commands in the remainder of this chapter require that a preliminary adjustment has been made, following which the commands here are used to determine the effects of changing the sample size. These commands may be used when the following conditions are observed.

  1. That there are a collection of exchangeable quantities tex2html_wrap_inline37376 , with properties as outlined in §16.1, which will be or have been used to form an adjustment.
  2. That the collection of quantities being adjusted, tex2html_wrap_inline39788 must be second-order exchangeable with tex2html_wrap_inline39726 . That is, we must have


    Arrange the tex2html_wrap_inline39794 as the entries of the tex2html_wrap_inline39796 matrix tex2html_wrap_inline39798 .

  3. An exchangeable adjustment [B/C(n)] must have taken place already, either with a sample size tex2html_wrap_inline39800 , or with the exchangeable  control switched on.

David Wooff
Wed Oct 21 15:14:31 BST 1998