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Adjusted expectations

We can see the adjusted expectations by selecting the e  option of the SHOW:  command as follows:

BD>show: e tex2html_wrap_inline6116

Figure 10:  Adjusted expectations

yielding the output shown in figure 10. The output shows us the adjusted expectations tex2html_wrap_inline9116 and tex2html_wrap_inline9108 for the elements tex2html_wrap_inline8580 and tex2html_wrap_inline8582 .

We can see the standardised adjusted expectations by selecting the e*  option of the SHOW:  command as follows:

BD>show: e* tex2html_wrap_inline6116

Figure 11:  Standardised adjusted expectations

yielding the output shown in figure 11. The functions shown here are the same as those seen in figure 10, but with the data quantities tex2html_wrap_inline8546 and tex2html_wrap_inline8550 standardised to have expectation zero and standard deviation unity. For a discussion of all these adjusted expectations see section 4.1.

David Wooff
Thu Oct 15 12:20:04 BST 1998