Local Information about ICMS 2024

Information Booklet

Click here for the information booklet.


ICMS 2024 will take place at Durham University, UK, in the Mathematical Sciences & Computer Science Building (MCS). All plenary talks will take place in the Scott Logic Lecture Theatre (MCS0001) near the main entrance of the building while sessions will take place in the seminar rooms (MCS2050 and adjacent rooms) on the second floor. Lunch and coffee break refreshments will be served outside the Scott Logic Lecture Theatre.


We have reserved private rooms for all participants at Collingwood College, right next to the botanical garden and a short walk from the venue. The rooms are reserved from 21 July to 26 July, will include breakfast, and will be bookable during registration. If the dates are incompatible with your travel plans, please get in touch with the local organising team. The prices for the rooms will be 52.5 GBP per room per night.


Lunch will be served outside the Scott Logic Lecture Theatre at the conference venue. On Monday, 22 July, there will be an evening reception on the top floor of the Calman Learning Centre. On Wednesday, 24 July, there will be a conference dinner in Collingwood College. Lunches and reception are included in the registration fee, the conference dinner can be booked separately during the registration. For the remaining dinners, participants are encouraged to explore the city centre of Durham.

More questions?

If you have more questions, please get in touch with the local organising team. We are happy to answer any of your questions, and add any relevant information to this website.