M.S. Agranovich | Poincare-Steklov type operators in domains with Lipschitz boundaries

C.J.K. Batty | Resolvent conditions for perturbations of semigroup generators and
solutions of delay equations |


M.V. Berry | Physics of nonhermitian degeneracies |
A. Boettcher | From Toeplitz eigenvalues to spectra of canonical
higher-order ordinary differential operators |

L. Boulton | On the oscillation of eigenfunctions of fourth-order two-point boundary value problems. |

S.N. Chandler-Wilde | Spectral problems associated with scattering by unbounded surfaces |


W. Craig | Hamiltonian PDE |

M.A. Dritschel | Interpolation in semigroupoid algebras |

W.D. Evans | On the spectrum in Smilansky's model of irreversible quantum graphs: the 2-oscillator case |


L.E. Fraenkel | A constructive existence proof for the extreme Stokes wave |

L. Friedlander | The determinant of a differential operator on a metric graph |

A. Gamburd | Poisson-Dirichlet distribution for random Belyi surfaces |
I. Goldsheid | Random diffeomorphisms, Lyapunov exponents, and random operators |

G.M. Graf | Equality of bulk and edge Hall conductances in a mobility gap |


T.A. Gillespie | Weighted ergodic theory and dimension free estimates |


O. Gomilko | The Caley transform of the generator of a uniformly bounded C_0-semigroup |

R. Hryniv | Inverse spectral problems for Bessel operators |


I. Kamotski | Structure of the spectrum of acoustic operator with
singularly perturbed periodic coefficients


L. Kapitanski | Geometry and analysis of the Faddeev model |


D. Khmelnitskii | Physicist's view on localisation

B. Khoruzhenko | Moments of spectral determinants of complex random matrices |


V. Kisil | Algebraic and analytic aspects of covariant functional calculus |


F.K. Klopp | Resonances for slowly varying perturbations of a periodic Schrödinger operator |


V. Kozlov | L2-perturbations of leading coefficients of elliptic operators: asymptotics of eigenvalues and similar problems |

P. Kurasov | Wigner-von Neumann perturbations of periodic Schrödinger operator

A. Laptev | Spectral inequalities for many particles |


M. Levitin | Embedded eigenvalues of the Laplacian for domains with cylindrical ends |


M. Lindner | Generalized collective compactness and limit operators |

V. Liskevich | Gaussian bounds for propagators perturbed by potentials |

M. Marletta | Weak stability for an inverse Sturm-Liouville problem with finite
spectral data and complex potential |


Yu. Netrusov | Sharp version of the Birman-Solomyak theorem on estimates of
entropy numbers

N.K. Nikolski | Van der Waerden's problem and analytic capacities |

L. Parnovski | Distribution of lattice points in Euclidean and hyperbolic spaces |

J.R. Partington | The resolvent test for admissibility of semigroups and Volterra equations


D. Pearson | Spectral density for one-dimensional Schrodinger operators |


B. Pelloni | The spectral analysis of linear differential operators - a new approach |

M. Plum | An existence and enclosure method for nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems |


I. Polterovich | The spectral function and the remainder in local Weyl's law: View from below |

S. Pott | Admissibility and exact observability of observation operators |

G. Rozenblioum | On eigenvalues of the Pauli and magnetic Schrödinger operators
with variable magnetic field: zero modes and splitting of Landau levels. |


M. Ruzhansky | Limiting absorption principle in the critical case and applications |

E. Shargorodsky | The Riemann-Hilbert problem with a vanishing coefficient that arises in nonlinear hydrodynamics |


A. Shkalikov | Invariant subspaces of dissipative operators in Krein spaces


D. Shkarin | On possible spectral structure of linear continuous operators |


M. Shubin | Can one see the fundamental frequency of a drum? |

V. Smyshlyaev | Spectral problems for high contrast periodic media and homogenisation |

Z. Sobol | Dirichlet spaces with no reference measure. |


M.Z. Solomyak | On the spectrum in Smilansky's model of irreversible quantum graphs |


T. Sunada | Geometric theory of lattice vibrations |
P. Topalov | An inverse spectral result for a class of integrable billiard tables |
F. Truc | Accuracy on eigenvalues for Schrödinger Operator with a degenerate potential
in the semi-classical limit |


N. Vasilevski | Commutative algebras of Toeplitz operators and Berezin quantization |


D. Yafaev | A particle in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. |

B. Zegarlinski | Coercive inequalities and nonlinear parabolic problems in infinite dimensions |
S.I.I. Iakovlev
Operators of Friedrichs with a non-trivial singular spectrum |
A. Kirpichnikova
Inverse boundary spectral problem for a Riemannian polyhedron |
P. McKeag
An approximate spectral projection of the Laplacian on a compact Riemannian manifold |
Spectral singularities and asymptotics of contractive semigroups |
Yu. Safarov
Multidimensional numerical range |