6 SL2

6.2 Classification of representations of sl2,C.

The key point here is that a highest weight vector must have non-negative integer weight n, and it then generates an irreducible representation of dimension n+1 whose isomorphism class is determined by n and which has a very natural basis of weight vectors.

Let (ρ,V) be a complex-linear representation of 𝔰𝔩2,.

Lemma 6.14.

Suppose that V has a highest weight vector v of weight n. Then the subspace W spanned by the vectors


is an 𝔰𝔩2,-invariant subspace of V.

Moreover, n0, the dimension of W is n+1, v,Y(v),,Yn(v) are a basis for W, with Yn+1(v)=0.


Let W be the span of the Yk(v). Since the Yk(v) are weight vectors, their span is H-invariant. It is clearly also Y-invariant. So we only need to check the invariance under the X-action. I claim that for all m1,

XYm(v)=m(n-m+1)Ym-1(v). (6.1)

The proof is by induction. The case m=1 is:


If the formula holds for m, then

XYm+1(v) =([X,Y]+YX)Ym(v)
=(n-2m)Ymv+m(n-m+1)Ymv (induction hypothesis)

as required.

If n is not a nonnegative integer, then m(n-m+1)0 for all m. So


whence Ymv0 for all m. As these are weight vectors with distinct weights, they are linearly independent and so span an infinite dimensional subspace.

If Yiv=0 for some 0<in, then


and so Yi-1v=0. Repeating gives that v=Y0v=0, a contradiction.



and so Yn+1v is either zero or a highest weight vector of weight -(n+2)<0. We have already seen that the second possibility cannot happen, so Yn+1v=0.

Thus W is spanned by the (nonzero) weight vectors v,Yv,,Ynv with distinct weights, which are therefore linearly independent and so a basis for W. ∎

Remark 6.15.

If we didn’t assume that V was finite-dimensional, then the first part of the previous lemma would still be true.

Corollary 6.16.

In the situation of the previous lemma, W is irreducible.


Suppose that WW is a nonzero subrepresentation. Then it has a highest weight vector, which must be (proportional to) Yiv for some 0in. But then


if i>0 and so i=0, meaning that vW. But then YivW for all i, so W=W as required. ∎

The weights of W are illustrated in Figure 6.2.

Theorem 6.17.

Suppose V is an irreducible finite-dimensional complex-linear representation of 𝔰𝔩2,. Then:

  1. 1.

    There is a unique (up to scalar) highest weight vector, with highest weight n0.

  2. 2.

    The weights of V are n,n-2,,2-n,-n.

  3. 3.

    All weight spaces Vα are one-dimensional (we say that V is ‘multiplicity free’).

  4. 4.

    The dimension of V is n+1.

For every n0, there is a unique irreducible complex-linear representation of 𝔰𝔩2, (up to isomorphism) with highest weight n.


Let V be an irreducible finite-dimensional complex-linear representation of 𝔰𝔩2,. Let vV be a highest weight vector. By Lemma 6.14 its weight is a nonnegative integer n, and by Corollary 6.16 the vectors v,Yv,,Ynv span an irreducible subrepresentation of V of dimension n+1, which must therefore be the whole of V. The claims all follow immediately.

Moreover, the actions of X, Y and H on this basis are given by explicit matrices depending only on n, so the isomorphism class of V is determined by n.

It remains only to show that a representation with highest weight n exists for all n0. Consider Symn(2). The vector e1n is a highest weight vector of weight n, so we are done. In fact, in this case Yae1n is proportional to e1n-ae-1a, so the irreducible representation generated by e1n is in fact the whole of Symn(2). ∎

In fact, if (ρ,V) is the irreducible representation with highest weight n, highest weight vector v, then the matrices of H, Y, and X with respect to the basis


are respectively

ρ(H) =(nn-2-n),
ρ(Y) =(01010),
ρ(X) =(0n02(n-1)03(n-2)n0).
Theorem 6.18.

Every finite-dimensional irreducible complex-linear representation of SL2() or 𝔰𝔩2, is isomorphic to Symn(2), the symmetric power of the standard representation.


We already proved this for 𝔰𝔩2,. If V is a representation of SL2(), then its derivative will be isomorphic to Symn(2). Since SL2() is connected, this implies that VSymn(2). ∎