3 Induced representations

3.3 Characters

Let HG be finite groups, and let (ρ,V) be a representation of H with character χ. We use Frobenius reciprocity to determine the character IndHGχ of IndHGρ.

Theorem 3.12.

Suppose that we are in the above situation. Suppose that 𝒞 is a conjugacy class of G, and let 𝒞H=𝒟1𝒟n where 𝒟1,,𝒟n are conjugacy classes of H. Then


Let 1𝒞 be the indicator function of 𝒞. Then for any class function χ on G,


So, combining this with Frobenius reciprocity,

(IndHGχ)(𝒞) =|G||𝒞|IndHGχ,1𝒞G

which gives the claimed formula. ∎

Remark 3.13.

We derived the character formula from Frobenius reciprocity. It is also possible to go the other way around: prove the character formula directly, then derive Frobenius reciprocity as a consequence. Personally, I find that knowing Frobenius reciprocity is the easiest way to remember the character formula.

Remark 3.14.

If gG, we write CG(g) for the centralizer of g:


By the orbit-stabiliser theorem, if 𝒞(g) is the conjugacy class of g, then


giving an interpretation for some of the factors in the above formula.

Exercise 3.15.

Let HG be groups and let χ be a character of H. If χ˙(g)=χ(g) if gH and 0 otherwise.

  1. 1.

    Show that the formula for the induced character may be rewritten

  2. 2.

    If g1H,,grH are the left cosets of H in G, show that

Example 3.16.

We continue with the example of the dihedral group. Let H=CnG=Dn, and let ψ:H× be a homomorphism with ψ(r)=ω. Then:

  • IndHGψ(e)=[G:H]=2.

  • IndHGψ(s)=IndHGψ(rs)=0 as the conjugacy class of s or rs does not intersect H.

  • If 0<i<n/2, then the conjugacy class {r,r-1} of G splits into two conjugacy classes, {r} and {r-1}, of H. We have

  • If i=n/2, then the conjugacy class {rn/2} of G remains as a single conjugacy class of H and


Taking ω±1 we again obtain all the irreducible two-dimensional characters of Dn.