3 Induced representations

3.2 Frobenius reciprocity

Theorem 3.6.

(Frobenius reciprocity) Let HG be finite groups, let V be a representation of H, and let W be a representation of G induced from V. Then, for any representation U of G, there is an isomorphism of vector spaces


We use the decomposition of W as


Since V0 is isomorphic to V as an H-representation, and the right hand side only depends on V up to isomorphism, we may as well assume that V is actually a subrepresentation of IndHGV.

If ϕ~:WU is a G-homomorphism, then the restriction ϕ of ϕ~ to V is an element of HomH(V,U). We show that the map ϕ~ϕ is a (linear) bijection, which will prove the theorem.

Given ϕ:VU an H-homomorphism, we must show that there is a unique G-homomorphism ϕ~:WU such that ϕ~|V=ϕ.

Let g1H,,grH be the left cosets as usual. We must have


for all i=1,,r and vV, which shows the uniqueness of ϕ~. To show existence, define ψ:WU by ψ(giv)=giψ(v) for all i=1,r and vV; since W=i=1rgiV this defined a unique linear map. Since we may take g1=e, we see that ψ extends ϕ. To show it ψ is a G-homomorphism it is enough to show that ψ(ggiv)=gψ(giv) for all vV, i=1,,r, and gG. Then ggi=gjh for some j{1,,r} and hH and we have

ψ(ggiv) =ψ(gjhw)
as ϕ is an H-homomorphism

This shows the existence of ϕ~=ψ, and we are done. ∎

Corollary 3.7.

Any two representations induced from isomorphic representations of H are isomorphic.


If W,W are both induced from V, and V0,V0 are their respective H-subrepresentations isomorphic to V, then let ϕ:V0V0 be an H-isomorphism. Then the construction in the previous proof provides a G-homomorphism ϕ~:WW such that ϕ~(v)=ϕ(v) if vV0. As ϕ~ then defines an isomorphism of vector spaces giV0giV0 for each left coset representative giH and each of W and W is the direct sum of these, ϕ~ is an isomorphism. ∎

Corollary 3.8.

Let (ρ,V) be a representation of H with character χ, and let ψ be any class function on G. Then


This is true when ψ is the character of a representation of G by Frobenius reciprocity. In general, we can write χ as a linear combination of characters of representations of G, and deduce the result by linearity. ∎

If X and Y are vector spaces with inner products, then the adjoint of a linear map T:XY is a linear map T*:YX such that


for all xX, yY. Thus we say that induction is adjoint to restriction.

Exercise 3.9.

If W1,W2 are representations of H, then

Exercise 3.10.

If HKG are subgroups, and W is a representation of H, then

Exercise 3.11.

If V is a representation of G and H is a subgroup, then


3.2.1 Example: S3 to S4

Table 3 below shows the irreducible characters ψi of S4 and χi of S3.

Table 3: Characters of S3 and S4

We regard S3 as the subgroup of S4 of elements that fix 4, and use Frobenius reciprocity to compute IndS3S4χ2.

For each i, Frobenius reciprocity implies that


The right hand side is easily seen to be zero for i=0,1 and one for i=2,3,4. We therefore have
