Syllabus of taught modules
(back to
statistics III/IV/V (MATH3341/MATH4031/MATH43220)
Multivariate. distributions and
calculus β Exchangeable model β Specification of priors (conjugate,
Jeffreys, Max. entropy, etc...) β elements of decision theory (Bayes
risk, admissibility, etc...) β point estimators β credible sets β
hypothesis tests β model comparison β model averaging β Lindley's
paradox β Bayesian hierarchical modeling β empirical Bayes β
asymptotic behavior of the posterior β intro to JAGS β examples in
Bayesian linear regression β logistic regression and Normal mixture
Variational Bayesian inference (as
self study material)
Bayesian statistics III/IV/V
- Graphical models: Graph theory β Conditional
independence β Bayesian networks
- Stochastic simulation: Inverse sampling method β
Rejection sampler β Importance sampling β Markov chain Monte
Carlo (Gibbs alg, Metropolis-Hastings alg, central limit
theorem, law of large numbers, convergence, implementation,
diagnostics, and output use)
Topics in
Statistics III/IV (MATH3361/MATH4071)
- Contingency tables: graphical
investigation β 3 way tables β multi-way tables β models of
conditional independencies β Goodness-of-fit tests β
residuals/diagnostics β odds ratios β Mantel-Haenszel test β
Simpson's paradox β estimation β log-linear models β model
comparison (profile likelihood ; AIC/BIC ; forward selection ;
backward elimination ; stepwise selection) β parameter
estimation (Newton algorithm ; iterative proportions fitting)
- Likelihood methods: modes of
convergence of sequences of random variables β Taylor expansion
with remainder (multivariate) β characteristic functions β
consistency β laws of large numbers β central limit theorems β
Mann-Wald notation (big/little Oh pee) β Cramer's theorem and
Delta method β Asymptotic efficiency β variance stabilization β
MLE (and properties) β method of moments (and properties) β
one-step-estimators (and properties)Β β symptotic confidence
regions and hypothesis tests (with: ML ; Wald ; Score
statistics) β inference with nuisance parameters (profile
likelihood ; Wald ; Score statistic) β Expectation-Maximization
- Bootstrap methods as self
study material
Spatio-Temporal Statistics IV
learning and neural networks III (MATH3431)
- Foundations: Learning theory, convex learning problems, and
related smoothness conditions
- Stochastic learning: stochastic gradient decent, stochastic
gradient Langevin dynamics, and variations
- Support vector machines: hard and soft SVM, geometry, duality
- Kernel methods: projections in feature spaces, kernel trick,
kernelised SVM, Gaussian process regression
- Neural networks: single/multi-layer perception, error
back-propagation, Bayesian/classical framework, relation to other
- Optional (if time allows): Latent variable models, mixture
models, expectation maximization alg. variational inference
- Software implementation of the above in R
methods III (MATH3051)
Linear regression β Regression
diagnostics (assumptions ; influential points ; outliers) β model
selection (profile likelihood ; AIC/BIC ; forward selection ;
backward elimination ; stepwise selection) β ANOVA β principal
component analysis β dimension reduction β mixture models of
distributions β Expectation Maximisation
Introduction to: Random variables β
distributions β expectations β Central Limit Theorem β Law of Large
Numbers β parametric tests for 1 and 2 populations (mean, variance,
proportions) β non parametric tests for 1 and 2 populations (median)
β 1 way ANOVA