
Dirk Schütz

Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Durham
Upper Mountjoy
Stockton Rd
Durham, DH1 3LE
United Kingdom

Office: MCS 3002

Phone: +44 191 334 3089



My research interests include For more information on research in topology here in Durham see the Durham Pure Mathematics Research Page.

The 2020 British Topology Meeting took place 12-14 April 2022.

The Durham Conference on Geometry and Topology in Honour of John Bolton and Cherry Kearton took place 20-22 June 2010.


Office hours : TBA.

Michaelmas Term 2024: Previous Terms.

Recent Publications and Preprints

Preprints: Recent Publications: A full list of publications is available here.


Here is some software that I have written over the years.

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