Papers and preprints
Long-range one-dimensional internal diffusion-limited aggregation,
(with Conrado da Costa and Andrew Wade) 2024
(ArXiv link)
Positive reinforced generalized time-dependent PĆ³lya urns via
stochastic approximation, (with Wioletta Ruszel) 2024
Journal of Theoretical Probability, (Journal link)
Continuous time digital search tree and a border aggregation model,
(with Svante Janson) 2022, accepted in
Bernoulli ,
(Journal link) .
A New Approach to Pòlya Urn Schemes and Its Infinite Color
Generalizations, (with Antar Bandyopadhyay), 2022
Annals of Applied Probability,
(Journal link).
Strong convergence of infinite color balanced urns under uniform
ergodicity(with Antar Bandyopadhyay and Svante Janson), 2020
Journal of Applied Probability ,
(Journal link)
"Border aggregation model", (with Stanislav Volkov), 2018
Annals of Applied Probability, (Journal link)
"On Pòlya urn schemes with infinitely many colors",(with Antar
23(4B): 3243 - 3267, 2017.
" Edge- and vertex-reinforced random walks with super-linear
reinforcement on infinite graphs",(with Codina Cotar),
Annals of Probability , Volume 45, Number 4 (2017), 2655-2706.
"Rate of Convergence and Large Deviation for the Infinite Color
Pòlya Urn Schemes". (with Antar Bandyopadhyay)
Statist. Probab. Lett., 92: 232 - 240, 2014.
"Connectivity in non-uniform random geometric graphs with location
dependent radius",(with Srikanth Iyer),
Annals of Applied Probability ,22(5), 2048-2066, 2012.