
Book Chapters

Refereed Publications

On magnetic topology and plasma relaxation:

  1. V. Aslanyan, R.B. Scott, C.P. Wilkins, K.A. Meyer, D.I. Pontin and A.R. Yeates, A new field line tracer for the study of coronal magnetic topologies, ApJ 971, 137, 2024.
  2. D. Xiao, C.B. Prior and A.R. Yeates, Computation of winding-based magnetic helicity and magnetic winding density for SHARP magnetograms in spherical coordinates, Solar Phys. 298, 116, 2023.
  3. D. Xiao, C.B. Prior and A.R. Yeates, Spherical winding and helicity, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56, 205201, 2023.
  4. A.R. Yeates, On the limitations of magneto-frictional relaxation, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 116, 305, 2022. (preprint).
  5. C. Prior and A.R. Yeates, Intrinsic winding of braided vector fields in tubular subdomains, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 465701, 2021.
  6. A.R. Yeates, A.J.B. Russell and G. Hornig, Evolution of field line helicity in magnetic relaxation, Phys. Plasmas 28, 082904, 2021. (preprint)
  7. L. Chen, A.R. Yeates and A.J.B. Russell, Optimal unstirred state of a passive scalar, J. Fluid Mech. 911, A30, 2021. (alternative link)
  8. W. Gekelman, T. DeHaas, C. Prior and A.R. Yeates, Using topology to locate the position where fully three-dimensional reconnection occurs, SN Applied Sciences 2, 2187, 2020. (alternative link)
  9. G. Valori, P. Démoulin, E. Pariat, A.R. Yeates, K. Moraitis and L. Linan, Additivity of relative magnetic helicity in finite volumes, Astron. Astrophys 643, A26, 2020. (preprint)
  10. A.R. Yeates, The minimal helicity of solar coronal magnetic fields, ApJ Letters 898, L49, 2020. (preprint)
  11. G. Hawkes and A.R. Yeates, Hemispheric injection of magnetic helicity by surface flux transport, Astron. Astrophys. 631, A138, 2019.
  12. A.R. Yeates and M.H. Page, Relative field-line helicity in bounded domains, J. Plasma Phys. 84, 775840602, 2018. (preprint)
  13. S. Candelaresi, D.I. Pontin, A.R. Yeates, P.J. Bushby and G. Hornig, Estimating the rate of field line braiding in the solar corona by photospheric flows, ApJ 864, 157, 2018. (preprint)
  14. C. Prior and A.R. Yeates, Quantifying reconnective activity in braided vector fields, Phys. Rev. E 98, 013204, 2018.
  15. A.R. Yeates and G. Hornig, The global distribution of magnetic helicity in the solar corona, Astron. Astrophys. 594, A98, 2016. (preprint)
  16. C. Prior and A.R. Yeates, Twisted versus braided magnetic flux ropes in coronal geometry: II. Comparative behaviour, Astron. Astrophys. 591, A16, 2016.
  17. C. Prior and A.R. Yeates, Twisted versus braided magnetic flux ropes in coronal geometry: I. Construction and relaxation, Astron. Astrophys. 587, A125, 2016.
  18. A.R. Yeates, A.J.B. Russell and G. Hornig, Physical role of topological constraints in localized magnetic relaxation, Proc. R. Soc. A 471, 20150012, 2015. (preprint)
  19. A.J.B. Russell, A.R. Yeates, G. Hornig and A.L. Wilmot-Smith, Evolution of field line helicity during magnetic reconnection, Phys. Plasmas 22, 032106, 2015. (preprint)
  20. A.R. Yeates and G. Hornig, A complete topological invariant for braided magnetic fields, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 544, 012002, 2014. (preprint)
  21. C. Prior and A.R. Yeates, On the helicity of open magnetic fields, ApJ 787, 100, 2014. (preprint)
  22. A.R. Yeates, F. Bianchi, B.T. Welsch and P.J. Bushby, The coronal energy input from magnetic braiding, Astron. Astrophys. 564, A131, 2014. (preprint)
  23. A.C.-L. Chian, E.L. Rempel, G. Aulanier, B. Schmieder, S.C. Shadden, B.T. Welsch and A.R. Yeates, Detection of coherent structures in photospheric turbulent flows, ApJ 786, 51, 2014. (preprint)
  24. A.R. Yeates and G. Hornig, Unique topological characterization of braided magnetic fields, Phys. Plasmas 20, 012102, 2013. (preprint, or pdf - Copyright 2013 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.)
  25. A.R. Yeates, G. Hornig, and B.T. Welsch, Lagrangian coherent structures in photospheric flows and their implications for coronal magnetic structure, Astron. Astrophys. 539, A1, 2012. (preprint)
  26. A.L. Wilmot-Smith, D.I. Pontin, A.R. Yeates, and G, Hornig, Heating of braided coronal loops, Astron. Astrophys. 536, A67, 2011. (preprint)
  27. A.R. Yeates and G. Hornig, A Generalized Flux Function for Three-dimensional Magnetic Reconnection, Phys. Plasmas 18, 102118, 2011. (pdf - Copyright 2011 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.)
  28. A.R. Yeates and G. Hornig, Dynamical constraints from field line topology in magnetic flux tubes, J. Phys. A Math. Theor. 44, 265501, 2011. (preprint, see also a brief insight "Predicting relaxation with magnetic topology")
  29. A.R. Yeates, G. Hornig, and A.L. Wilmot-Smith, Topological Constraints on Magnetic Relaxation, Phys. Rev. Letters 105, 085002, 2010. (preprint) **PRESS RELEASE**

On global modelling of the Sun's coronal magnetic field:

  1. A.R. Yeates, The Sun's Non-Potential Corona over Solar Cycle 24, Solar Phys. 299, 83, 2024 (SharedIt link).
  2. V. Aslanyan, K.A. Meyer, R.B. Scott and A.R. Yeates, A near half-century simulation of the solar corona, ApJ Letters 961, L3, 2024.
  3. O.E.K. Rice and A.R. Yeates, Eruptivity criteria for solar coronal flux ropes in magnetohydrodynamic and magnetofrictional models, ApJ 955, 114, 2023.
  4. K.H. Arachchige, O. Cohen, A. Munoz-Jaramillo and A.R. Yeates, Comparing the performance of a solar wind model from the Sun to 1AU using real and synthetic magnetograms, ApJ 938, 39, 2022.
  5. A.R. Yeates and P. Bhowmik, Automated driving for global nonpotential simulations of the solar corona, ApJ 935, 13, 2022.
  6. O.E.K. Rice and A.R. Yeates, Eruptivity criteria for two-dimensional magnetic flux ropes in the solar corona, Front. Astron. Space Sci. 9, 849135, 2022 (preprint).
  7. P. Bhowmik, A.R. Yeates and O.E.K. Rice, Exploring the origin of stealth coronal mass ejections with magnetofrictional simulations, Solar Phys. 297, 41, 2022.
  8. D.H. Mackay and A.R. Yeates, A comparison of sparse and non-sparse techniques for electric-field inversion from normal-component magnetograms, Solar Phys. 296, 178, 2021.
  9. O.E.K. Rice and A.R. Yeates, Global coronal equilibria with solar wind outflow, ApJ 923, 57, 2021 (preprint).
  10. P. Bhowmik and A.R. Yeates, Two classes of eruptive events during solar minimum, Solar Phys. 296, 109, 2021 (preprint).
  11. S. Gonzi, M. Weinzierl, F.-X. Bocquet, M.M. Bisi, D. Odstrcil, B.V. Jackson, A.R. Yeates, D.R. Jackson, C.J. Henney and C.N. Arge, Impact of inner heliospheric boundary conditions on solar wind predictions at Earth, Space Weather 19, e2020SW002499, 2020.
  12. D. Stansby, A.R. Yeates and S.T. Badman, pfsspy: A Python package for potential field source surface modelling, J. Open Source Software 5(54), 2732, 2020.
  13. D.H. Mackay, C.R. DeVore, S.K. Antiochos and A.R. Yeates, Magnetic helicity condensation and the solar cycle, ApJ 869, 62, 2018.
  14. R.B. Scott, D.I. Pontin, A.R. Yeates and P.F. Wyper, Magnetic structures at the boundary of the closed corona: interpretation of s-web arcs, ApJ 869, 60, 2018. (preprint).
  15. P.F. Wyper, C.R. DeVore, J.T. Karpen, S.K. Antiochos and A.R. Yeates, A Model for Coronal Hole Bright Points and Jets due to Moving Magnetic Elements, ApJ 864, 165, 2018. (preprint).
  16. A.R. Yeates, T. Amari, I. Contopoulos, X. Feng, D.H. Mackay, Z. Mikic, T. Wiegelmann, J. Hutton, C.A. Lowder, H. Morgan, G. Petrie, L.A. Rachmeler, L.A. Upton, A. Canou, P. Chopin, Global Non-Potential Magnetic Models of the Solar Corona During the March 2015 Eclipse, Space Sci. Rev. 214, 99, 2018. (preprint).
  17. P. Pagano, D.H. Mackay and A.R. Yeates, A new technique for observationally derived boundary conditions for space weather, J. Space Weather Space Clim. 8, A26, 2018. (preprint).
  18. D. Nandy, P. Bhowmik, A.R. Yeates, S. Panda, R. Tarafder, and S. Dash, The Large-scale Coronal Structure of the 2017 August 21 Great American Eclipse: An Assessment of Solar Surface Flux Transport Model Enabled Predictions and Observations, Astrophys. J. 853, 72, 2018.
  19. J.A. Linker, R.M. Caplan, C. Downs, P. Riley, Z. Mikic, R. Lionello, C.J. Henney, C.N. Arge, Y. Liu, M.L. Derosa, A.R. Yeates, M.J. Owens, The open flux problem, Astrophys. J. 848, 70, 2017. (preprint).
  20. C.A. Lowder and A.R. Yeates, Magnetic flux rope identification and characterization from observationally-driven solar coronal models, Astrophys. J. 846, 106, 2017. (preprint).
  21. A.R. Yeates, Sparse reconstruction of electric fields from radial magnetic data, ApJ 836, 131, 2017. (preprint).
  22. M. Weinzierl, D.H. Mackay, A.R. Yeates and A.A. Pevtsov, The possible impact of L5 magnetograms on non-potential solar coronal magnetic field simulations, Astrophys. J. 828, 102, 2016.
  23. D.H. Mackay, A.R. Yeates and F.-X. Bocquet, Impact of an L5 magnetograph on nonpotential solar global magnetic field modeling, Astrophys. J. 825, 131, 2016.
  24. M. Weinzierl, A.R. Yeates, D.H. Mackay, C.J. Henney and C.N. Arge, A new technique for the photospheric driving of non-potential solar coronal magnetic field simulations, Astrophys. J. 823, 55, 2016.
  25. G.P.S. Gibb, D.H. Mackay, M.M. Jardine and A.R. Yeates, Stellar coronal response to differential rotation and flux emergence, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 456, 3624, 2016. (preprint).
  26. A.R. Yeates, D. Baker and L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, Source of a prominent poleward surge during Solar Cycle 24, Solar Phys. 290, 3189, 2015. (preprint).
  27. S.J. Edwards, A.R. Yeates, F.-X. Bocquet and D.H. Mackay, Influence of Non-Potential Coronal Magnetic Topology on Solar-Wind Models, Solar Phys. 290, 2791, 2015. (preprint).
  28. L.A. Rachmeler, S.J. Platten, C. Bethge, D.B. Seaton and A.R. Yeates, Observations of a hybrid double-streamer/pseudostreamer in the solar corona, ApJ Letters 787, L3, 2014. (preprint)
  29. A.R. Yeates, Coronal magnetic field evolution from 1996 to 2012: Continuous non-potential simulations, Solar Phys. 289, 631, 2014. (preprint)
  30. C.J. Schrijver, A.M. Title, A.R. Yeates and M.L. DeRosa, Pathways of large-scale magnetic couplings between solar coronal events, ApJ 773, 93, 2013. (preprint)
  31. **review article** D.H. Mackay and A.R. Yeates, The Sun's Global Photospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields: Observations and Models, Living Rev. Solar Phys. 9, 6, 2012. (preprint)
  32. A.R. Yeates and D.H. Mackay, Chirality of high latitude filaments over Solar Cycle 23, ApJ Letters 753, L34, 2012. (preprint)
  33. A.R. Yeates, D.H. Mackay, A.A. van Ballegooijen, and J.A. Constable, A Non-potential Model for the Sun's Open Magnetic Flux, J. Geophys. Res. A 115, A09112, 2010. (preprint; see also this summary poster)
  34. A.R. Yeates, J.A. Constable, and P.C.H. Martens, Solar Cycle Variation of Magnetic Flux Ropes in a Quasi-Static Coronal Evolution Model, Solar Physics 263, 121, 2010. (preprint)
  35. A.R. Yeates, G.D.R. Attrill, D. Nandy, D.H. Mackay, P.C.H. Martens, and A.A. van Ballegooijen, Comparison of a Global Magnetic Evolution Model with Observations of Coronal Mass Ejections, ApJ 709, 1238, 2010. (preprint)
  36. A.R. Yeates and D.H. Mackay, Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections in a Global Evolution Model, ApJ 699, 1024, 2009. (preprint)
  37. A.R. Yeates and D.H. Mackay, Modelling the Global Solar Corona III: Origin of the Hemispheric Pattern of Filaments, Solar Physics 254, 77, 2009. (preprint)
  38. A.R. Yeates, D.H. Mackay, and A.A. van Ballegooijen, Evolution and Distribution of Current Helicity in Full-Sun Simulations, ApJ Letters 680, L165, 2008. (preprint)
  39. D.H. Mackay, V. Gaizauskas, and A.R. Yeates, Where do Solar Filaments Form? Consequences for Theoretical Models, Solar Physics 248, 51, 2008.
  40. A.R. Yeates, D.H. Mackay, and A.A. van Ballegooijen, Modelling the Global Solar Corona II: Coronal Evolution and Filament Chirality Comparison, Solar Physics 247, 103, 2008. (preprint)
  41. A.R. Yeates, D.H. Mackay, and A.A. van Ballegooijen, Modelling the Global Solar Corona: Filament Chirality Observations and Surface Simulations, Solar Physics 245, 87, 2007. (preprint)

On the solar dynamo:

  1. K. Mursula, A.A. Pevtsov, T. Asikainen, I. Tähtinen and A.R. Yeates, Transition to a weaker Sun: Changes in the solar atmosphere during the decay of the Modern Maximum, Astron. Astrophys. 685, A170, 2024.
  2. **review article**A.R. Yeates, M.C.M. Cheung, J. Jiang, K. Petrovay and Y.-M. Wang, Surface flux transport on the Sun, Space Sci. Rev. 219, 31, 2023. (alternative link)
  3. M. Lockwood, M.J. Owens, S.L. Yardley, I.O.I. Virtanen, A.R. Yeates, and A. Munoz-Jaramillo, Application of historic datasets to understanding open solar flux and the 20th-century grand solar maximum. 2. Solar observations, Front. Astron. Space Sci. 9, 976444, 2022.
  4. K. Petrovay, M. Nagy and A.R. Yeates, Towards an algebraic method of solar cycle prediction, J. Space Weather Space Clim. 10, 50, 2020.
  5. A.R. Yeates, How good is the bipolar approximation of active regions for surface flux transport?, Solar Phys. 295, 119, 2020. (preprint)
  6. I.O.I. Virtanen, I.I. Virtanen, A.A. Pevtsov, L Bertello, A.R. Yeates, and K. Mursula, Reconstructing solar magnetic fields from historical observations IV. Testing the reconstruction method, Astron. Astrophys. 627, A11, 2019.
  7. T. Whitbread, A.R. Yeates and A. Munoz-Jaramillo, The need for active region disconnection in 3D kinematic dynamo simulations, Astron. Astrophys. 627, A168, 2019.
  8. T. Whitbread, A.R. Yeates and A. Munoz-Jaramillo, How many active regions are necessary to predict the solar dipole moment?, ApJ 863, 116, 2018.
  9. T. Whitbread, A.R. Yeates, A. Munoz-Jaramillo and G.J.D. Petrie, Parameter optimization for surface flux transport models, Astron. Astrophys. 607, A76, 2017. (preprint)
  10. I.O.I. Virtanen, I.I. Virtanen, A.A. Pevtsov, A.R. Yeates, and K. Mursula, Reconstructing solar magnetic fields from historical observations II. Testing the surface flux transport model, Astron. Astrophys. 604, A8, 2017.
  11. A. Munoz-Jaramillo, R.R. Senkpeil, J.C. Windmueller, E.C. Amouzou, D.W. Longcope, A.G. Tlatov, Y.A. Nagovitsyn, A.A. Pevtsov, G.A. Chapman, A.M. Cookson, A.R. Yeates, F.T. Watson, L.A. Balmaceda, E.E. DeLuca and P.C.H. Martens, Small-Scale and Global Dynamos and the Area and Flux Distributions of Active Regions, Sunspot Groups, and Sunspots: A Multi-Database Study, ApJ 800, 48, 2015. (preprint)
  12. A.R. Yeates and A. Munoz-Jaramillo, Kinematic active region formation in a three-dimensional solar dynamo model, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 436, 3366, 2013. (preprint)
  13. A. Munoz-Jaramillo, D. Nandy, P.C.H. Martens, and A.R. Yeates, A Double-Ring Algorithm for Modeling Solar Active Regions: Unifying Kinematic Dynamo Models and Surface Flux-Transport Simulations, ApJ Letters 720, L20, 2010. (preprint)
  14. A.R. Yeates, D. Nandy, and D.H. Mackay, Exploring the Physical Basis of Solar Cycle Predictions: Flux Transport Dynamics and Persistence of Memory in Advection versus Diffusion Dominated Solar Convection Zones, ApJ 673, 544, 2008. (preprint)

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