| 2025, Banff, "Perspectives on Markov Numbers". |
| 2024, Ile d'Oleron, "New trends in Geometry, Combinatorics and Mathematical Physics". |
| 2024, Fribourg, Jounées de Géométrie hyperbolique. |
| 2024, "Cluster algebras and its applications", Oberwolfach workshop. |
| 2023, talk for high school students, "Maths Unbounded", Durham. |
| 2023, Seminar "Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields", online. |
| 2021, "Selected Topics in Mathematics", Online Edition. |
| 2021, Isaac Newton Institute, "Interdisciplinary applications of cluster algebras" (slides corrected). |
| 2021, LMS Undergraduate Summer School, Colloquium (online). |
| 2020, AIM workshop on Arithmetic Reflection Groups and Crystallographic Packings. |
| 2020, ICMS, Integrable Days, 65th birthday celebration for Alexander P. Veselov. |
| 2018, London, LMS Graduate Student Meeting. |
| 2018, Leicester, Workshop on Galois Covers, Grothendieck-Teichmüller Theory and Dessins d’Enfants. |
| 2018, Luminy, CIRM, Cluster Algebras: Twenty Years On. |
| 2017, CRM, Montreal. |
| 2016. |
| 2016, Hesrtmonceux Castle, Conference on Groups Actions and Algebraic Combinatorics. |
| 2014, Moscow, 4th Workshop on Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces, Cluster Algebras, and Symplectic Invariants. |
| 2013, Durham, Geometry and Topology seminar. |
| 2012, MSRI. |
| 2012, Durham (job inteview talk). |
| 2010, Moscow. 2nd Workshop on Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces, Cluster Algebras, and Symplectic Invariants. |
| 2009, EPFL. |
| 2008, Fribourg, 3-hour minicourse, Summer school on bounded cohomology, Coxeter groups and hyperbolic geometry. |
| 2007, CMS Winter Meeting. |
| 2007, Bielefeld. |
| 3 lectures in TU Berlin, 2017 |
| East Lancing, 2018 |
| Proof Without Words (borrowed from cut-the-knot portal). ---- |