Andrew Wade

Professor in probability

Department of Mathematical Sciences
Durham University
Upper Mount Joy Campus
Stockton Road
Durham DH1 3LE

Room: MCS 3022   Phone: 0191 33 43091
E-mail: andrew [dot] wade [@] durham [dot] ac [dot] uk


I am in the probability group in Durham. I am particularly interested in probabilistic models and processes inspired by physics or other applications, including random walks, random spatial graphs, and interacting particle systems. I have written a book (here are some errata).

I am a member of the Probability in the North East (PiNE) research network.

More about my research »

**Forthcoming event**

Durham University is hosting the 2025 UK Easter Probability meeting on "Dynamics of random systems" 31 March – 4 April 2025.


I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Past lecture courses taught: see here.


Events: PiNE; Applied probability calendar; RSS applied probability; IMA; LMS; EMS; IMS; Bernoulli Society. Some past events that I have helped to organize.

Research resources: recent probability papers at arxiv; MathSciNet search; AMS serial abbreviations. Local links: library (catalogue, e-journals); probability seminars; teaching weeks. Further resources can be found here.

Personal: some photos.