Andrieu | On the ordering of a class of non-reversible Markov Monte Carlo algorithms | |  | |
Banerjee | Coupling, geometry and hypoellipticity |  |  | |
Barbour | Density dependent Markov chains: from Kurtz to equilibrium I | |  | |
Barbour | Density dependent Markov chains: from Kurtz to equilibrium II | |  | |
Barbour | Density dependent Markov chains: from Kurtz to equilibrium III | |  | |
Bernstein | Cutoff for the random-to-random shuffle |  |  | |
Bovier | Extremal processes of Gaussian processes indexed by trees |  |  | |
Candellero | Coupling of Brownian motions in Banach spaces | |  | |
Connor | Omnithermal Perfect Simulation for Multi-server Queues |  |  | |
Cotar | Density functional theory and optimal transport with Coulomb and Riesz cost |  |  | |
Croydon | Scaling limits of stochastic processes associated with resistance forms |  |  | |
Cruise | Electricity networks, novel challenges |  |  | |
Daly | Approximation by geometric sums: Markov chain passage times and queueing models |  |  | |
Flemming | Laser Beam Scintillation: What it is and why it is a problem for statistical analysis | |  | |
Guo | Random cluster dynamics at $q = 2$ is fast mixing |  |  | |
Hambly | Scaling limits for randomly trapped random walks |  |  | |
Hermon | Cutoff for Ramanujan graphs via degree inflation |  |  | |
Hobert | Convergence analysis of MCMC algorithms for Bayesian robust multivariate regression |  |  | |
Huber | Linear time perfect simulation from Markov Random Fields |  |  | |
Jacka | Optimal stopping, the dual problem and smooth pasting |  |  | |
Jerrum | Partial rejection sampling |  |  | |
Jones | Convergence of Gibbs Samplers and Output Analysis in a Bayesian Linear Model |  |  | |
Jordan | Preferential attachment with choice |  |  | |
Kendall | SIRSN and abstract scattering processes |  |  | |
Latuszynski | AirMCMC |  |  | |
Levin | Cutoff for Markov chains I |  |  | |
Levin | Cutoff for Markov chains II |  |  | |
Levin | Cutoff for Markov chains III | |  | |
Luczak | Extinction time for the weaker of two competing stochastic SIS logistic epidemics |  |  | |
Martin | Percolation games, ergodicity of probabilistic cellular automata, and the hard-core model. |  |  | |
Mijatović | Stability of overshoots of recurrent random walks |  |  | |
Moulines | The Langevin MCMC: Theory and methods |  |  | |
Nestoridi | Cutoff for the Tsetlin library and for hyperplane walks. | |  | |
Norris | Fluid limits for Markov chains II |  |  | |
Norris | Fluid limits for Markov chains I |  |  | |
Norris | Fluid limits for Markov chains III |  |  | |
Pollock | Exact Bayesian inference for big data: Single- and multi-core approaches |  | | |
Pymar | Mixing time for exclusion processes on hypergraphs | |  | |
Qin | Estimating the spectral gap of a trace-class Markov operator |  |  | |
Ramírez | Asymptotic direction for random walk in mixing random environment | |  | |
Roberts | Markov process questions inspired by Monte Carlo I |  |  | |
Roberts | Markov process questions inspired by Monte Carlo II | |  | |
Roberts | Markov process questions inspired by Monte Carlo III | |  | |
Roberts | Robustness of mixing and bottleneck sequences |  |  | |
Saloff-Coste | Some random walks on the symmetric group | |  | |
Sauerwald | When is meeting as fast as coalescing? |  |  | |
Sidorova | Delocalising the parabolic Anderson model |  | | |
Smith | Kac's Walks on $S^{n}$ and $SO(n)$. |  |  | |
Sousi | Random walk on dynamical percolation | |  | |
Stauffer | Multi-particle diffusion limited aggregation |  |  | |
Steinsaltz | Asymptotics of killed one-dimensional diffusions, with applications to the biodemography of ageing |  |  | |
Turner | Scaling limits of planar random growth models |  |  | |
van Doorn | Asymptotic aperiodicity and the strong ratio limit property |  |  | |
Wang | Foundational properties of quasistationary Monte Carlo methods |  |  | |
Zanella | On the design of informed Metropolis-Hastings proposal distributions |  |  | |