Ackerman | Ergodic invariant measures as probabilistic structures | |  | |
Agarwal | Uncountably many maximal closed subgroups of Sym(w), via Henson digraphs | |  | |
Anscombe | Generalised measures on free homogeneous structures |  | | |
Araujo | Groups and semigroups: from a duet to a chorus |  |  | |
Bentz | How synchronizing are primitive groups? |  |  | |
Carvalho | On a subsemigroup of binary relations | |  | |
Castillo-Ramirez | Memoryless Computation and Universal Simulation |  |  | |
Cherlin | Metrically Homogeneous Graphs of Generic Type |  |  | |
Darji | Generating infinite random graphs |  |  | |
Dolinka | Representing semigroups and groups by endomorphisms of Fraïssé limits (Part I) |  |  | |
Dolinka | Representing semigroups and groups by endomorphisms of Fraïssé limits (Part II) |  |  | |
Droste | The normal subsemigroups of the monoid of injective maps |  |  | |
East | Linear sandwich semigroups |  |  | |
Egri-Nagy | Finite Diagram Semigroups: Extending the Computational Horizon |  |  | |
Evans | Reconstruction of endomorphism monoids of $\omega$-categorial structures |  |  | |
Freer | Ergodic invariant measures as probabilistic structures | |  | |
Gadouleau | Transformation semigroups generated by idempotents of defect one |  |  | |
Giudici | The classification of $\frac{3}{2}$-transitive permutation groups | |  | |
Gray | Presentations for symmetric groups encoded by idempotents in the full transformation monoid |  |  | |
Higgins | Using transformations to embed finite semigroups of a certain type in 2-generated finite semigroups of the same type. |  |  | |
Hubicka | Ramsey Classes by Partite Construction (Part I) |  |  | |
Hubicka | Ramsey Classes by Partite Construction (Part II) |  |  | |
Hyde | 2-Generation In Groups Of Homeomorphisms Of The Cantor Set |  |  | |
Jonusas | Topological rank of automorphism groups of homogenous graphs | |  | |
Kambites | Amenability and geometry of semigroups | |  | |
Kinyon | Automorphic loops and their associated permutation groups |  |  | |
Loughlin | The Brauer Project |  |  | |
Margolis | Translational hulls as the transformation monoid of continuous maps on combinatorial structures | |  | |
Masulovic | Categorical Constructions and Ramsey Property |  |  | |
Nehaniv | Coproducts for Permutation Groups, Transformation Semigroups, Automata and Related Categories |  |  | |
Patel | Ergodic invariant measures as probabilistic structures (Nathanael Ackerman, Cameron Freer, Rehana Patel) | | | |
Pech | Reconstructing the topology of polymorphism clones | |  | |
Peresse | Long chains of subsemigroups |  |  | |
Pinsker | Topological clones (Part I) |  |  | |
Pinsker | Topological clones (Part II) |  |  | |
Rosendal | Large scale geometry of automorphism groups (Part I) |  |  | |
Rosendal | Large scale geometry of automorphism groups (Part II) |  |  | |
Rosendal | Large scale geometry of automorphism groups (Part III) |  |  | |
Royle | Endomorphisms and Synchronisation |  |  | |
Schaefer | Synchronization Theory and Links to Combinatorics |  |  | |
Solecki | Homogeneity of the pseudo-arc through permutation groups |  |  | |
Steinberg | The representation theory of finite monoids (Part I) | |  | |
Steinberg | The representation theory of finite monoids (Part II) | |  | |
Steinberg | The representation theory of finite monoids (Part III) | |  | |
Tent | Sharply 3-transitive groups | | | |
Thomas | Invariant random subgroups of locally finite groups |  |  | |
Truss | Definability properties of the monoid of endomorphisms of the rational numbers | |  | |
Tsankov | Banach representations of dynamical systems and model theory | |  | |
Van The | Ramsey-type phenomena from fixed points in compactifications | | | |
Vargas-Garcia | Introduction to reconstructing the topological monoid of endomorphisms of the rationals. |  |  | |
Volkov | Representations of finite J-trivial monoids and finite block-groups by transformations and relations | |  | |
Volkov | Cerny's type problem for transformation semigroups | |  | |