We withdraw quantities from the adjustment in a way similar to that in which we added quantities. To remove the element from the adjustment, and to display various details about this withdrawal, issue the commands:
BD>adjust: [-/D1]
BD>show: cd+, v+, a+, b
BD>show: pcd+, pv
Figure 29: Withdrawing from the adjustment
Figure 30: The partial adjustment
This time, the ``[-/D1]'' syntax indicates that the previous adjustment (which was over in full) is to be used as the basis for a new adjustment, and that (the portion of that is not common to ) is the source of information withdrawn.
The resulting output (which is considered further in section 6.3) should by now be self-explanatory. Figure 29 displays the canonical directions; detailed variance results; detailed expectation results; and the bearings for the simple adjustment by only that remains after withdrawing . Additionally, there are some results pertaining to the change in adjustment - for example the bearing output shows the bearing for the partial adjustment.
Figure 30 shows the partial canonical direction and partial variances for the partial adjustment by . Bear in mind here that the partial adjustment refers to what happens, and what is expected to happen, when a quantity is withdrawn from the adjustment. Thus, the variances for the quantities of interest are growing larger rather than smaller, and so forth. Hence, the partial variation results show negative resolutions representing increases in variance.