Antoulas | Data-driven model reduction in the Loewner framework |  |  | |
Ballarin | Some recent developments of ROMs in computational fluid dynamics |  |  | |
Benner | Parameter-preserving model order reduction of dynamical systems |  |  | |
Benner | Parameter-preserving model order reduction of dynamical systems |  |  | |
Benner | Parameter-preserving model order reduction of dynamical systems |  |  | |
Besselink | Clustering-based model reduction of networked passive systems |  |  | |
Damm | Model order reduction for stochastic systems |  |  | |
Damm | Model order reduction for stochastic systems |  |  | |
Damm | Model order reduction for stochastic systems |  |  | |
Dolgov | Low-rank cross approximation approach for reducing stochastic collocation models |  |  | |
Farrell | Scalable bifurcation analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations |  |  | |
Fehr | Error Estimation for the Simulation of Elastic Multibody Systems |  |  | |
Gazzola | Introducing IRtools |  |  | |
Gorban | Exact and approximate hydrodynamic manifolds for kinetic equations |  |  | |
Grundel | Data Driven Model Order Reduction |  | | |
Guettel | The RKFIT algorithm for nonlinear rational approximation |  |  | |
Gugercin | Model Reduction via Interpolation (presented by Beattie) |  |  | |
Gugercin | Model Reduction via Interpolation (presented by Beattie) |  |  | |
Gugercin | Model Reduction via Interpolation (presented by Antoulas) | |  | |
Guiver | The generalised singular perturbation approximation for bounded real and positive real control systems |  |  | |
Haasdonk | Reduced Basis Methods for Parametrized Partial Differential Equations |  | | |
Haasdonk | Reduced Basis Methods for Parametrized Partial Differential Equations |  | | |
Haasdonk | Reduced Basis Methods for Parametrized Partial Differential Equations |  | | |
Haji-Ali | Multilevel weighted least squares polynomial approximation |  |  | |
Heinkenschloss | Reduced Order Modeling for Time-Dependent Optimization Problems with Initial Value Controls |  |  | |
Himpe | Cross-Gramian-Based Model Reduction |  |  | |
Hinze | Proper Orthogonal Decomposition - mathematics and practical aspects |  |  | |
Hinze | Proper Orthogonal Decomposition - mathematics and practical aspects |  |  | |
Hinze | Proper Orthogonal Decomposition - mathematics and practical aspects |  |  | |
Kocvara | Dimensional reduction in topology optimization with vibration constraints |  |  | |
Kuerschner | Balanced Truncaton Model Order Reduction with time-/frequency restrictions |  |  | |
Li | Multiscale Model Reduction to High-contrast Heterogeneous Flow Problems |  |  | |
Meerbergen | Model reduction methods for vibrations |  |  | |
Melvin | Simulating the atmosphere: from global to microscale dynamics |  |  | |
Nichols | Model Order Reduction in Data Assimilation |  | | |
Pinnau | Space Mapping Optimization and Applications |  |  | |
Rave | Hierarchical Approximate POD |  |  | |
Redmann | Type II singular perturbation approximation for linear systems with Levy noise |  |  | |
Roulstone | Model order reduction and data assimilation for the carbon cycle |  |  |  |
Rowley | Reduced-order models in fluid mechanics |  |  | |
Scherpen | Singular perturbations for non-hyperbolic systems |  |  | |
Silvester | Stochastic collocation methods for stability analysis of dynamical systems |   |  | |
Simoncini | Order reduction numerical methods for the algebraic Riccati equation |  |  | |
Stefanescu | A Goal-Oriented Adaptive Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method |  |  | |
Stykel | Balanced truncation model reduction |  | | |
Stykel | Balanced truncation model reduction |  | | |
Stykel | Balanced truncation model reduction |  | | |
Teckentrup | Gaussian Process Emulators in Bayesian Inverse Problems |  |  | |
Urban | Reduced Basis Methods for Non-Parabolic Instationary Problems |  |  | |
Xiao | Non-intrusive reduced order models and their applications |  |  | |
| Closing discussions | |  | |
Abbasi | Automatic model order reduction for hydraulics modelling (poster) | | |  |
Bansal | Model order reduction of hyperbolic systems (poster) | | |  |
A Bertram | A variable-fidelity surrogate modelling approach (poster) | | |  |
C Bertram | On approximating the Gramian (poster) | | |  |
Green | [...] weak constraint variational data assimilation problem (poster) | | |  |
Palitta | [...] a class of generalized Sylvester equations and efficient Krylov methods (poster) | | |  |