London Mathematical Society -- EPSRC Durham Symposium
Geometric and Algebraic Aspects of Integrability
2016-07-25 to 2016-08-04

Slides and Movies of Talks

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Speaker Title PDF MP4 Extras
AblowitzInverse scattering transform: history, background and methods Ipdfmp4
AblowitzInverse scattering transform: history, background and methods IIpdfmp4
AndersonWhat is Darboux integrability?pdfmp4pdf
AtiyahWhy does the 6-sphere not have a complex structure?pdfmp4
BerestDouble affine Hecke algebras and character varieties of knotspdfmp4
BlaszakDispersionless (3+1)-dimensional integrable hierarchiespdfmp4
BoalchWild character varieties, meromorphic Hitchin systems and Dynkin diagrams pdfmp4
BobenkoIntegrability in discrete differential geometry Ipdfmp4
BobenkoIntegrability in discrete differential geometry IIpdfmp4
BobenkoOn a discretization of confocal quadrics (followed by the movie `Conform')pdfmp4
BogdanovSDYM equations on the self-dual backgroundpdfmp4
BolsinovArgument shift method and Manakov operators: applications to differential geometrypdfmp4
BranderGeometric Cauchy problems for surfaces associated to harmonic mapspdfmp4
BryantIntegration techniques for exterior differential systems Imp4
BryantIntegration techniques for exterior differential systems IImp4
CalderbankIntegrable background geometries - review and outlookpdfmp4
CarletDeformations of Poisson and bi-Hamiltonian structures on formal loop spacespdfmp4
CherkisFrom the Bow Integrable System to the Kaehler Potential on the Moduli Spaces of G-monopoles and instantonspdfmp4
ClarksonOrthogonal Polynomials and Integrable Systemspdfmp4
ContattoMetrisability of Painleve equations and Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic typepdfmp4
DoliwaYang-Baxter maps in non-commuting variables, and their geometric originpdfmp4
DoubrovCartan's C-class equations: solving differential equations by differentiationpdfmp4
Fordy$Z_N$ graded discrete Lax pairs and discrete integrable systemspdf
GravaSmall dispersion limit in the KP equationpdfmp4
GuestConvexity for a certain space of solutions to the Hitchin equationsmp4
HertlingGeometry of the movable poles of real solutions of Painleve III(0,0,4,-4)pdfmp4
HoneSomos sequences in algebra, geometry and number theorypdfmp4
KleinNumerical study of $2+1$ dimensional nonlinear dispersive PDEs pdfmp4
KonopelchenkoJordan hydrodynamic type systems. Confluence, integrability, parabolicity and regularization. pdfmp4
KorotkinPeriods of meromorphic quadratic differentials and Goldman bracketpdfmp4
KruglikovIntegrability in Grassmann and other Geometriespdfmp4
KrynskiGL(2,R)-geometries and integrable systemspdfmp4
LMSWelcome from the LMSpdf
LombardoAutomorphic Lie Algebras and Root System Cohomologypdfmp4
LorenzoniBi-flat F-manifolds, Painlevé transcendents and complex reflection groupspdf
MagriBi-Hamiltonian formalismpdfmp4
MantonVortices -- a reviewmp4
MarshBraid groups and quiver mutationmp4
MasonTau functions and anomalous dimensionspdfmp4
MikhailovSymmetry approach to integrability Ipdfmp4
MikhailovSymmetry approach to integrability IIpdfmp4
MilanovEynard--Orantin recursion for simple singularities of type Apdfmp4
NovikovDiscrete integrable equations in 3Dpdfmp4
OlverDispersive Quantization of Linear and Nonlinear Wavespdfmp4
PlansangkateTwistor theory and topology of Ward solitonspdfmp4
PrzybylskaIntegrability obstructions of certain homogeneous Hamiltonian systems in 2D curved spacespdfmp4
RoubtsovQuantization of Painleve monodromy varieties and generalized Sklyanin algebraspdfmp4
RuijsenaarsPoeschl-Teller made relativistic pdfmp4
SantiniThe inverse spectral transform for integrable dispersionless PDEs: Cauchy problem, longtime behavior, wave breaking and applications to physics.pdfmp4
SklyaninQuantisation of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equationpdfmp4
SurisA construction of a large family of integrable symplectic birational mapspdfmp4
TabachnikovOn the bicycle transformation and the filament equation: results and conjecturespdfmp4
VeselovIntegrability: historical overview Ipdfmp4
VeselovIntegrability: historical overview IIpdfmp4
VialletAlgebraic entropypdfmp4
VitoloBi-Hamiltonian structures of KdV typepdfmp4
WardTwistor theory and integrability Ipdfmp4
WardTwistor theory and integrability IIpdfmp4
ZhangHodge integrals and tau-symmetric integrable hierarchies of Hamiltonian evolutionary PDEspdfmp4