Abdulle | Multiscale methods for parabolic and hyperbolic problems |  |  | |
Ainsworth | Bernstein-Bezier Polynomials for High Order Finite Element Approximation |  |  | |
Ayuso | Nonconforming virtual elements for elliptic problems |  |  | |
Banjai | Oblivious quadrature for long-time computation of waves |  |  | |
Barrenechea | Opening remarks |  |  | |
Beirão da Veiga | An introduction to the Virtual Element Method |  |  | |
Bochev | A new parameter-free stabilization approach for advection-diffusion equations based on H(curl)-lifting of multi-scale fluxes. |  |  | |
Buffa | Isogeometric mortaring |  |  | |
Burman | Stabilized finite element methods for non symmetric, non coercive and ill-posed problems |  |  | |
Chernov | Improved stability estimates for the hp-Raviart-Thomas projection operator on quadrilaterals |  |  | |
Childs | Numerical analysis and seismic imaging | | | |
Christiansen | Upwinding in finite element systems |  | | |
Cockburn | The HDG methods I |  |  | |
Cockburn | The HDG methods II | |  | |
Davydov | Kernel Based Finite Difference Methods |  | | |
Dedner | Discontinuous Galerkin methods for surface pdes | | | |
Demkowicz | Discontinuous Petrov Galerkin (DPG) Method with Optimal Test Functions I |  |  | |
Demkowicz | Discontinuous Petrov Galerkin (DPG) Method with Optimal Test Functions II | |  | |
Demlow | A posteriori error estimation in the finite element exterior calculus framework |  |  | |
Elliott | Evolving Surface Finite Element method | |  | |
Ern | Hybrid high-order schemes on general meshes for elliptic PDEs |  | | |
Graham | On shifted Laplace and related preconditioners for finite element approximations of the Helmholtz equation |  |  | |
Guzman | On the accuracy of finite element approximations to a class of interface problems |  |  | |
Hiptmair | Plane Wave Discontinuous Galerkin Methods I |  |  | |
Hiptmair | Plane Wave Discontinuous Galerkin Methods II |  |  | |
Houston | hp-Version Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Polygonal and Polyhedral Meshes |  | | |
Hughes | Isogeometric Analysis: Introduction and recent developments I |  |  | |
Hughes | Isogeometric Analysis: Introduction and recent developments II |  |  | |
Jensen | A Finite Element Method for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations |  |  | |
Kirby | Bernstein polynomials and finite element algorithms |  |  | |
Lakkis | NVFEM: a Galerkin method for (fully) nonlinear elliptic equations |   |  | |
Lipnikov | The mimetic finite difference method for elliptic problems I |  | | |
Lipnikov | The mimetic finite difference method for elliptic problems II |  | | |
Makridakis | Finite Elements and Multiscale Modelling in Crystalline Materials |  | | |
Manzini | Nonconforming mimetic methods for diffusion problems |  |  | |
Moiola | Approximation by plane and circular waves |  |  | |
Monk | Optimizing thin-film solar photovoltaic devices |  |  | |
Mora | A Virtual Element Method for a Steklov eigenvalue problem. |  |  | |
Morin | A posteriori error estimators for weighted norms. Adaptivity for point sources and local errors |  |  | |
Muga | DPG Strategies for the Helmholtz Equation |  |  | |
Nigam | Pyramidal finite elements |  |  | |
Nilsen | Practical challenges faced when using modern approaches to numerical PDEs to simulate petroleum reservoirs |   |  | |
Perugia | Trefftz-Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Maxwell's Equations |  | | |
Peterseim | Efficient and reliable numerical homogenization beyond scale separation | |  | |
Russo | Virtual Element Methods for general elliptic equations |  |  | |
Sangalli | An isogeometric method for linear nearly-incompressible elasticity with local stress projection |  |  | |
Scheichl | Rigorous Numerical Upscaling of Elliptic Multiscale Problems at High Contrast |  |  | |
Shu | Discontinuous Galerkin method for hyperbolic equations with delta-singularities I |  |  |  |
Shu | Discontinuous Galerkin method for hyperbolic equations with delta-singularities II |  |  | |
Stamm | A posteriori estimates for discontinuous Galerkin methods using non-polynomial basis functions | |  | |
Tsogtgerel | On approximation classes of adaptive finite element methods |  |  | |
Valentin | Multiscale Hybrid-Mixed Finite Element Method | |  | |