Some basic definitions used in program comprehension work

Definition - A call graph is a directed graph, G = (V, E). The finite set of nodes, V, consists of the procedures that may be called in the program. For any two procedures f, g  in V if there is a potential call to g by f then the arc (f, g) appears on the graph. The complete collection of arcs is denoted by E.

Definition - A root node of a call graph G = (V, E) is a procedure which is not called by any other procedure.

Definition - If f in V is a root node of the call graph and procedures g, h in deG(f), the descendents of f on G, then procedure g dominates h if and only if every path f -> h on G intersects g. We say that g directly dominates h if and only if all procedures that dominate h dominate g. g strongly directly dominates h if and only if g directly dominates h and is the only procedure that calls h.

Definition - The dominance tree corresponding to a root node f is the graph GD_f = ({f} + deG(f), ED_f) formed from the call graph G = (V, E). For any two nodes g, h in deG(f), (g, h) in ED_f if g directly dominates h. The node h is shaded if g only directly dominates h.

Definition - The moral dominance tree corresponding to a root node f is the graph GD_f = ({f} + de(f), ED_f) formed from the call graph G = (V, E). For any two nodes g, h in deG(f), (g, h) in ED_f if g either directly or strongly directly dominates h. If g strongly directly dominates h, then the node h is unshaded and h is shaded if g only directly dominates it. Two shadings are used to distinguish nodes directly dominated by one of their parents on G and those directly dominated by a non-parent. If deG(h) = deGD_f(h) then the node is a rectangular box with rounded corners. If only chG(h) = chGD_f(h) then the node is an ellipse. If neither of these occur, then the node is a rectangular box.

Simon Shaw
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