Andrew Lobb

Professor at Durham University, UK.
Email: andrew dot lobb at without the misspelling
Interests: Geometry and Topology.


I am an editor at Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.

Past PhD Students:
Dr Dan Jones (2011-2015)
Dr Jonathan Grant (2012-2016)
Dr Will Rushworth (2014-2018)
Dr Lauren Scanlon (joint supervision with Jeremy Kendal) (2014-2018)
Dr Oliver Singh (2017-2021)

Current PhD Students:
Michael Kohn (2022-2026)
Adam Barber (2024-2028)

Past Postdocs:
Carlo Collari (2018-2018).
Patrick Orson (2015-2017).
Lukas Lewark (2013-2014).