Machine Learning

Konstantinos Perrakis

Shrinkage Methods: Tuning of \(\lambda\)

Importance of \(\lambda\)

We require a principled way to fine-tune \(\lambda\) in order to get optimal results.

What about using \(C_p\), BIC, adjusted-\(R^2\)?

With model-search methods when we have a model with \(d\) predictors it is clear that the model’s dimensionality is \(d\).
However, with shrinkage methods the very notion of model dimensionality becomes obscure somehow.

Back to the Credit data lasso paths


Solution: cross-validation

In this case the only viable strategy is \(K\)-fold cross-validation. The steps are the following:

Seems difficult, but fortunately glmnet in R will do all of these things for us automatically!

Some glmnet output

Some simulation-based comparisons We will close this lecture with a couple of comparisons between ridge and lasso based on two simulations. We consider:

Sparse scenario

Dense scenario

Next week lectures

Next week we will discuss principal component regression which operates on a completely different way! We will also learn about flexible regression methods that allow non-linear relationships between the response and the predictors.