Differential Geometry III

Michaelmas 2016/Epiphany 2017

Time:   Lectures: Tue 16:00; Th 16:00
Problems classes:   Fri 16:00, Weeks 4,6,8,10,13,15,17,19
Place:  CG85
Instructor: Pavel Tumarkin
e-mail: pavel dot tumarkin at durham dot ac dot uk
Office: CM110; Phone: 334-3085
Office hours: Th 14:00-15:00 and by appointment

Textbooks: The lectures are based on the following books. Although we will not follow any of these strictly, the material can be found in them.

Preliminary course content (subject to change): Plane and space curves, arc length, tangent and normal vectors, curvature, local and global properties; embedded surfaces, tangent planes, curves on surfaces; intrinsic geometry of a surface, metric, length, area, first fundamental form; maps between surfaces, Gauss map; isometries and conformal maps, the Weingarten map, the second fundamental form, Gauss curvature and mean curvature, minimal surfaces, Theorema Egregium, Christoffel symbols, normal and geodesic curvatures, Meusnier's theorem, asymptotic curves, lines of curvature, geodesics, Clairaut's relations, global and local Gauss--Bonnet theorems.

Schedule (preliminary):


Homeworks: There will be weekly homework assignments. Selected exercises are to be handed in on weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17 and 19