$$ \DeclareMathOperator*{\Arg}{Arg} \DeclareMathOperator*{\Ln}{Ln} \renewcommand{\Re}{\operatorname{Re}} \renewcommand{\Im}{\operatorname{Im}} $$

General Information

There will be a weekly problem set here for your own practice, to see how you are understanding the lecture material. They will also be used as a basis for the tutorials that begin in Week 3, where you’ll be able to work through them with your tutor at hand. Questions suggested for tutorial discussion are marked with an asterisk (*) and you may wish to wait until the appropriate tutorial to look at these. Also, please feel free to ask your tutor about any other questions you may have.

Quick check solutions and hints (where appropriate) are provided. However, be aware that in assignments and exams, quick solutions such as these will not get many marks and you always need to explain your answers and provide your working.

Full solutions to questions will be made available at the end of the week after the week in which questions are released, i.e., solutions to Week 1 Study Problems will be available at the end of Week 2 and so on.

Make sure you attempt questions fully before reading any solutions! People learn maths by doing maths, not by watching somebody else do maths.

The weekly assignments are taken from a different set of questions and instructions for these will be provided separately.