The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University will host the International Workshop on Statistical Modelling in 2024 (14-19/07/24).
- NCRM Course Multilevel Modelling: a robust analytical method for randomised controlled trials, 27-29/03/2023, Durham, UK [Co-Organizer]; Course material.
- Durham/EEF Analysis Workshop, 25 May 2023 [Co-Organizer].
- N8 Digital Health Community Day, 22/06/2023, Leeds, UK
- International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, 17-21/07/23, Dortmund, Germany.
- CMStatistics, London, 18-20/12/2021. Talk: Disentangling zero-inflation from overdispersion in
statistical biodosimetry
- Birkbeck, University of London, 08/12/2021, Seminar talk.
- Maynooth University, 24/11/2021, Seminar talk.
- NCRM course Multilevel Modelling: A robust analytical method for randomised controlled educational trials" (online), 25-28/10/2021.
- STFC Data Intensive Science Summer School 2021, 13-17/09/2021, Durham (virtual), UK. Talk: A primer to statistical dosimetry.
- 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Bilbao (virtual), 19-23/07/2021.
- MSMM 2021, Torino (virtual), 31/05-01/06/2021.
- Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15/04/2021, Seminar talk: A graphical tool for assessing the suitability of count regression models, with applications in biological dosimetry (joint work with P. Wilson).
- CroNos & MDA 2019, Limassol, 14-16/04/2019 [Session Organizer][Talk].
- Launch of the Institute for Data Science (IDAS), Durham, 30/09/19 [Session lead "Numbers"]
- Seminar Talk, University of Nottingham, School of Mathematical Sciences, 07/11/19.
- CMStatistics 2019, London, 14-16/12/2019 [Co-Chair]
- Durham-UTOPIAE Summer training school on Imprecise Probabilities, Durham, 02-06/07/2018 [Key Skills Training].
- BSI research showcase, Biophysical Sciences Institute, Durham, 13/07/2018 [Talk].
- International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Bristol, 16-20/07/2018.
- Brainstorming session `Statistical Modelling', Durham, 23/08/18 [Talk: On the estimation of the dispersion parameter for grouped data]
- `Professor N. Balakrishnan Lecture Day', Durham, 27/11/18 [Talk].
- CMStatistics 2018 , Pisa, 14-16/12/2018. [Talk] [Organizer of Session EO024: Mean shift and localization techniques]
- Tutorial on Mixture Models at COST CRoNoS meeting in Cyprus, 8-9/04/2017 [Material].
- Mini-workshop Protein Structure Prediction and Modelling [Organizer], Durham, 20/06/2017.
- International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Groningen, 2-7/07/2017 [Talk].
- UTOPIAE Opening Training School, 20-24/11/2017, Glasgow [Lecture: Statistical Modelling and Regularisation].
- Organizer of session EO577: Robust ranking, voting, and comparisons at CMStatistics 2017, 16-18/12/2017 (with N. Sofroniou).
- 9th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2016), Sevilla, 9-11/12/2016,
[Talk: Assessing deflation or inflation of counts in count data regression]
- Undergraduate Colloquium, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University, 09/11/2016. [Talk: Radiation dosimetry through statistical analysis of biomarkers]
- Seminar Talk at University of York, 13/10/2016.
- International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Rennes, 4-8/07/2016
[Talk: A diagnostic plot for assessing model fit in count data models.]
- Seminar: Statistical models for radiation biodosimetry -- Poisson or not Poisson?, 23/02/15, Durham, UK
- Biometric Colloqium, Dortmund, 15-18/03/15. [Talk] [Poster]
- NIHR RMOFS Meeting, Leeds, 23/03/15 [Talk]
- Short course "R Programming and Mixtures" at UFRN Natal, Brazil, 31/03-01/04/15.
- LD-RadStats in Barcelona, Spain, 26-28/10/15 [Talk]
- Visiting Researcher at CRM (UAB, Barelona, Spain), 24/10/15 - 01/11/15
- CMStatistics (ERCIM) conference, London, 12-14/12/15. Organizer of Session
Statistical Modelling.
- Seminar talk at the University of Sheffield, 18/04/2013
- Workshop: Geometrical Structures in Statistics at Durham, 07/05/2013 [Organizer]
- European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS), Budapest, 20/07/2013, Talk: Some asymptotics for localized principal components and curves.
- Seminar talk at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 03/10/2013
- ERCIM 2013, London, 14-16/12/2013, Talk: Data visualization (and beyond) with local principal curves and manifolds
- Seminar talk: Principal curves and surfaces: The step beyond data visualization, Durham University, 16/01/2012.
- 9th International Conference on Computational Management Science (London, UK, 18-20/04/2012) [Talk: Principal manifolds: a versatile tool for data
visualization and beyond ]
- ``Workshop on R Programming and Mixtures" (one-day short course for postgraduate students), with Prof. J. Hinde (NUI Galway), Durham University,
- Seminar talk: Combustion modelling through principal manifolds , Durham University ( DEI seminar), 25/05/2012.
- International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (Prague, Czech Republic, 16-20/07/2012) [Talk].
- Short course "R Programming and Mixtures", Universidade de Sao Carlos (SP), Brazil, 17/12/2012. [Worksheet ][ Handout ]
- Seminar talk: Principal curves and surfaces: The step beyond data visualization, Universidade de Sao Carlos (SP), Brazil, 18/12/2012.
- Lecture day with Prof. Balakrishnan (Durham University, 14/04/2010); Talk: Data compression and regression based on local principal curves and manifolds.
- International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (Glasgow, Scotland, 05-09/07/2010); Talk: Localized regression on principal manifolds.
- European Meeting of Statisticians (Piraeus, Greece, 17-22/08/2010); Talk: Measuring Goodness-of-Fit in nonparametric unsupervised learning problems (Invited Session organized by S. Meintanis).
- University of Edinburgh, 22/10/2010, Seminar talk: Principal curves: A versatile tool for data compression and beyond.
- 3rd International Conference of the ERCIM WG on
COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM'10) (London, England, 10-12/12/2010); Talk: Goodness-of-fit tests in semi-linear models.
- ESALQ (USP), Piracicaba, Brazil. 15/12/2010.
Workshop on R Programming and Mixtures (with. Prof. J. Hinde, NUI Galway)
[ Worksheet ][ Handout ]
[ Data ]
- University of Brasilia, Brazil. 17/12/2010. Workshop on R Programming and Mixtures .
- The regular meetings of the Royal Statistical Society North Eastern Local Group at Durham/Newcastle [Member of the Local Organizing Committee].
- Seminar Talk Data compression and regression based on local principal curves and surfaces, National University of Ireland, Galway, 03/12/2009. [Talk]
- Seminar Talk Data compression and visualization with local principal curves and manifolds, Statistics Seminar, University of Leeds, 13/11/2009. [Talk]
- 2nd Workshop on Principles and Methods of Statistical Inference with Interval Probability , Munich, 09 - 15 September 2009 [Talk].
- Coping with Complexity: Model Reduction and Data Analysis , Research Workshop, Ambleside, Lake District, UK, August 31 – September 4, 2009. [Talk]
- Seminar Talk Smoothing, Sampling, and Basu's elephants , Friday, 24th of April 2009, at the Open University, Milton Keynes.
- One-day Conference on Traffic Modelling , Tuesday 31st March 2009,
The Open University, Milton Keynes [Poster].
- The regular meetings of the Royal Statistical Society North Eastern Local Group at Durham/Newcastle [Member of the Local Organizing Committee].