Let , be representations of . Let and be two weight vectors of and respectively with respective weights and . Show that
is a weight vector with weight , and that if and are highest weight vectors then so is .
Let be a finite-dimensional representation of .
What are the weights of the dual representation ?
Deduce that .
Let be a finite-dimensional representation of . Consider the Casimir element88 8 Conventions differ; it might be more usual to call the Casimir.
Show commutes with the action of . Conclude that if is irreducible then acts as a scalar.
What is the scalar for , the irreducible representation of highest weight ?
Compute the action of on the space of polynomial functions on , with action the derivative of (see problem 70).
If , show that there is a (possibly infinite dimensional!) representation of with highest weight .
Consider , the irreducible representation of highest weight of . Decompose the following representations into irreducibles, and find highest weight vectors for the irreducible constituents:
For the third example, find bases for the irreducible subrepresentations.
For integers, decompose the representation of into irreducibles. (This is known as the Clebsch–Gordan formula).
(+) Can you find a general expression for the highest weight vectors for the irreducible subrepresentations? What about for the weight bases?
Show that the real Lie algebras and are not isomorphic. Hint: consider the adjoint action of an arbitrary element of .
We have that is the irreducible representation of of dimension . Let be its character. Every conjugacy class of contains an element of the form
Show that
Let be an irreducible representation of , and let .
Show that is as a scalar.
Show that the restriction of to is irreducible.
Show that for every and integer , there is a unique irreducible representation of of dimension with .
Which of these are derivatives of representations of ? Hence classify the finite dimensional holomorphic irreducible representations of .
The remaining problems in this section concern material that was not covered due to the strike, and are included for interest only.
Verify the formula
as operators on .
Find the image of the Casimir element from problem 74 under our isomorphism , and compare to part 1.
Let .
Verify that is a highest weight vector in .
By applying the lowering operator, find weight vectors of weights and .
Find a basis of weight vectors in when and (see example LABEL:eg-so3-weights).
Prove that, for ,
Find a similar formula for
Use this to give another proof that
(Hint: if is in the intersection, let , not divisible by ).
Let be the standard — three-dimensional — representation of . Find a basis of weight vectors for , and decompose it into irreducible subrepresentations.
Let be the five-dimensional representation of . Decompose into irreducible representations.