4 Linear Lie groups and their Lie algebras

4.4 Lie algebras

Definition 4.20.

Let GGLn() be a linear Lie group. We define its Lie algebra by

𝔤={X𝔤𝔩n,:exp(tX)G for all t}.

In other words, it is the set of X such that the one-parameter subgroup infinitesimally generated by X is contained in the group G.

The Lie algebra can also be defined more geometrically as the tangent space to G at the identity; the above definition then becomes the “exponential characterization” of the Lie algebra. The equivalence is given by the following theorem:

Theorem 4.21.

With G and 𝔤 as above, we have

𝔤={X𝔤𝔩n,:X=γ(0) for some continuous map γ:[-a,a]Ga>0}.

In other words, 𝔤 is the set of all possible tangent vectors to curves in G passing through I.


We show that X𝔤 if and only if exp(tX)G for all t.

If exp(tX)G for all t then we may take the derivative of γ(t)=exp(tX) and conclude that X𝔤.

Now assume that X𝔤. By definition, we know that there is a differentiable map γ:[-a,a]G, for some a>0, such that X=γ(0). Fix any t. As k we have an expansion


of γ around 0. Then


Since G is closed and


we conclude that exp(tX)G. ∎

Remark 4.22.

It is not true that 𝔤={X𝔤𝔩n,:exp(X)G}. This is not even true for G={1}, why?

We define the dimension of the Lie group G to be the dimension of the associated Lie algebra 𝔤. We now compute the Lie algebras of many of the groups that we are interested in:

Proposition 4.23.

The Lie algebras of GLn(𝕂), SLn(𝕂), O(n), SO(n), U(n), and SU(n) are given by

  • Lie(GLn(𝕂))=𝔤𝔩n,𝕂 with dim𝕂𝔤𝔩n,𝕂=n2;

  • Lie(SLn(𝕂))=𝔰𝔩n,𝕂={X𝔤𝔩n,𝕂:tr(X)=0}, the traceless matrices, with dim𝕂𝔰𝔩n,𝕂=n2-1;

  • Lie(O(n))=𝔬n=Lie(SO(n))=𝔰𝔬n={X𝔤𝔩n,:X+XT=0}, the skew symmetric real matrices, with dim𝔬n=dim𝔰𝔬n=n(n-1)2;

  • Lie(U(n))=𝔲n={X𝔤𝔩n,:X+X=0}, the skew Hermitian matrices, with dim𝔲n=n2;

  • Lie(SU(n))=𝔰𝔲n={X𝔲n:tr(X)=0}, the traceless skew Hermitian matrices, with dim𝔰𝔲n=n2-1.

  • Lie(Sp(2n))=𝔰𝔭2n={X𝔤𝔩n,:XTJ+JX=0} where J is the matrix of the alternating bilinear form.


The first one is obvious for 𝕂= and left as an exercise for 𝕂=. For the second one, first suppose that tr(X)=0. Then detexp(tX)=exptr(tX)=1 so X𝔰𝔩n,𝕂. Conversely, if X𝔰𝔩n,K then 1=detexp(tX)=exp(ttr(X)) for all t; differentiating at t=0 gives tr(X)=0 as required.

For the third one, we need to find all X such that

exp(tX)exp(tX)T=exp(tX)exp(tXT)=I (4.1)

for all t. Taking the derivative for both sides with respect to t, we obtain


Evaluating at t=0, we get


Conversely, if X+XT=0, then clearly equation (4.1}) holds because


For the dimension, notice that X satisfying X=-XT is determined by its upper triangular part and that the diagonal entries must be all zeros; as their are n(n-1)2 entries strictly above the diagonal, that is the dimension of 𝔬n. Since these matrices already have trace zero, we see that 𝔰𝔬n=𝔬n.

The unitary and symplectic Lie algebras can be computed in a similar way — homework! ∎

Proposition 4.24.

Let 𝔤 be the Lie algebra of a (linear) Lie group G. Then

  1. 1.

    𝔤 is a real vector space (inside 𝔤𝔩n,).

  2. 2.

    If X𝔤 and if gG, then gXg-1𝔤.

  3. 3.

    For X,Y𝔤,


For the first part we must show closure under scalar multiplication and addition. For scalar multiplication, note that if X𝔤 and λ, then λX𝔤 since exp(λtX)G for all t. (You could also prove this directly from the definition of 𝔤.) For addition, assume that X,Y𝔤, so that exp(tX),exp(sY)G for all s,t. We need exp(t(X+Y)G for all t. By Corollary 4.14 we have


But now on the right hand side,


and hence so is the limit since G is closed.

Part (2) follows from exp(t(gXg-1))=gexp(tX)g-1G. Again, you could also prove this directly from the definition of 𝔤.

For part (3), we know by part (2) that, for X,Y𝔤,



ddtexp(tX)Yexp(-tX)|t=0 =(Xexp(tX)Yexp(-tX)-exp(tX)Yexp(-tX)X)|t=0

But also by definition


This is a limit of elements of the vector space 𝔤, which is a closed subset of 𝔤𝔩n,𝕂, and so must itself be an element of 𝔤. ∎

Definition 4.25.

A Lie algebra 𝔤 is an -vector space together with a bilinear map (Lie bracket)


that satisfies the following properties.

  1. 1.

    It is alternating: [Y,X]=-[X,Y] for all X,Y𝔤.

  2. 2.

    The Jacobi identity holds:


    for all X,Y,Z𝔤.

Definition 4.26.

If 𝔤 is a Lie algebra, then a Lie subalgebra is a subspace 𝔥𝔤 that is closed under the Lie bracket.

Proposition 4.27.

The Lie bracket


makes 𝔤𝔩n,𝕂 into a Lie algebra.

If GGLn(𝕂) is a Lie group, then 𝔤 is a (real) Lie subalgebra of 𝔤𝔩n,𝕂.


For the first part, simply check the axioms directly (the Jacobi identity is a bit of a pain…).

We have already shown the second part (we only have to show that 𝔤 is closed under the bracket). ∎

Before computing the Lie algebras of various matrix groups, we give an example that doesn’t seem to be of this form.

Example 4.28.

Let 𝔤=3 and let [v,w]=v×w. Then this is a Lie algebra (just check the axioms).

In fact, 𝔤𝔰𝔬3. To see this, send the vector v to the infinitesimal generator of the one parameter subgroup of SO(3) given by ‘rotating around the axis v at speed |v|’.

Definition 4.29.

A Lie algebra 𝔤 is called abelian if [X,Y]=0 for all X,Y𝔤.

Definition 4.30.

The center of a Lie algebra 𝔤 is

{Z𝔤:[Z,X]=0 for all X𝔤.

It is an abelian Lie subalgebra of 𝔤.

Definition 4.31.

A complex linear Lie group is a closed subgroup of GLn() whose Lie algebra is a complex subspace of 𝔤𝔩n, (as opposed to just a real subspace).

Note that 𝔲n and 𝔰𝔲n are only real Lie algebras and correspondingly U(n) and SU(n) are only real Lie groups, even though they consist of complex matrices. On the other hand, 𝔤𝔩n, and 𝔰𝔩n, are complex Lie algebras, so GLn() and SLn() are complex Lie groups.

A complex Lie algebra is a -vector space with a -bilinear Lie bracket satisfying the same axioms as for a Lie algebra. Thus the Lie algebra of a complex Lie group may be viewed as a complex Lie algebra (since the Lie bracket on 𝔤𝔩n, is clearly -bilinear).