0 Introduction

0.1 Outline

The aim of this course is to study the representation theory of groups. If G is a group, then a (finite-dimensional, complex) representation of G is a homomorphism


for some n0. We can view this as an action of G on n. Two representations are equivalent if they are related by a change of basis. In the situations we will consider, every representation can be broken down into building blocks, called irreducible representations, and for a group G, there are two basic (related) problems:

  1. 1.

    classify the irreducible representations;

  2. 2.

    construct representions and decompose them into irreducibles.

The first half of the course will be devoted to the representation theory of finite groups. Here we will develop character theory: the character of a representation ρ is the function gtrρ(g). It turns out that this function knows a lot about the representation — in some sense, it knows everything. We will develop methods to determine the irreducible characters of a finite group G. They fit into a “character table”, which has many beautiful properties.

The second half of the course focuses on the representation theory of certain groups of matrices — called linear Lie groups — such as SLn(). In this case, we require that the representations ρ are continuous. These groups are naturally smooth manifolds and their tangent spaces at the identity have the extra structure of a Lie algebra. We will explain how to relate Lie groups to their Lie algebras via the exponential map; we may then study the representation theory of Lie groups via the representation theory of Lie algebras. In the case of SL2() we will obtain an essentially complete understanding. In the case of SL3(), we will make substantial progress. In both cases, the method is essentially to consider the action of the diagonal matrices, leading to the theory of weights.