We want to come up with a criterion for to be irreducible. This is equivalent to
which is in turn equivalent, by Frobenius reciprocity, to
So we try to solve the more general problem of decomposing , as a representation of . In fact, we will solve the more general problem of finding
for and arbitrary subgroups of .
Let be a group and let be subgroups. A double coset is a set of the form
Like cosets, any two double cosets are either equal or disjoint, so they partition the group. Unlike cosets, they do not have to have the same size. A sequence such that is the disjoint union
is called a set of double coset representatives for and in . We write for the set of double cosets of and in .
The double cosets are the in bijection with the orbits of acting on .
Two cosets and are in the same -orbit, if and only if for some , if and only if
So we have a bijection which takes the double coset to the -orbit of . ∎
Let , , thinking of as the set of elements that fix the number . Then is one double coset. I claim that . Indeed, a complete set of left coset representatives for in is
As I can write for , we see that the left cosets are all contained in the same double coset , as required.
This may be clearer from the orbits point of view. There is a bijection which respects the action of — the bijection takes to . The orbits of acting on are and , which gives the two double cosets.
If is a left coset of , we write ; note that this is independent of choice of representative . The notation is motivated by the fact that is the stabiliser of for the action of on discussed above. This leads to the following lemma.
If , then as a disjoint union of cosets of we have
where are a complete set of left coset representatives for in .
Suppose that , that , and that is a representation of . Then we can define a representation of by taking (same vector space) and for .
(Mackey’s formula) Let be subgroups of and let be a representation of . Let be a set of double coset representatives for and in .
Let be the left coset representatives for in . Then
The action of permutes the among themselves, with and in the same -orbit if and only if . Therefore for each double coset we have an -subrepresentation
Now, by lemma 3.19 above, these have the form for a set of left coset representatives for in . From the decomposition
we see that
It remains to show that , as a representation of , is isomorphic to . The map taking to is the required isomorphism, because
Let be an irreducible representation of . Then is irreducible if and only if, for every in a set of double coset representatives of , with ,
where .
Indeed, let be such a set of double coset representatives, with . By Mackey’s formula and Frobenius reciprocity,
Since is irreducible, the first term on the right is equal to 1 and all the other terms are at least 0. So
with equality if and only if for all . The result follows. ∎
If and is an irreducible representation of , then
is irreducible if and only if for all in a set of coset representatives of in with .
If is normal, then double cosets, left cosets, and right cosets are all the same. For , is another irreducible representation of so
if and only if . ∎
Let . Let with . The previous corollary shows that
is reducible if and only if . But
So is irreducible if and only if (which we already knew).
Let be an irreducible representation of with character . Then is a set of double coset representatives for in , where . We have
of elements fixing and .
Moreover, (because elements of are conjugate in if and only if they are conjugate in , so they have the same character!) and so we see
For example, if is the degree 2 irreducible character of , then is still irreducible so the right hand side of this formula gives two. And indeed,
where is one of the irreducible five-dimensional representations of .
Let be a group and let be a subgroup of index two (necessarily normal). Let with . Let be the unique (order two) character with kernel .
Of course, we have in mind the example , .
Suppose that is an irreducible representation of . Then
if , then
for some irreducible representation of with .
if , then
is irreducible, with .
Let have character . By the normal subgroup case of Mackey’s theorem,
It follows that the induction is irreducible if and only if . This gives the second statement, and most of the first (we leave the proof that, in all cases, as an exercise.)
If , then we have for some irreducible characters and of . Restricting to , we have so that extends . But then we have
so that as required. ∎