Modified surgery

Durham topology learning seminar 2021-22

This is the homepage for the topology learning seminar running in Michaelmas term 2021 and Epiphany term 2022. The topic is Matthias Kreck's modified surgery methods, although we may take detours into the more standard surgery method if needed. The primary reference will be Kreck's monograph "An extension of results of Browder, Novikov and Wall about surgery on compact manifolds" but a full list of references can be found below.

The course is aimed at graduate students and postdocs, although anyone is welcome.

The organisers for this seminar are Daniel Galvin and Mark Powell. The talks will be given by Michelle Daher, Daniel Galvin, Csaba Nagy, Mark Powell and Scott Stirling.


The talks will be held on Wednesday from 1600-1700 in MCS2068.




The talks will be typed up and compiled into a set of notes which will be updated as the term progresses.

Link: version last updated July 4th.

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