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The following problem sheets include homework and practise problems, some of which will be covered in the problem classes. Solutions will be provided in due course. Please bring all sheets to the problem classes.

Problems 0 - Polynomial interpolation Handed in Q3 on Thursday 22nd January. solutions
Problems 1 - Piecewise polynomial interpolation Handed in Q10 on Thursday 5th February. solutions (corrected 17-May)
Problems 2 - Minimax approximation Handed in Q24 on Thursday 19th February. solutions
Problems 3 - Trigonometric interpolation Handed in Q31 on Monday 9th March. solutions (corrected 17-May)

Past Papers

If you insist on looking at previous exams, see here. It will be a better idea to revise by going over the lecture notes and doing the problem sheets on this page...