Webpages for Research in Mathematics
General Mathematics
- Conference Listings/Mathematics
- Research seminars
- MathMeetings.net, list for research mathematics conferences, workshops, summer schools
- AMS Mathematics Calendar
- The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®)
- Cut the Knot Interactive Mathematic Miscellany and Puzzles, by Alexander Bogomolny
- Online Mathematics Textbooks list by George Cain
- Research Guides, by University of Michgan Library
- The Erdös Number Project, by Jerry Grossman
- Math Stack Exchange
- MathOverflow
- Mathematics Genealogy Project
- MathWorld from Wolfram
- DLMFNIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
- Mathematics and Areas of Mathematics on Wikipedia
Digital and digitalised publications
- arXiv, Mathematics
- ICM Proceedings 1893-2018 and ICM Videos 1998-2014, maintained by IMU
- EuDML, European Digital Math Library
- World Digital Mathematics Library (WDML), by IMU
- AMS Digital Mathematics Registry
- MathSciNet, AMS Mathematical REviews
- Numdum, the French digital mathematics library, set up by Cellule MathDoc
- DML: Digital Mathematics Library, by Ulf Rehmann (Uni Bielefeld)
- Images des mathématiques, Mathematical research in words and images, CNRS. Articles in French and Spanish (use Google Chrome to translate if needed)
- Quantum: The Magazine of Math and Science
- Books and course notes by J.S.Milne, many topics in many areas
Links by area
Algebraic Geometry
- The Stacks project collaborative project, currently maintained by Aise Johan de Jong
- COW seminar and mailing list
- Calf Seminar, an algebraic geometry seminar group primarily aimed at PhD students
- EAGER European Algebraic Geometry Research Training Network
- Upcoming conferences in algebraic geometry, by Ravi Vakil
- Nottingham Online Algebraic Geometry Seminar
- Miles Reid's page, contains many algebraic geometry links
- THE RISING SEA, Foundations of Algebraic Geometry, by Ravi Vakil
- Graded Ring Database by Gavin Brown and Alexander Kasprzyk
- Fanography, database of smooth Fano 3-folds, by Pieter Belmans
- Fano Varieties and Extremal Laurent Polynomials, collaborative research blog
Algebraic Topology
- Links to websites related to algebraic topology by Donald M. Davis
Analysis of PDEs
- Calculus of Variation and Geometric Measure Theory collaborative website
- The Kantorovich Initiative - optimal transport
- VisualPDE website with real-time interactive web-based simulations, by Benjamin Walker, Adam Townsend, and Andrew Krause
Applied Mathematics (general)
- IACR International Association for Cryptologic Research
- SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematicsociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Category Theory
- Logic Matters by Peter Smith
- nLab collaborative project
- The n-Category Cafe A group blog on math, physics and philosophy [Category Theory]
Classical Analysis and ODEs
- Catalan Numbers by Igor Pak
- Cluster Algebra Portal by Sergey Fomin
- Associahedra and Noncrossing Partitions by Jon McCammond
- Frieze patterns by Anna Felikson
- Combinatorics of polytopes by Anna Felikson
- Squaring the square, by Stuart Anderson
- Encyclopedia of Combinatorial Polytope Sequences..., by Stefan Forcey
- Graph Theory and Combinatorics Bibliographies by Joseph Malkevitch
- Links to Combinatorial Conferences, by Douglas B. West
Commutative Algebra
- commalg.org, the website for the commutative algebra community
Computational Geometry
- Computational Geometry Pages, by by Jeff Erickson
- Geometry in Action, by David Eppstein
Complex Variables
Differential Geometry & Geometric Analysis
Dynamical Systems
- How to get to grip with (slow) chaos? by Corinna Ulcigrai
- Billiards by Anna Felikson
- Mu-Ency - The Encyclopedia of the Mandelbrot Set by Robert Munafo
- Mandelbrot Sequences and Orbits by Stefan Forcey
Functional Analysis
Game Theory
- Fairness and Equity Bibliographies by Joseph Malkevitch
Geometry & Geometric Topology
- The Geometry Junkyard by David Eppstein
- Geometric Topology page on The Geometry Junkyard by David Eppstein
- Curves on surfaces by Anna Felikson
- Apollonian circle packings by Anna Felikson
- Low Dimensional Topology Conferences Low Dimensional Topology Conferences
- Sketches of topology - visualisations of low dimensional topology by Kenneth Baker
- Geometry conferences, listserv
- Cayley Graph Generator Online group visualiser by Jean-Baptiste Bellynck
- Geometry Bibliographies by Joseph Malkevitch
Group Theory
- ATLAS of Finite Group Representations
- Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations, by Fokko Du Cloux, Marc van Leeuewn, Jeff Adams, Annegret Paul, David Vogan
Harmonic Analysis
History and Overview
- MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive by Edmund Robertson and John O'Conne
- The Archimedes Palimpsest The Archimedes Palimpsest
- History of Mathematics by David E. Joyce
- Euclid's Elements illustrated online version by David E. Joyce
- The History of Mathematics by David R. Wilkins
- Mathematics History: AMS Books and Resources
Information Theory
K-Theory and Homology
- Resources for homotopy theory and K-theory
- Floer Homology, by Michael Hutchings
- Directory of links on logic and foundations of mathematics by Sylvain Poirier
Machine learning
- Machine Learning Mastery by Jason Brownlee
- Analytics Vidhya Data Science community
- Network Flows Bibliographies by Joseph Malkevitch
Mathematical Biology
- Mathematical Biology Bibliographies by Joseph Malkevitch
Mathematical Physics
- String Theory Wiki
- Solitons at Work, informal network
Metric Geometry
- Hyperbolic Coxeter Polytopes by Anna Felikson
- Arithmetic Hyperbolic Reflection Groups by Nikolay V. Bogachev
- Geometry by Anna Felikson
- Ptolemy Relation and Friends by Anna Felikson
Number Theory
- Number Theory Web by Keith Matthews
- The L-functions and modular forms database (LMFDB)
- Markov numbers by Anna Felikson
- Continued fractions by Anna Felikson
- Conferences in arithmetic geometry by Kiran Kedlaya
- Conferences in number theory by Johann Birnick
- Motivic stuff Cohomology, homotopy theory, and arithmetic geometry, by Andreas Holmstrom
Numerical Analysis
- Numerical Analysis Digest, a weekly newsletter
Operator Algebras
- Resources for students studying operator algebras by Jesse Peterson
- Operator Algebra Searchable Information Site, OASIS
- Operator Algebra Resources, by N. Christopher Phillips
- Resources for Learning about Graph Algebras, repository
Optimization and Control
- Almost sure blog on probability and stochastic analysis by George Lowther
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the theory and applications of statistics and probability
- Bernoulli Society Mathematical Statistics and Probability
Quantum Algebra
Quantum Computing
- Awesome Quantum Computing, learning and developing resources
- Mini-Library on Quantum Information and Computation, by Xiaodi Wu
- Advice on learning quantum computing, by Aram Harrow
Representation Theory
- FDLIST, website on representation theory of finite dimensional algebras
- Seminars&conferences in Asia and online, by Ryo Kanda
Rings and Algebras
Spectral Theory
- Spectral geometry in the clouds, Intergalactic seminar on spectral theory and geometric analysis
- UK Spectral Theory Network
Statistics Theory
- Variable Selection with Knockoffs, maintained by Matteo Sesia
Symplectic Geometry
- Symplectic geometry page on nLab
Theoretical Computer Science
- CS Theory Events, Aggregator for CS theory workshops and schools, by Shachar Lovett and Sasha Kulikov
- dblp computer science bibliography
- Mathematics Student Resource by Dan Margalit
- A List of Recommended Books in Topology by Allen Hatcher
- The Knot Atlas on wiki
- Knot software, by Lukas Lewark
- Bibliography of Vassiliev Invariants by Dror Bar-Natan and Serhei Duzhin
- Some conferences related to topology, mirror symmetry or symplectic geometry, By Hiro Lee Tanaka
- Topology Atlas founded by Dmitri Shakhmatov and Stephen Watson
- Resources for learning Heegaard Floer homology by Matthew Hedden
- Topology resources by Andy Baker
- Tilings Encyclopedia , nonperiodic substitution tilings, by D. Frettlöh, E. Harriss, F. Gähler
Mathematical Art
- Illustrating Mathematics website for support of a community of mathematical illustrators
- Imaginary, a platform for open and interactive mathematics
- Bridges annual conference, papers arxiv and art exhibitions.
- Mathematical Art by Henry Segerman
- Autologlyphs by Henry Segerman
- Mathematics, Art, Programming, Puzzles by Roice Nelson
- Illustrating Mathematics by Rémi Coulon
- Polyhedra and Art by George W. Hart
- Hyperbolic Geometry Artwork by Paul Nylander, bugman123.com
- Mathematical Imagery by Jos Leys
- 3d-printed_jewellery and The Gems of Hypolytos mathematical jewellery by Herbert Gangle
- I-70 Math Art and Math: Examples, Seminar, publications, links - by Natalia Rozhkovskaya
Some Mathematical blogs
- Visual Insight AMS Blogs
- What's new Terrence Tao's blog
- Gowers's Weblog Tim Gowers's blog
- Not Even Wrong Peter Woit's blog
- Igor Pak's blog Views on life and math, by Igor Pak
- E. Kowalski's blog, Emmanuel Kowalski
Some Mathematical youtube channels
- Numberphile Videos about numbers and mathematics, by Brady Haran (staring various mathematicians)
- 3Blue1Brown by Grant Sanderson
- Mathologer by Burkard Polster
- Henry Segerman Mathematical making: 3D printing, dice, virtual reality, generative art by Henry Segerman
- Stand-up Maths by Matt Parker
- Think Twice Mathematics in motion
- Reducible animating computer science concepts
- PeakMath learning platform for advanced mathematics (with focus on number theory)
- Aleph 0 topology, algebraic geometry, PDEs, differential geometry, number theory,...
On Mathematical Writing
- The Grammar According to West (and the list of links) by Douglas B. West
Please, send suggested links and corrections to Anna Felikson The links are accumulated through a collective effort of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University, with huge help from Sergei Gelfand - and many other individuals. Page prepared with help of Joel Hass
The Association for Mathematical Research is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.