Continued Fractions
Some (mostly on-line) resources
Lecture notes:
Introductory papers:
Some recent results:
- I. Short, M. Walker
Even-integer continued fractions and the Farey tree.
- I. Canakci, R. Schiffler
Snake graphs and continued fractions.
- L. H. Kauffman and S. Lambropoulou
From tangle frections to DNA.
- K. Spalding, A. Veselov,
Conway river and Arnold sail.
- V. Ovsienko,
Partitions of unity in SL(2,Z), negative continued fractions, and dissections of polygons.
- O. Karpenkov,
Continued Fraction approach to Gauss
Reduction Theory.
- O. Karpenkov,
On Hermite's problem, Jacobi-Perron type algorithms, and Dirichlet groups.
More papers:
Some slides: