Ptolemy spaces
Some on-line resources
- I. J. Schoenberg, A Remark on M. M. Day's Characterization of Inner-Product Spaces and a Conjecture of L. M. Blumenthal,.
[A real normed vector space, which is ptolemaic, is an inner product space]
- D.C.Kay, Ptolemaic metric spaces and the characterization of
geodesics by vanishing metric curvature, Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University,.
[A Riemannian locally ptolemaic space is nonpositively curved.]
- D.C.Kay, The Ptolemaic inequality in Hilbert geometries.
[A Hilbert geometry is locally ptolemaic if and only if it is
- T. Foertsch, V. Schroeder, Hyperbolicity, CAT(−1)-spaces and the Ptolemy Inequality.
[All Bourdon and Hamenstaedt metrics on ∂∞Y , where Y is
CAT(−1), generate a Ptolemy space.]
- T. Foertsch, A. Lytchak, V. Schroeder, Non-positive curvature and the Ptolemy inequality.
[A geodesic metric space is CAT(0) if and only if it is ptolemaic and Busemann convex, a ptolemaic proper geodesic metric space is uniquely geodesic.]
- S. Buckley, K. Falk, D. Wraith, Ptolemaic spaces and CAT(0).
[A complete Riemannian manifold is ptolemaic if and only if it is a Hadamard
manifold, a Finsler ptolemaic manifold is Riemannian.]
- S. Buyalo, V. Schroeder, Möbius structures and Ptolemy spaces: boundary at infinity of complex hyperbolic spaces.
[Conjecture that every compact Ptolemy space with
circles and many space inversions is M&"obius equivalent to the boundary
at infinity of a rank one symmetric space of noncompact type.
(proved for the class of complex hyperbolic spaces).]
- V. Adiyasuren, T.S. Batbold, Some Inequalities in Ptolemaic Spaces.
[Several inequalities in Ptolemaic Spaces.]
- A. A. Dovgoshei, E. A. Petrov, Ptolemaic Spaces .
[Extremally non-Ptolemaic metric spaces, four-point pseudometric spaces that are maximally Ptolemaic.]
- R. Miao Hyperbolic Spaces and Ptolemy Möbius Structures, PhD Thesis, Zuerich.
[Studies the relationship between the CAT(κ) spaces and PTκ spaces.]
- Z. Zhang, Y. Xiao, Strongly hyperbolic metrics on Ptolemy spaces.
[The log-metric on the Ptolemy space is a strongly hyperbolic metric.]
- I. Platis, Cross-ratios and the Ptolemaean inequality in boundaries of symmetric spaces of rank 1.
[The Ptolemaean inequality and the Theorem
of Ptolemaeus hold in the setting of the boundary of symmetric Riemannian spaces of rank 1 and of
negative curvature.]
- M. Gomez, F. Memoli, The Four Point Condition: An Elementary Tropicalization of Ptolemy’s Inequality .
[A limit of a family of Ptolemaic inequalities in CAT-spaces.]